New player looking for assistance

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New player looking for assistance

Postby Rebel_Tech » Thu Dec 26, 2019 12:35 am


I am a new player, having only ever played for a few weeks a year or two ago. I am looking for someone to teach me the ropes and help me get on my feet. Willing to work at learning and helping any way that I can. Please pm me if you're interested. :)

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Re: New player looking for assistance

Postby Ronch » Thu Dec 26, 2019 7:53 am

Hi Rebel_Tech, welcome back.
The forums here have not and will not be very active until John Carver the game's main Developer gets bailed outta jail. (hopefully soon) ;)

Until then, you will get more and quicker response from players who are willing to help if you join the Salem discord channel and introduce yourself there and or ask for help.

Here is a link: ... 0606663690
I think you will need to request permission from one of the admin there once you arrive, to be able post.
Admin's there =

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Re: New player looking for assistance

Postby Rebel_Tech » Thu Dec 26, 2019 9:08 am

Much appreciated, Ronch.

Hopefully his situation gets resolved, that's awful!

Also, that isn't an invite link, it seems, so I cannot join. :(
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Re: New player looking for assistance

Postby Ronch » Thu Dec 26, 2019 8:33 pm

I'll try to copy n past an invite link today, sorry about that
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Re: New player looking for assistance

Postby Ronch » Thu Dec 26, 2019 8:37 pm

Here is the invite link, I think the link expires in 24 hours.
So if you miss it, just ask here again:

...Also, I was being sarcastic about the "bailed out of jail" thing.
The real reason for our main Developer's prolonged absence here has yet to be explained to we mere Pilgrims. I personally however, believe that he was abducted !
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