Custom client by Taipion (based on Latikais/Enders)

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Re: Custom client by Taipion (based on Latikais/Enders)

Postby Taipion » Sat Mar 02, 2024 10:33 pm


If you want to get your timers on providence back, go to your /Salem/ folder (not the /.salem/ one),
and rename your to and restart the client(s)
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Re: Custom client by Taipion (based on Latikais/Enders)

Postby Taipion » Wed Apr 17, 2024 11:11 pm

Did you hear the whistle harp?!?

Fixed SmartSpace for horses
I probably don't need to say how much of a relief this is! :D

Added ":belt ..." command
to access your action bars,
whereas ... is the number of the button,
use ":debug" to find out the first argument/number,
then use the custom hotkeys to map it as you like

Fixed makeshift scarecrow radius

Fixed TimSort exception in rendering

to work the same as CTRL+F and CTRL+SHIFT+F

Thornbush Alert
You will now hear a sound if a blooming thornbush is nearby!
(actually 3 sounds, of the harp instrument^^)
you can toggle it on/off with ":tbalert"

Thornbush Colour
You can now change the colour of highlighting for blooming
thornbushes to any colour you want, to do so, us the
command ":tbcolour r g b" whereas rgb are values
form 0 to 255 each

Added the Stonetower to "auto doors"

Updated the "list of hotkeys" in the xtended menu

merged from vanilla client:
- Implement basic support for store credit.
- Display store credit.
- Destroy store-window instead of hiding it.

Thanks to:
Kae for suggesting the thornbush alert and getting it approved from marp!

As always, get the update by running the updater.jar of your choice (first post of this thread) or getting the tsalem.jar directly (again, first post / github).

And as always, I'm looking for feedback and ideas of all kinds! Also taking donations to support client development. ^^ Got some? Here's a pretty good place for them. ;)
...or well, just join the discord, it's a much more lively place, at:
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Re: Custom client by Taipion (based on Latikais/Enders)

Postby puplevi » Wed Jun 19, 2024 10:56 pm

Taipion wrote:And as always, I'm looking for feedback and ideas of all kinds!

I was hoping for an option to change the opacity for hit boxes and possibly have them below sprites.

I don't know if this is already a thing and I just can't figure it out, but I was also interested in being able to change the hotkeys for quick-moving my items from one storage to another. For example choosing what shift and what ctrl does.
I noticed the quick-move hotkey didn't work for building signs. I had to scroll my mouse wheel.
Having a similar button pressed on dropped items to pick up all nearby items of the same type also makes sense.

Thank you!
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Re: Custom client by Taipion (based on Latikais/Enders)

Postby Taipion » Sun Jul 07, 2024 3:46 pm

puplevi wrote:
Taipion wrote:And as always, I'm looking for feedback and ideas of all kinds!

I was hoping for an option to change the opacity for hit boxes and possibly have them below sprites.

I don't know if this is already a thing and I just can't figure it out, but I was also interested in being able to change the hotkeys for quick-moving my items from one storage to another. For example choosing what shift and what ctrl does.
I noticed the quick-move hotkey didn't work for building signs. I had to scroll my mouse wheel.
Having a similar button pressed on dropped items to pick up all nearby items of the same type also makes sense.

Thank you!

Thanks for the feedback and suggestions!

First off, I will probably not re-define the usage of CTRL/SHIFT and the like for various reasons.

The hitboxes suggestion is something I might consider if there is popular demand for it.

As for build signs, you can move stuff in and out without scrolling, same for stockbins:
- shift+click puts in one item
- shift+alt+click puts in all items that fit this material
- ctrl+alt+click takes out everything from that spot
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Re: Custom client by Taipion (based on Latikais/Enders)

Postby Taipion » Fri Nov 08, 2024 4:41 pm

Right-Clicking several tools like the loom
or crucible will now automatically bring
up corresponding recipes, partly determined
by what items you have in your inventory.

Example: clicking a crucible with 5 or more
silicate will bring up the glass recipe,
with 25 or more golden eggs the gold bar recipe,
otherwise the golden egg recipe.

Use console command ":roc" to toggle on/off

Leantos are now darker on the minimap if unclaimed
and using a shape instead of an icon for them.

Also: claimed leantos have the colour that you
chose for blooming thornbushes,
to toggle this on/off use console command ":hcl".
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