Expedition 2 - <Name Pending>

Announcements of major changes to Salem.

Re: Expedition 2 - <Name Pending>

Postby Dallane » Sun Dec 18, 2016 3:34 am

Michael wrote:-also think about making new characters able to murder and assault from beginning. this could make starting up again after lousing your base easier incentivising players to stay playing on the expedition server after experiencing a lose.

Crime system on a new server is perfect on how it is. Giving people the ability to kill right off the bat without earning it some way would be terribly unbalanced.
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Re: Expedition 2 - <Name Pending>

Postby Michael » Sun Dec 18, 2016 3:48 am

Dallane wrote:
Michael wrote:-also think about making new characters able to murder and assault from beginning. this could make starting up again after lousing your base easier incentivising players to stay playing on the expedition server after experiencing a lose.

Crime system on a new server is perfect on how it is. Giving people the ability to kill right off the bat without earning it some way would be terribly unbalanced.

If players are to die more on expeditions certainly they should be a buff to building one's self back up after dieing and losing everything

after thinking about what you said, new character's with murder could make it so one could spam murder characters leaving them outside people's bases. you are right
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Re: Expedition 2 - <Name Pending>

Postby Dallane » Sun Dec 18, 2016 3:58 am

Michael wrote:
Dallane wrote:
Michael wrote:-also think about making new characters able to murder and assault from beginning. this could make starting up again after lousing your base easier incentivising players to stay playing on the expedition server after experiencing a lose.

Crime system on a new server is perfect on how it is. Giving people the ability to kill right off the bat without earning it some way would be terribly unbalanced.

If players are to die more on expeditions certainly they should be a buff to building one's self back up after dieing and losing everything

after thinking about what you said, new character's with murder could make it so one could spam murder characters leaving them outside people's bases. you are right

A huge part of early last expidition was balancing madness with our designated murderer and cashing in on the crime tickets to either give someone else murder or him another one.
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TotalyMeow wrote: Claeyt's perspective of Salem and what it's about is very different from the devs and in many cases is completely the opposite of what we believe.
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Re: Expedition 2 - <Name Pending>

Postby Darwoth » Sun Dec 18, 2016 5:04 am

already so many retards vomiting their "great ideas" into the mix

from the typical lazytrains that do not want to spend an hour or a few dollars to counter darts, to the underachievers that do not think it is "fair" someone can lock in more than one leaderboard reward, to the imbeciles that think they should reap a statue on providence for "winning" a two month long server, to those that want to completely redefine win conditions to favor the 60 man zerg they started popham with and on and on :lol: :lol: :lol:

*How Long should the next one be ideally. Keeping in my the best we will do is 'influence' how quickly someone can end it not directly end it ourselves.

the current (intended) timeframe was ideal, i went from no witch to t3 in 3.5 weeks while building characters and bases, everyone else just sucks and could not manage to do so for months. the biggest time drain was statue locating. the server could have easily been ended in 3 months from opening, i went back to the server specifically to keep some carebear retard from "winning" in the absence of a real competitor and getting an undeserved statue on providence so lessening the effort of a win once again does nothing but cheapen the victory and tarnish the existing server winners. making it easier also plays into the hands of zerger groups as it takes small groups longer to get established while the swarms of drooly faced winter ***** have everything they need in the first four to seven days.

*What should the name of it be?

in keeping with the alcohol theme and salem tradition it should be called goblet of tears.

*What should the name of the server be?

Darwoth (or maybe Darwat, still no idea what that means but it seems popular with some :lol: )

*Who is going to win?

if the win conditions are similar and i do not have to deal with some kind of questing/riddle solving crap (which was a major turn off) i stand a good chance of sneaking in and cinching another win.

*Should it be harder/easier to win?

as hard if not harder, see point 1

*Should raiding be harder/easier?

give cannons the ability to blast claimstones again or lessen BB drain and it will be fine

*Should Witchcraft be "Live" when it launches?

if it plays into winning again then it should be live at launch or a week/two after, becoming a t1 witch should be straightforward and not needing to follow a riddle trail.

*Should crimes be active?

yes, without them the standard salem staple of retaliation raids are not a factor and that would be dumb.

*Should the map size be bigger or small than popham?

same size, which is similar to how the old servers were. popham was simultaneously big enough to create space and small enough to find someone

biggest glaring issues i saw with popham was the riddle trail to be a witch (i understand this is INTENDED to reward clever players, however in practice it does not work this way, it simply once again plays into the hands of the largest group which are typically the least clever, a solo or small group that wants to compete has to split their time between either building the resources necessary to compete in the first place OR solving the quest not both, but a group with 20 derps can do both. in the case of popham the riddle was not even a factor the first group to discover how to make a witch was simply a gaggle of a dozen tards that accidentally farted their way through the woods and found the witch shrine itself and slobbered all over it with various items until they made a witch) and the time investment required to find statues, make starting a witch easy and make statue locations public after a month or two.
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Re: Expedition 2 - <Name Pending>

Postby Emy » Sun Dec 18, 2016 8:50 am


I'm what we can call a noob. I've started a character on Popham to see how Providence is looking on this server. Well... In less than one day, picking the right skills, I've got a small house, stone walls and I can build Timber piles.

All of this to say that next expedition should have the same 'spirit' as this one (even if players complain and have left Popham): a goal that players can't achieve if they don't work together on a big scale and on a length of time long enough to go outside of their comfort zone. Things you don't find on Providence (especially the server work on a big scale).

Thank you.
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Re: Expedition 2 - <Name Pending>

Postby kitty629 » Sun Dec 18, 2016 12:54 pm

TotalyMeow wrote:
kitty629 wrote:Name of the server should be Dionysus after the god of wine and ritual madness.


Bacchus? Dionysus built the Labyrinth.

Dionysus was also known as Bacchus and the frenzy he induces, "bakcheia".
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Re: Expedition 2 - <Name Pending>

Postby Wandering » Sun Dec 18, 2016 3:09 pm

JohnCarver wrote:General discussion for upcoming 2nd Expedition.
discussions points in this thread:
*How Long should the next one be ideally. Keeping in my the best we will do is 'influence' how quickly someone can end it not directly end it ourselves.
*What should the name of it be?
*What should the name of the server be?
*Who is going to win?
*Should it be harder/easier to win?
*Should raiding be harder/easier?
*Should Witchcraft be "Live" when it launches?
*Should crimes be active?
*Should the map size be bigger or small than popham?

etc. etc. etc. Now is the time to reflect on Popham and how you would like to see the next expedition differ.

1. It should last 9 months
2. It should be named Geronimo
3. Houston
4. Pilgrims or Server or No one.
5. It depends on cooperation of pilgrims.
6. Raiding should be a tertiary on each other, but PVP will be required. This expedition should be about working together. (Which looking back on Salem history to date almost impossible- thus the difficulty)
7. No
8. Yes
9. Bigger

Kinda hoping for a Central fort with constant attacks by Server (Indians) killing off pilgrims with great success and a slowly evolving culture of defense against an aggressive invader. There will be scalps here too! There should be a Standard Regiment at the Fort that has to be supplied and up-keeped throughout the expedition. But to kill off the aggressors pilgrims will have to mount additional sortee's of their own while still supplying the fort. Dev can manipulate the aggressive factor and number of enemy bases... Pilgrims win if we keep Fort supplied and wipe all the enemy bases. Indians win if they wipe the fort...ever. Stalemate and nobody wins if Fort stands and one Indian base still stands.
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Re: Expedition 2 - <Name Pending>

Postby Brego » Sun Dec 18, 2016 8:34 pm

When the next expedition will begin?
I would change everything in places, but to madness, I do not have enough strength
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Re: Expedition 2 - <Name Pending>

Postby AngelOfSilence » Sun Dec 18, 2016 9:53 pm

biddas "dream crusher" dream crusher baby!

where we are today its becuase of biddas

can you asnwer those questions mr biddas im sure they'll be appreciated
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Re: Expedition 2 - <Name Pending>

Postby Goodman12 » Sun Dec 18, 2016 10:56 pm

Brego wrote:When the next expedition will begin?

Time unknown as far as I can tell
Riolic wrote:The only reason raids still happen is because Goodman is a stubborn *******.
The rest are just vets pk'ing newbs
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