Patch 2.2.4 Witch way? This Way!

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Re: Patch 2.2.4 Witch way? This Way!

Postby Ronch » Wed Jan 31, 2018 12:40 am

Adelewhy wrote:Can we PLEASE have the ability to flog players that badger you into making drastic changes because they won't shut the hell up about what they dislike??? When you make a change due to being badgered over something (which chat removal will now be in honor of Ronch), you could have an event where you summon that person into town and have them tied to a wagon wheel. All those outraged could flock to town and flog the biles out of the character. You'll get to enjoy the screams of the flogged person and the angry tears of the mob as they beat the trouble maker.... so it's a win win for you.. Just a suggestion...

Here I have a few suggestions too, but they are for you personally:

Why ask JC to implement something like having someone other than yourself tie a player up, when there are already existing features in the game to a catch and tie a player up ?

Why ask JC to be able to summon me at your convenience "all tied up" when you could just meet me in town and trade me a world-survey-map to your homestead or base ?
...Just do that, and I'll meet you at your base or homestead quickly, bringing with me a lasso, some rope, and my highest humor character.
Giving you yourself the opportunity to do all of these thing that you are to cowardly to do with out someone else tying someone up for you first.

Or, why not just make a handsome public silver offer for a map to my location, there are at least three old and established players who already know where my homestead is, possibly even five players now.
...I already know why though, my questions are just rhetorical to reveal how much of an anonymous coward you are, and a needy one at that; asking for new features to be implemented just because you are to cowardly to use the already existing features in the game that will give you the same chance at your desired result(s).

BTW, my badgering as you call it, is also commonly called tenacity.
Yep, I have tenacity to stand up and be counted when or if I am 80% or more sure that the position I stand on is right or correct.
...The only recent changes to this game that my tenacity has contributed toward was thermal tweaks to the game, possibly tweaks to the bee stings too, and even a bee-suit-hat !
And, may have also helped to quicken the implementation of hypothermia to characters who enter water on foot during cold snaps.
...I've also kept one player from giving up and quitting the game here on your forums too.
...I've brought at least three game-friends from Steam to Salem to start playing, possibly four friends if she can sort out the laptop controls in this game.
I have done all of this in less than a month.

Meaning, your feeble attempt to hide your insecure feelings of jealousy by wrapping them in a sarcastic request to implement something new to the game when already existing features in the game will suffice to accomplish your end goal (tying a player up for you)
..It is obviously because you are an anonymity seeking coward, and want the game to cater to your cowardice.
Last edited by Ronch on Wed Jan 31, 2018 1:49 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Patch 2.2.4 Witch way? This Way!

Postby Adelewhy » Wed Jan 31, 2018 1:09 am

Ronch wrote:blah blah blah

I like convenience. :lol:
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Re: Patch 2.2.4 Witch way? This Way!

Postby gustavohvg » Wed Jan 31, 2018 2:16 am

Aduah wrote:Communication outside of the game was not abundant. Players managed to organize most of their **** with their guilds inside that game.

Yes it was abundant since UO:T2A (the second verison of UO and the first I played). People did use mIRC to chat and then ICQ.

But you're all comparing 2 critically different games. UO 1) didn't had permadeath, 2) had a very safe base (house) system if you took little precautions, and 3) didn't need 50h of game play grinding wood and metals to have a reasonable infra-structure

More then 70% of the people that I do talk, who LIKES the dangerous/witchy/warned mood of the game, WON'T LIKE to spend even more clicks and more time mining, cutting trees (and so on) if they have to open another screen to see the messages etc. Some other more active actions, like foraging, would be even more difficult to handle well using 2 windows.
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Re: Patch 2.2.4 Witch way? This Way!

Postby Taipion » Wed Jan 31, 2018 2:33 am

Just one thing I am not sure if I read it right...

"being on a kin list" means memorized or actually kinned?
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Re: Patch 2.2.4 Witch way? This Way!

Postby gorniksam » Wed Jan 31, 2018 2:46 am

Taipion wrote:Just one thing I am not sure if I read it right...

"being on a kin list" means memorized or actually kinned?

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Re: Patch 2.2.4 Witch way? This Way!

Postby Dallane » Wed Jan 31, 2018 2:53 am

Taipion wrote:Just one thing I am not sure if I read it right...

"being on a kin list" means memorized or actually kinned?

Reading it like that I would think it means both but that would be kinda rought. I hope that the final product would be actually kinned
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Re: Patch 2.2.4 Witch way? This Way!

Postby TotalyMeow » Wed Jan 31, 2018 3:52 am

Ronch wrote:...Your off-the-cuff idea of curses-via-kinship isn't even intriguing. There are much simpler, and much more effective approaches, approaches that do not have such unwanted-far-reaching negative affects on player-interactions with one another in this game.

Do tell. I mean, you've spent several pages arguing that you don't like a witch to be able to curse off the kin list, but you have listed none of these beautiful ideas you claim to be hoarding to yourself. Of course, you have no idea how the new witchcraft system is going to work, so I wonder how you know that this idea is bad and your mystery ideas so much better.

I feel like every single patch, especially the ones where we try to warn all of you of things ahead of time so you can be prepared is met with nothing but whining and vitriol. There's no pleasing you, and yet you also have no idea how to fix it most of the time. Calls for alternatives rarely result in any suggestions at all, unless those suggestions amount to getting closer to pressing a button to get a fully skilled titan and a big firework that says "You Win!".
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Re: Patch 2.2.4 Witch way? This Way!

Postby Darwoth » Wed Jan 31, 2018 4:26 am

gustavohvg wrote:
Yes it was abundant since UO:T2A (the second verison of UO and the first I played). People did use mIRC to chat and then ICQ.

But you're all comparing 2 critically different games. UO 1) didn't had permadeath, 2) had a very safe base (house) system if you took little precautions, and 3) didn't need 50h of game play grinding wood and metals to have a reasonable infra-structure

not really trammie.

the t2a and renaissance **** your referencing is all crap that came after UO was ruined by carebear changes and the pve mirror world trammel was added for the gimps.

1> i looted many dozens of houses, stole towers and keeps etc. in the real version of the game getting someones key meant you now owned their house and everything they had. there also did not used to be the ***** "lockdown" system as that also came later, nor was there automatic revealing of stealthed characters within your own house as that also came later.

2> on anything but a brand new server it took a lot more than "50 hours" to get "infrastructure" since all the house spots were taken within the first month and a half of any new server and even a 20k small house had its value inflated to several hundred grand as a result and you needed one to train characters/macro in unless you wanted to get smoked in town and lose all your regs.

3> UO had something very close to permadeath (but only for pks, which was pathetically ridiculous) since in the old days getting GM to a skill like magery or resists was a massive grind that required obscene amounts of gold for the regs and a month or more of 24/7 macroing to cap out. after all that once you had five murders/turned red and got killed you were completely ***** on your stats if you ressed before waiting off all of your murder counts by staying logged in as a ghost, which was a many month process for anyone that wasnt **** at pvp so most people just rerolled a new character if they got killed because it was faster than waiting for their ghost to wait its counts off. this carebear change was one of the first major controversies in UO and the reason everyone that didnt suck ass switched to siege perilous.

salem could learn much from UO, the real version that apparently very few people recall.
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Re: Patch 2.2.4 Witch way? This Way!

Postby Aduah » Wed Jan 31, 2018 5:17 am

Darwoth wrote:
salem could learn much from UO, the real version that apparently very few people recall.

A lot of games could, I played from the time that game opened till... well, for many years and then intermittently over the years.

gustavohvg wrote:
Yes it was abundant since UO:T2A (the second verison of UO and the first I played). People did use mIRC to chat and then ICQ.

But you're all comparing 2 critically different games. UO 1) didn't had permadeath, 2) had a very safe base (house) system if you took little precautions, and 3) didn't need 50h of game play grinding wood and metals to have a reasonable infra-structure

My point was, that communication in game was much more challenging in UO than currently is or even proposed to be in this game. It was MUCH HARDER to communicate with players outside of a game 20 years ago. So having a harder time communicating in this game wont kill you.

I wasn't going to go into the system of UO since I didn't want to derail the topic, but as darworth pointed out above. There were things in place that made it harder if you wanted to play a PK. If you were red you couldn't go into town at all, and were killed on sight if someone called the guards. As far as the other things you mention gustov, well UO was by no means an easy game. you still had to grind your skills up to get mats, and make things. You also had a chance to fail when making things, and lose mats and uses on your tools. Trust me, I spent 100s and 100s of hours grinding to make a good character. and as darworth said, good f'ing luck finding any place to place a house on most servers.


I hope JC and the team build however they see fit. If people dont like the changes that are made well, they have the choice to stop playing the game. Thats really your only form of protest. If you dont like it, feel free to walk away with your money and time. I just dont understand the people who are so self-important that they think they have the right to call the developers names and try to bully them. Go make your own ideal game. If you can't, well its not the fault of the developers of this game.
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Re: Patch 2.2.4 Witch way? This Way!

Postby Ronch » Wed Jan 31, 2018 6:33 am

TotalyMeow wrote:Do tell. I mean, you've spent several pages arguing that you don't like a witch to be able to curse off the kin list, but you have listed none of these beautiful ideas you claim to be hoarding to yourself. Of course, you have no idea how the new witchcraft system is going to work, so I wonder how you know that this idea is bad and your mystery ideas so much better.

I feel like every single patch, especially the ones where we try to warn all of you of things ahead of time so you can be prepared is met with nothing but whining and vitriol. There's no pleasing you, and yet you also have no idea how to fix it most of the time. Calls for alternatives rarely result in any suggestions at all, unless those suggestions amount to getting closer to pressing a button to get a fully skilled titan and a big firework that says "You Win!".

I am not a Developer so I cannot weight how much work it would be to implement any of these or other ideas posted here directed at this extreme fubar-idea of your development team.

But here:
...Your team's existing (very good) idea of a NPC Witch-hunters is already good enough to build upon without adding curses via the player's kin-list.

...Witchcraft scents.

...A new proficiency and or skill to detect Witchcraft, or to detect the loathsome creatures themselves.

...Darkness Expedition/Events (on the Providence server).

...Several other players have already posted and left good ideas in this area too.
(If you take the time to read them)

...It doesn't take much thought at all to come up with a very long list of other alternatives either, but I have exhausted my patience with this subject, so put on your own thinking cap or just leave it be and take your chances with the curses via kin-list :roll:

The pre-notification on updates that your team puts out is a good idea, a real good idea.
What isn't a good idea is: trying to stifle contrary opinions with threats to modify or eliminate existing features in the game out of spite or animosity.
...Which is highly un-professional and obviously narcissisticly-childish too, and will be more costly to your game in the long term than has already proven to have been in the past.
The definition of insanity is: "to keep trying something over and over again, even though it has proven to be ineffective in the past" _quote unknown.
"A word to the wise is sufficient" _quote unknown
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