The State of Salem

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Re: The State of Salem

Postby AngelOfSilence » Sun Sep 16, 2018 10:41 am

all you had to do is just ***** kill kuku lol smh
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Re: The State of Salem

Postby Judaism » Mon Sep 17, 2018 11:20 am

Ronch wrote:The way I spend my time currently in Salem isn't so much of a grind as it is boring, that boredom weighed down additionally by the total lack of communication from the Dev team lately has pushed me to begin looking at playing another similar game.

Lol that took a quick turn of event, a few months ago you were still saying how great this game was, how gladly you spend your money and how so many things were not broken.

Simply not realising that we had been in the same boat for many years.

Anyhow, I don't see how they are going to fix a game which has lost its player-base so drastically. A lot of people were still in denial about the actual remaining player-base but it seriously far worse of than it ever was sadly.
Fixing raiding would not bring back anything, fixing PvP would not result in very much either due to the fact that very few people participate in those things seriously. Therefore it would only cater to a very few people. The players like Taipon would get raided within a few hours and he would rage-quit.

There is not a healthy influx of new players, the game is too old and harsh for new people to ever get into the game. (Freezing/Diseases) and all the other crap added by the current dev-team.
The bases are too large, the server has been going for a very long time by now. People are out of things to achieve, there is no PvE content or rewards, nor dungeons or challenges or whatsoever. No conquests. events or whatsoever to encourage fights, gathering or other endeavours Most rares relate to clothes, there are no other means to skill up and you are forced to do everything your own or rely upon a village/people to do so. The market is dead, so supply and demand do not match.

Your base progression is mainly based towards adding more and the same defensive layers while not having any danger of getting raided, your characters are pointlessly billing and skilling up, while most of them just suicide or quit.

Quite a lot of things to be fixed and ever since the takeover from MM, they have been unable to really provide good and deep content. The expedition had laughable raid-settings and objective-wise it was dull and RNG based.

I mean they attempted to add more end-game skills and objectives and they had many decent intentions and plans but we are waiting numerous years on most of them by now. In all honesty the total ''serious'' dev-time is also only just a fraction of all the years. (most focused straight after take-over)
JohnCarver wrote:Mortal Moments Inc. is not here to cannibalize the community or piece out the code. We are not here because we wish to institute pay to win models or PvE servers. Quite the contrary.
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Re: The State of Salem

Postby Heffernan » Mon Sep 17, 2018 11:41 am

the biggest problem right now is the devs activity time

when i started 2014 John Carver used to log in EVERY DAY multiple times for months and thats not even a lie he slotted random stuff like indian arrowheads for new players, spawned mounts so people could hunt for savage charms and held large events like the Baking Contest with 100+ players attending

now he cant even be bothered to login once in 7 months...
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Re: The State of Salem

Postby Taipion » Mon Sep 17, 2018 12:34 pm


Juda so salty... as always...
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Re: The State of Salem

Postby Judaism » Mon Sep 17, 2018 1:16 pm

Heffernan wrote:the biggest problem right now is the devs activity time

when i started 2014 John Carver used to log in EVERY DAY multiple times for months and thats not even a lie he slotted random stuff like indian arrowheads for new players, spawned mounts so people could hunt for savage charms and held large events like the Baking Contest with 100+ players attending

now he cant even be bothered to login once in 7 months...

Hows that gonna bring back people who have long quit. Even active devs right now would barely influence the player-base. Besides, if all they do is add a few more recipes/skills and other meaningless content which does not solve any of the big issues this game has.

I recently gave up on my main base's upkeep and let someone else salvage it. Not because I could not keep the upkeep up for another year but because I simply could not care anymore about Salem. My kin list is always empty all the times when I log in the game. No friends, no enemies, no nothing.

So I figure that pretty much no-1 currently still has a base to fall back to and convincing them to restart the game is far-fetched after years.
JohnCarver wrote:Mortal Moments Inc. is not here to cannibalize the community or piece out the code. We are not here because we wish to institute pay to win models or PvE servers. Quite the contrary.
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Re: The State of Salem

Postby Memento » Mon Sep 17, 2018 3:11 pm

So what Heff is really saying is that Darworth was right. #Devabuse
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Re: The State of Salem

Postby TheDuke86 » Mon Sep 17, 2018 6:18 pm

There are close to 7billion people on earth. People are replaceable, so no matter how “important” a player may think he is can easily be replaced. Some people, such as yourself Juda, darwoth and the ****** brothers are harmful for the player base. Your absence would be beneficial.

Doom and gloom is always ***** about around this time, than JC shows up around winter and all the roaches like juda and the rest of the rage hards will show up and ***** and complain and yet dedicate 16hrs a day to this game.
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Re: The State of Salem

Postby Judaism » Mon Sep 17, 2018 7:32 pm

TheDuke86 wrote:There are close to 7billion people on earth. People are replaceable, so no matter how “important” a player may think he is can easily be replaced. Some people, such as yourself Juda, darwoth and the ****** brothers are harmful for the player base. Your absence would be beneficial.

Doom and gloom is always ***** about around this time, than JC shows up around winter and all the roaches like juda and the rest of the rage hards will show up and ***** and complain and yet dedicate 16hrs a day to this game.

Well sad to say it but no-1 come any close in replacing us or Darwoth. Instead it became a waste-land and that would still be the case with a significant larger population. Obviously everyone is replaceable but I have done very little other than that attempting to crate drama to keep this game dynamic and interesting.

Yes I have been skeptical since the start of take-over on many changes and the direction this game took and I am not saying it could had prevented the current situation but you'll never know what it might had been if it opted to balance out raiding and based upon conflict as it used to be.

That is also the reason why my base (which I removed recently) had not changed for more than 1 hour of work since 2015. My characters are still nearly the same biles they were since 2015 (complete useless in the current meta) and other than the most recent expedition my time-investment into this game has been very limited.

I do not support, nor will I ever support a fair chunk of the changes they have implemented and I will remain to argue about them and bring it up repeatedly. We are only recently are in a state where there is a large disapproval regarding a lot of those changes. (Heffernan now is against many of the things I had been against ever since implementation, before he was in favor of a lot of those things). It has to be made painfully obvious since the current dev-team remains up until today absolutely unwilling to balance or change anything regarding PvP and Raiding which had always been a massive core aspect of the game.

Donuting Tbc's (utilizing during pvp) /Tbf's, TBF'S, consumeables & mountables during PvP, lasso bug, boat bugs, raiding, passive punishments, diseases, flawed defense bypasses, raiding bugs, abusing claim stones, dead towns and soo god damn many more bugs/glitches and other bullcrap which has been unsolved since at least 2015 and they have always been fully aware of them.

They changed the crit bug during the expedition because we had our group wipe out three times on Concord within a few days but that is one of the few bugs they actually fixed.
JohnCarver wrote:Mortal Moments Inc. is not here to cannibalize the community or piece out the code. We are not here because we wish to institute pay to win models or PvE servers. Quite the contrary.
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Re: The State of Salem

Postby Ronch » Mon Sep 17, 2018 8:28 pm

ZoddAlmighty wrote:Not even a year and you already are quitting salem? And for what? Pretty much the same reasons i stated.
Man, this is priceless.

There you go again in your constant efforts to attach yourself to what someone else says or does, like a weak-minded follower will always do.

Zodd, I was brought up to not title or suppose that one of my fellow creatures is irredeemably stupid, but you come extremely close to being that.
I've not quit the game, just gone into maintenance mode until the Dev team starts interacting with the community again.
And or they begin investing their time toward the game's development once again.
...Until then, I wont be spending any more of my cash on the game, nor offering any feedback towards it's game-play or future development.
But, only because the game doesn't currently look like a good cash or time sink for me.
My earlier posted goodbye song by SuperTramp was a goodbye to the community, not the game. (the game is fricken awesome!)

What Heff has posted here so far about the Dev team is right on track IMO.

Look dummy,
I don't have any issues with the game nor with it's development, it is an awesome fun fricken game to play, period.
And, Carver is a creative genius, but that doesn't mean he's flawless, ya idiot.
...It's only the current neglect and absenteeism of the Dev team, and their current non-existent communication that has moved me to stop actively playing Salem.

You and Juda both now attaching your thoughts about the game and the reasons you both quit playing it, attaching it to my thoughts and opinions here is flattering but totally misplaced, you're both kinda stupid, and you both cry way to much too.
Reviresco wrote:I log into this game and have fun.
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Re: The State of Salem

Postby ZoddAlmighty » Mon Sep 17, 2018 9:10 pm

Ronch wrote:Im retarded

Yes Ronch. We know.
I dont not see the need to write an ellaborate essay as an response because you wont read anything.
You never do because you are a dumb **** that can only see as far as i can take a piss. I should really stop complementing you, it might go to your head.
Last time i said anything was regarding dev team who is ruining the game. In hindsight, other people and me were 100% right. You, as a little follower that you are, were defending them to your last breath! Oh, great and mighty JC, let me give you money and stroke your virtual **** in absence!
Man, you trully are pathetic. Why dont you just admit that the game dissapointed you and that you were wrong to put so much faith in developers? I guess you could do that. But you wouldnt be called Ronch then right?
Out of last 15 years on internet and different forums you and some other guy from WOW who argued me on difference between probability and posibility are by far the most retarded people ive met.
And i ***** worked with disabled kids man. Can you comprehend how much i despise pretentius turd like yourself?
Just, get a ***** life. Admit your wrongs, grow as a person. Stop STALKING people from game to game and STOP being a kiss ass.
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