Goodbye my Queen or A Tale about fake God and his cowardness

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Goodbye my Queen or A Tale about fake God and his cowardness

Postby BBCHTC » Fri Apr 19, 2019 9:53 pm

Chapter I

I know how hard you been waiting for this post, so as soon as I could.
Well people who are in our discord group already know - Kuku is dead, my squad killed her main character and two her fighters.
All of you know and heard about Kukumbers, about group of a players who were killing and making dramas in past 3 years. We were the best, at one time we were a family. But personal **** happened when one cowardish boy made his "GREAT" return, and everything went into ass... She went way too far with her jokes, memes, insults and provotacions against of me, and that's where our tale comes to an end... Image
(where is your smiles now, huh?) ,

Aaaand her beloved Meth (LOL) was soooo rude before this fight...

I ended up provoking her into a fight after a few taunts and screenshots of my location close to her claim, I wanted to make sure that she could hit me, hit her true friend, who has protected her for 3 years and has always been sincere and loyal to her...
I was disappointed to see those two idiots running at me on the crickets, her main fighter (Fear/Lover/Jova - 1200 blood and yellow/ 350 bb and pglegm) and Methuzelah`s fighter (cheap set and probably 800 biles)
At this point I realized she was serious, but I was ready as I said earlier, two friends of mine stood next to me they were my backup from **** like this, yeah yeah you can say I'm a liar that I wanted just to gank them well, it's your right to believe me or not...the fight was boring and bad, they ran off in a panic as soon as they saw my guys.
At that moment, something has changed in me, I was sad to see the person you love doing this.. I wrote her that I would not forgive her after such a despicable act.
An ss after her attempt to gang bang me after offering a "fair fight 1v1"


A few days after this, i was thinking how to lure her out/ damage her in any way, and I found the solution...
I get into her combat town near Provi, her main figther was neutralized (I took all her combat clothes :P). 30 minutes after this she logged in, and noticed that some **** happened, she got stocked in her own base, so i was waiting nearby with my loyal comrades (MY BOYS) for her new gang with "GORGEUS UNDEFIETABLE FIGHTING GOD IN THE FLESH" in the lead - Methuzelah. And they came. Kuku on her other fighter (500-700 biles wearing kuku's set),"THE FIGHTING BEAST REINING KING OF THE PROVIDENCE" - Methuzelah (something about 700 biles?), Lobos and some poor soul. In the beginning it was me and my "Boyfriend" (As meth claimed in agony when i laughed at him in discord) against of them, so we walked on provi claim to get some support, in a face of my loyal peasant, because fighting 2v4 is not really smart, don't you think my fellow readers? So the support came and the fight has began...
We noticed that kuku was acting strange, too confident, they thought there were only two of us so she decided to provoke us, she went outside Providence claim. She was luring us out, running in circles and stood in a brave heroic pose.

I was waiting for the right moment, when the third friend was about to come I made my move I threw wing at her exactly when she stopped for a second and the battle has began!
They ran in a panic didn't know what to do, a minute later two of them were lying - Marcles (kuku) and Lobos, Meth used watches and ran off in a panic like a true hero (and this is your beloved man, kuku?).

We couldn't wait much longer, so I logged my murder alt. I was thinking that the battle is over and we already won, but I was wrong.. my friend shouted to me, "Watch out! " I saw Kukus fighter, she was desperate.. naked char with lasso in her hands.
Random shots from a lasso did not lead to anything good to her and I decided to attack her solo (since my friends kept in combat two other koed characters). I had to run right into the center of her town, there were holes in the walls, the gates were broken too after my little sabotage.

When I got to the center I noticed Meth was there too, I was inspired after that idiot left his friends so I decided to fight solo against both of them, they did not hit me by any single wing... after I knocked out Kuku I changed my focus to Meth, to be honest, he impressed me - he couldnt even hit or shot me, after the fight my blood was about 95 percent, all this idiot could do is just using his lovely watches and running around their claim. In the moment when i almost got him (he was low hp, because i slapped his sexy canadian ass so bad), my buddy killed Jova/Lover and noticed Kuku by itself running into the fight, so i let his coward ass to runaway aaaaand i contested kuku, when Jova's/Lover's body was delivered in safe place, my "BOYFRIEND" joined me in a battle against kuku, and guess what, my fellow salemites, how you think where meth were? Do you think he helped her? Do you think he even tried to do something? Oh heeell noo, he's gone... So kuku was in hell of a panic, was lifting chest, we got her in "sandwich" when she got stock in her own chest mess, we drained like a 700-1000 blood, somehow her sweaty body slipped trough the chests and she managed to escape... Poor girl, there is no escape from the best duo on planet Earth, we're like Daft Punk, like a ***** Beatles... We were following her for like a minute or so, winged her, three of us took her in a cirlce and she fell in dirt with all her greatness and everything else what you guys love or hate in her. We killed her immidietly, she died like a warrior, she had a balls (Meth, balls is a thing which you will never see between you legs).


I warned you...
It was pleasure to play with you in one team for 3 years, we had great stories, dramas, we had tons of fun, we made a history together.
Goodbye kuku. Goodbye my Queen. Goodbye my teacher, my mentor, my great friend. Goodbye my love.

P.S no comments...

Chapter II
Last edited by BBCHTC on Fri Apr 19, 2019 10:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Goodbye my Queen or A Tale about fake God and his coward

Postby Heffernan » Fri Apr 19, 2019 9:54 pm

Good Night my Sweet Princess


also i logged in and saw Kuku at her town South prov throwing **** on the floor


so i came and finished off some last of her characters



there wasnt much loot on her town south prov but i got most before she trashed the junk


this is all of kukus keys btw lol

Last edited by Heffernan on Fri Apr 19, 2019 10:03 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Goodbye my Queen or A Tale about fake God and his coward

Postby CuDi » Fri Apr 19, 2019 9:57 pm

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Re: Goodbye my Queen or A Tale about fake God and his coward

Postby CuDi » Fri Apr 19, 2019 10:07 pm

Heffernan wrote:Good Night my Sweet Princess


also i logged in and saw Kuku at her town South prov throwing **** on the floor


so i came and finished off some last of her characters



there wasnt much loot on her town south prov but i got most before she trashed the junk


this is all of kukus keys btw lol


Yeaaaa i got some from her too:
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Re: Goodbye my Queen or A Tale about fake God and his coward

Postby Taipion » Fri Apr 19, 2019 10:14 pm

How the hell is her scalp only 19k?!

Well, that is all sad in some way, and some good drama in another,
I guess that is after all, what Salem is all about.

Well fought everyone, except meth ofc. ^^
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Re: Goodbye my Queen or A Tale about fake God and his coward

Postby Heffernan » Fri Apr 19, 2019 10:18 pm

Taipion wrote:How the hell is her scalp only 19k?!

Well, that is all sad in some way, and some good drama in another,
I guess that is after all, what Salem is all about.

Well fought everyone, except meth ofc. ^^

i remember i once died on a 10k char and had only 5-6k or something or was it someone else? afaik i remember there can be a bug were ur scalp score is halved.
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Re: Goodbye my Queen or A Tale about fake God and his coward

Postby Taipion » Fri Apr 19, 2019 10:34 pm

Heffernan wrote:
Taipion wrote:How the hell is her scalp only 19k?!

Well, that is all sad in some way, and some good drama in another,
I guess that is after all, what Salem is all about.

Well fought everyone, except meth ofc. ^^

i remember i once died on a 10k char and had only 5-6k or something or was it someone else? afaik i remember there can be a bug were ur scalp score is halved.

I've never heard of that bug before...
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Re: Goodbye my Queen or A Tale about fake God and his coward

Postby Rifmaster » Fri Apr 19, 2019 11:49 pm

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Re: Goodbye my Queen or A Tale about fake God and his coward

Postby ampdiadem » Sat Apr 20, 2019 12:24 am

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Re: Goodbye my Queen or A Tale about fake God and his coward

Postby TheDuke86 » Sat Apr 20, 2019 12:29 am

Good read, tbh I thought her scalp score was going to be much higher. So does that mean she’s done with Salem? Sounds like she lost everything.
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