Tree Diseases

Forum for suggesting changes to Salem.

How many tiles should Tree Disease Spread?

2 so I can still make woods in my base.
3 so I can have a pot or beehive next to them and still squeeze by
4 so that orchards are spread out and fruit is more valuable.
5 because board piles spacing is how the cool kids do it.
6-8 because bases should be for infastructure and trees should be speckled about like town border stones.
10+ because I want to watch the world burn.
Total votes : 125

Re: Tree Diseases

Postby Darwoth » Fri Mar 02, 2018 9:24 am

:lol: :lol: :lol:

why nothing at all of course, like always.
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Re: Tree Diseases

Postby Chrumps » Fri Mar 02, 2018 11:03 am

Darwoth wrote:grapejuice which is made in the same manner that oil is thus the same for everyone botting or not? did you have an actual valid point of any kind or are you just making noise for the sake of doing so?

Actually making oil/grape juice can be botted and that will squarely fit my definition of proper botting despite being quite simple. Also, that kind of botting can be easily made not distinguishable from normal use. And again this botting issue can be easily solved by increasing press capacity to 100 liters which would remove tedium related to removing oil and clicking 'press' again and again.

Also, if I was to bot anything related to making berry jubilee or any other fruit food, I would bot walking between trees/bushes and collecting fruits/berries. The distiller plugin is a non-issue in that context.
And once again, adding a mechanics that would make trees and bushes grow larger over time and provide more fruits if given sufficient space around would help mitigate botting in that case.

an apple orchard designed for 'botting' IRL :P

Perhaps you should learn some technology. Screwing light bulbs is a good start.
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Re: Tree Diseases

Postby JohnCarver » Fri Mar 02, 2018 11:25 am

A little server data to share:

This week

1,211 Cabbage Crush Salads were consumed in Gluttony on Providence.
1,298 Berry Salads were consumed in Gluttony on providence
16,676 Berry Jubilees were consumed in Gluttony on Providence (Fruit Food)
17,162 Bajgiels were consumed in Gluttony on Providence
22,894 Sweet Jerky (Fruit Food) were consume in Gluttony on Providence

So its quite obvious that the Fruit Foods and Bajgiels are dominating the Gluttony space. But somebody smarter than me explain if I should be worried that Berry Jubilees are 'contending' with Bajgiels and Sweet Jerky's at the moment? Because it would seem that even with the perceived ability to make cheap berry juice the majority of players are still opting to go with other recipes?
ceedat wrote:the overwhelming frustration of these forums and the unnecessarily over complicated game mechanics is what i enjoy about this game most.

Nsuidara wrote:it is a strange and difficult game in no positive way
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Re: Tree Diseases

Postby lachlaan » Fri Mar 02, 2018 11:39 am

Hypothetically it'd be nice to check in what sort of sessions each ingredient was consumed. Like a distribution of foods within a session. Either way i've done fruit foods only during the time of soulcrushing manual be keeping. It's not too hard if you set it up right but i can see how any easier alternative would be preferred.

Imo you need to stop doing stuff to spite people that opose you and take a more mathematical and logical approach to big systems.

Making 1000 generic fruit food takes (a) amount of work setting up trees, (b) amount of work to pick fruit and store it, (c) amount of work to get other ingredients and (d) amount of work to mix and glutt efficiently with restores.

For sweet jerky it takes getting clay for skeps, takes extensive maintenance and such. If you varied the availability of fruit one way, you could easily balance it all the opposite way instead of ruin trees. Just as long as it's balanced vs other foods, the old status quo and the threshold of rl insanity. Rarely surviving trees are fine if trees produce craptons if they survive and like someone said if farming purity becomes quicker. If we have too much food you could've also made food take more fruit per recipe. If one secondary ingredient is too easy to make could just as well up the requirement for that. Torching a mechanic (which is what we can only speculate might happen) seems the most laborious way to fix a simple problem like 2muchFr00t.
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Re: Tree Diseases

Postby Chrumps » Fri Mar 02, 2018 12:00 pm

Could you throw in data on Fruity Salad ? (
I suspect most of last week production was mine :P.
Berry salad is a berry foodgroup beginner food which cannot compete with bajgiels.

Also, which kind of bajgiels exactly was dominant in that amount ? Betting for spore one with berry one significantly behind.

I think salvaging helped somewhat in encouraging honey-based recipes. But IMHO remaking beeskeps every couple weeks still sucks. *) standard YMMV disclaimer here.

Aside of many already pointed out reasons why people use certain recipes, the less obvious reason is that some recipes require deeper understanding of the mechanics and wiki does not give easy numbers on these recipes. Which I am OK with :P.
Last edited by Chrumps on Fri Mar 02, 2018 12:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tree Diseases

Postby Kandarim » Fri Mar 02, 2018 12:35 pm

One of the biggest take aways I see here is that bajgiels are still up so high despite being so so so frustrating to make (tons of manual clicking + waiting for the boiling, and more of the same for baking the bajgiels - not to mention the bajgiel toppings). If they are still up so high, what is wrong with the other recipes? I for one mainly gluttong bajgiels simply because, despite the grind for making them, all the ingredients are easy to acquire whenever I need them (tons of pots that just need a day and a half to turn for a full session) AND do not spoil/are easy to store (compared to the fruit, that is) because, thank god, mushibags.
I have neither the crayons nor the time to explain it to you.
JC wrote:I'm not fully committed to being wrong on that yet.
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Re: Tree Diseases

Postby Darwoth » Fri Mar 02, 2018 2:57 pm

JohnCarver wrote:A little server data to share:

This week

1,211 Cabbage Crush Salads were consumed in Gluttony on Providence.
1,298 Berry Salads were consumed in Gluttony on providence
16,676 Berry Jubilees were consumed in Gluttony on Providence (Fruit Food)
17,162 Bajgiels were consumed in Gluttony on Providence
22,894 Sweet Jerky (Fruit Food) were consume in Gluttony on Providence

So its quite obvious that the Fruit Foods and Bajgiels are dominating the Gluttony space. But somebody smarter than me explain if I should be worried that Berry Jubilees are 'contending' with Bajgiels and Sweet Jerky's at the moment? Because it would seem that even with the perceived ability to make cheap berry juice the majority of players are still opting to go with other recipes?

yeah to bad those "stats" you you love to muddy the waters with mean jack **** like usual. yeah, no **** "fruit is dominating" days after the everbloom that you make nearly every tree spawn fruit instead of the roughly 20 - 30% it was before :lol: :lol: :lol:

this nonsense is so typical and is just like all the times in the past where you quote "crimes" to "prove" all the "action" and fail to mention the majority are trespass/snoop scents where hundreds are sometimes left for a handful of stolen items. or you wait until directly after a large raid/some other special circumstance to announce these "stats" (the whole "lies and statistics" thing, after all it is a saying for a reason) this has been the trend since you bought the game as the first thing you did on acquiring it was to eliminate the online player count in favor of a "hurrrr, this many accounts logged in recently thats the "real" number.

yeah, well no. not at all, not ever :lol:

if i quit tomorrow roughly 30 of those "weekly logged in accounts" would go away. over 15 were made just for concord alone in order to not clutter up the other ones with a bunch of characters and scouts i cant delete because popham is down.

its all ***** misdirection and deception and has been since the start. i really resent being constantly lied to. for all their faults jorb and loftar may be retarded in their game design in many ways, but at least they understood how to be mostly BS free instead of attempting to spin...... EVERYTHING :lol:

as to the gluttony stats if thats all the gluttony activity then those numbers are actually quite sad and reflect the very poor state of the games current health.

approximately 12,000 (maybe up to 14000, had 10 alts full and 30+ sheds made before i used it) of the honey recipe was mine since i actually picked my orchard (and a second + part of a third one at secondary bases, ran out of time) this last season for the first time in 8 months or more since i had a large barrel of honey already and i knew you would do something retarded to fruit the second you started playing with the bloom rate.

any food that helps avoid or to minimize the unenjoyable timesinks (like virtually everything you have done to any of the core systems, especially gluttony) will be the ones most used. what else do you expect? the gluttony system makes no sense and is not remotely fun to anyone that has anything else of substance to do. it is a ***** disaster that seems to follow a random pattern of whatever you woke up and ate for the past 3 years and felt like throwing in the game with little or no thought given beyond that.

this general issue is not a new problem since it has been being pointd out by myself and many others since before paymaster paul quit when everyone was using huge numbers of smoked meat with its comparably horrible return because spamming smokers and thousands of meat cuts and hundreds of animals was the..... "easiest" way to put together a session :lol:

the second one method is ruined the next most spammable least annoying thing to make will become the new favorite and that will become the new primary food with the others remaining ignored. absolutely nobody i have spoke to in the past several years enjoys your 3000 different food recipes and 200 food groups. it is stupid, needless pointless bloat. it is filler material to put in a patch notes. there is nothing "fun" about needing to make a thousand pieces of food for an end game gluttony sessions as it is, there is certainly nothing "fun" about collecting a half dozen random ingredients for each, cooking it, needing to make numerous dozens of different recipes (your goal) and to top it all off it takes longer to make something in the game than it does in the real world.

yeah, "fun" right? must be why the games pop is less than 10% what it was during primetime from a few years ago.

just like every other time you "come back" after ignoring the game for months to years on end you once again dont know **** about the flow rate of the game or how people adapted to actually play it after your previous round of violent sodomy foisted on the playerbase. you have no concept of the time investments the playerbase put into x or y mechanic *nor any respect for those players or time investments) and then start screwing with **** in a completely uninformed kneejerk reaction as usual. i can not remember a single time that this routine has not broken **** MORE (all dozen of us that are left are still waiting for all those "big improvements" in pvp from 2015 that were "just around the corner" and was the "reason" for completely gutting the game btw, same can be said for many things that are still half done from years ago)

at the end of the day you are just putting more grind in to keep the hamsters chasing the cheese a little longer. everyone is tired of running on the wheel after the cheese and has been for years, the only person who does not realize that is you.
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Re: Tree Diseases

Postby Darwoth » Fri Mar 02, 2018 3:47 pm

also, as an aside since i am not in favor with the high school dramaqueen club this week and am now being "warned" for the mortal sin of "double posting" (like this one!) this will be the absolute last time i post in any public section on these forums.

the playerbase here is a joke and has been since virtually evey worthy opponent quit in 2015. none of you left are worth a remote **** which is why you have all been united against me for 5 years and still lose in spite of the constant blatant abuse from marp deleting my vendors, killing my **** and restoring yours between redesigning all the weakness out of entire bases of the primary antagonist zerg faction on the server along with all the corrupt ***** happening on concord.

i am not only tired of said rampant developer corruption from marp that has persisted since the day he was given dev powers that you admit to, complain over yourself and yet do nothing about except change the subject and most of all i am quite tired of being called a liar or downplayed via deceit when i raise note on the background of the stupid **** you are doing by the very same individual who has spent (hundreds of) hours asking/discussing with me directly for input and gotten much of his inspiration on new mechanics or how to tweak them to not suck from myself.

and then after all of the back and forth in these various exchanges when you are wrong as usual and refuse to accept it hindsight always happily demonstrates over and over again that i was right. this is a waste of time and effort that you and the playerbase (who completely unknown to them would have a far ***** gameplay experience were it not for my blunt protests) quite frankly do not deserve from me. so, signing off. on the final docket of derpitude i vote for ebola trees and humus having a 99% chance to destroy the humus bin spewing it all over the ground.
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Re: Tree Diseases

Postby Qiresea » Fri Mar 02, 2018 4:22 pm

this game has a lot (too many) mechanics that feel like "work" rather than "fun" and a lot of people (including myself) have stopped playing because of that. nobody wants to HAVE to login just to take care of the bees and the turkeys. fruit trees are one of the few positive things left in the game. if tree disease is introduced, all current orchards will be heavily destroyed. i agree with darwoth that this shows lack of respect for the time investment of the playerbase. i think it would be best if the devs created polls of the type "do you want tree disease to be implemented" rather than "will it be 2 tiles or 5 tiles" etc. but maybe it is already too late for that, judging from the "burn to hell" message this poll gives, i dont think there are many serious players left on the forum.
Darwoth wrote:It really is not fair that every time you try to jab at me you make yourself look more retarded than any retort i could come up with.

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Re: Tree Diseases

Postby FulKain » Fri Mar 02, 2018 5:31 pm

Many players have spent a lot of time to construct their base by respecting all the rules of the game. And now the rules change...
There should be a limit to how much the rules are changed, especially if the changes affect basic mechanics.
I agree with Darwoth and Qiresea.
Qiresea wrote:when a turkey explodes from overfeeding, it will damage all walls within a 50-tile radius to 100% (crumble and burn, baby)

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