Witch Tool for the Job

Announcements of major changes to Salem.

Witch Tool for the Job

Postby JohnCarver » Fri Oct 31, 2014 10:18 pm

Greetings Salemites,

Unfortunately, we did not get so far as putting in the new darkness animals, but I hope you'll be happy with what we were able to get to. As mentioned before, we've been doing some coding this month on some non visible systems related to some of our upcoming mechanics for Witchcraft, Animal Husbandry, Raiding, etc. Perhaps the largest blow came at in terms of Animations. In order to add new animations it required us to rebuild the skeleton for the current character. The new skeleton could then no longer function with the original animations, thus forcing us to pretty much rebuild every single animation in the game from scratch. Because of this you will notice that we are taking a small step backwards in this patch as some animations will still be broken. Please report the sub-par, and broken animations that you find so that we can continue to make progress in this area in the months to come.

Despite the challenges faced we were still able to sneak a little bit of the Witchcraft mechanic in for Halloween! Other larger systems include a new Inheritance mechanic, and Toolbelts! So, without further ado:


This was a fairly large chunk of the patch and the mechanic implement has quite a few moving parts to it. However, in the spirit of witchcraft, Salem, and the unknown I’m going to leave the details to this new mechanic quite brief and sprinkle insight to it in the thread over time as players discover things for themselves.

Players may now make an Elf Doll.
Players may now make a Fairy Doll
Players may now make a Hag Doll.
The Raggy Doll now has a new use.

Dolls may be attuned to a specific player and may be tampered with for a negative effect to the afflicted player.

Players may now light a raggy, elf, fairy or hag doll on fire.
Players may now drown a raggy, elf, fairy or hag doll.
Players may now hang a raggy, elf, fairy or hag doll.
Players may now dirty a raggy, elf, fairy or hag doll.

Have fun figuring out exactly how this new mechanic works. Try not to get burned at the stake.

If you do find yourself afflicted by curses and/or having strange things happening to your character there is now a Priest NPC in Boston who will cure you for a fee.

NOTE: This Mechanic CAN cause Permadeath to both the victim AND the user under various circumstances. All those dabbling in the dark arts have been warned.

Double Note: We reserve the right to steal this skill and/or make major modifications to witchcraft in the future. We simply wish to ‘throw out’ a few skills, abilities, and spells over the months to come so players can dabble with them before taking them back and wrapping them all up in the ‘final’ Witchcraft package we settle on.


Players May now Plan Their Estate with the Undertaker.

The higher the Humors and Proficiencies a player has, the more it costs to plan their estate.

Planning an Estate will pass on 30% of the Humors and Proficiencies a player has to his heir from the point of registering. You may Plan your Estate as often as you like to keep updated of your progress.

A 10% Bonus is applied to players whose parents have their scalps at the time of inheritance, meaning you inherit 40% of your previous total.

Players who are sub 10 in any Humor or Proficiency will inherit to where they were free of charge.

New Store Item(soon): Last Will. Permanently Plans your Estate for a % of Return based on what you had WHEN you died, no need to update again.

Players who died prior to this patch might be able to inherit as if their estate was planned.

New Tool Organization

New Craftable Menu: "Belts & Sashes".

New Toolbelts will hold all your crafting tools (but not your weapons) and can be equipped into the Belt slot. Using one of these will cause you to automatically switch to the appropriate tool in your toolbelt for whatever task you are attempting.

Pickaxe is now a 1 handed tool.
Shovels are now 1 handed.
All hand tools now equip into right hand only.

New Item Novice Toolbelt holds 2 Tools
New Item Journeyman Toolbelt holds 4 Tools
New Item Master Toolbelt holds 8 Tools.

Paddles can now fit in a toolbelt and allow for a player to mount a canoe significantly faster.

Animals and Hunting

Beavers are now slightly faster when in Combat.
Beaver Hitpoints have been adjusted up.
Beaver Tail Smash now has a slight stun applied to it.
Beavers now have a significantly higher probability to gnaw on you.

Players may now become Lacerated and bleed beyond a fight.

Beaver Gnaws now cause players to bleed beyond the fight.
Bear Paw Swipe attack now cause players to bleed beyond the fight

Players may now have their Bones Broken.

Deers now have a chance to break your bones with charge.
Bears now have a small chance to fracture bones when performing their stomp.

Worried about all those broken bones? You should be, but new advancements in medicine have led to...

New Skills and Skill Changes

Potions & Concotions is now Potions & Medicine.
New Skill: Rudimentary Triage
Splints are now craftable from Potions & Medicine and can help heal your broken bones.
Tourniquets are now craftable from Potions & Medicine and can help stop excessive bleeding.

New Skill: Fungiculture allows the Planting of Mushrooms in Pots.
Sugar caps, Lavender Blewits, Lobster Mushrooms, Waxing Toadstools, Witch's Caps, and Yellow Morels, now require Fungiculture to be planted in a pot.

New Skill: Vegetable Potting allows the Planting of Vegetables in Pots.

Radishes, Carrots, Tomatoes, Onions, Green Bellpeppers, and Red Bellpeppers now require Vegetable Potting to be planted in a pot.

New Skill: Floriculture allows the Planting of Flowers in Pots.

Red Roses, Sunny Sunflowers, and Devil's Worts now require Floriculture to be planted in a pot.

New Skill: Green Thumb now drastically speeds up the rate at which pots mature.

Horticulture now speeds up the time in which pots mature rather than increasing the yield.

Instead, players now get a higher pot yield based on the amount of their Herbs & Sprouts. This will be in the form of a ‘yield’ roll at the time of planting. You can inspect the pot to see how many plants are growing in it as well as see the status of your yield roll through a number hovering on the pot at planting.

Pots now mature slightly slower without horticulture or Green Thumb.

There have also been some more adjustments to skills.
Simple Fences now requires less Law & Lore and Arts & Crafts.
Mechanics is now is now easier to obtain.
Pulleys and Levers now unlocks with Mechanics.
Pulleys and Levers now requires higher Proficiencies to unlock.

Windmill Theory now requires Pulleys & Levers, Masonry, & Agriculture.
Windmill Theory now requires more Proficiencies
Farming now unlocked with Colonial Trade and requires lower Proficiencies
Cabbage Growing now requires lower Proficiencies.
Cotton Planting has had its Proficiencies adjusted.
Pumpkin Planting now requires Cabbage Growing & Cotton Planting as a pre-req.
Pumpkin Planting has had its values adjusted up.
Three Field System now unlocks with Agriculture.
Three Field System Proficiency Values adjusted.
Gardening is now unlocked with Colonial Trade.
Gardening now requires much lower Proficiencies.
Horticulture now requires much lower Proficiencies.
Forestry Proficiency Requirements have been adjusted.
Shrub Orchards Proficiency Requirements have been adjusted.
Horticulture is now unlocked with Fungiculture.
Forestry now unlocks with Floriculture.

Some Combat & Crime Changes

Players may now Beat a KO’d pilgrim in a merciless show of aggravated assault. Committing such a crime will leave a summon able scent, in addition to breaking the bones of the Pilgrim before they are sent home.

Killing Blow will now permakill a player if it deals lethal damage, even if they are not KO.

Split Rail now requires more Wood Blocks to repair to full.
Stone Hedges are now repaired with Granite and require 10 Granite to repair fully.
Plank Walls require more Dry Boards to repair to full.
Brick Walls require fewer Bricks to repair to full.
Split Rail Gates now fully repair with a single Fresh Board.
Stone Hedge Gates now fully repair with a single Dry Board.
Plank Wall Gates now fully repair with a single Planed Board.
Brick Wall Gates now fully repair with a single Iron Bar.

Tresspass now expires in 1 day.
Assault now expires on 1 day.
Battery now expires in 3 days.
Larceny now expires in 9 days.
Waste now expires in 11 Days.
Murder now expires in 16 days.
Battery no longer leaves a summonable scent.

Collecting a scent now provides 180 Minutes of Tracking.

Players who are KO’d by other players now lose proficiency points.

Bodies will no longer drop all the gear to the ground when decaying. If you want their gear you must larceny it.

Other New Stuff

New Town Area: The Graveyard.

New Items: Statues. Three Statues will be added to the Town Graveyard. These are the (3) winners of the previous servers as determined by their humours at the time the servers came down. This mechanic has been implemented so that a new statue will appear with the ‘winner’ of each Expedition once it ends. Think of it like a “Hall of Fame” for the winners of the expeditions.

Players may now get a Garden Shovel out of a Mystery Toolbox. The Garden Shovel will increase your Gardening yield.

Players may now obtain a Pirate Captains Sword in the Mystery Weapon Chest.

Players may now obtain the Gardener’s Cape from the Mystery Cape Hanger.

Players may now craft a Wooden hoe
Players may now craft an Iron Hoe.

Plowing Fields with a hoe now causes less phlegm drain, while plowing fields without a hoe causes more phlegm drain than before.

Plowing Fields without a hoe or with a wooden hoe is also slower while plowing fields with an iron hoe is now faster than before.

New Inspirational: Twig N' Berries.

New Item: Buckle
Fine Leather Backpacks now require 2 Buckles.
Backpacks now require 2 Buckles.
Many belts now require Buckles.

Players May now find a Whetstone when mining boulders. Whetstones will retain the purity of the stone/boulder they were mined from.

Players may Sharpen Claymores, Adventurer's Rapiers, Nobleman's Rapiers, and Pirate Captain's Swords on a Whetstone to obtain the Whetstone's purity.

Caterpillars now have unique results for new dietary habits.

Players may now build benches.
Players may now build Jack-O-Lamps
Hudson Bay Trading Company now sells Candles.

Players may now plant and grow Chestnut trees.
Players may now plant and grow Walnut Trees.

Beauty and the Balance

Implemented a Skybox
Graphic for Shellback Shell has been adjusted.
New Grahpic for Swift Shellbacks.
New Graphic for Scorched Swift Shellbacks.
New Inventory graphic for Onion
New Invenotry Graphic for Spiked Board
Pickaxes are more shiny.
New Inventory Graphic for Waste, Murder & Larceny evidence.

New Sound Effect for working on a Build Sign.
Twining Bark Sound effect has been improved.

Fixed a Typo in the Pottery Skill Description.
Tooltips for Test Tubes, Alembic, Conjunctive, and Pressure cooker changed.
Fixed a Typo in the Good Cheer Shoes.
Fine Leather Backpack now reads more clearly in your inventory pane.
Teleport Menu now specifies "To Providence" instead of "To Boston".
Crime Tooltip has been updated.

Fixed an issue with conquistadors pants crashing players
Fixed an issue with Conquistadors shirt crashing players.
Culinary Civilian Artifice now increases the speed at which you cook things with a frying pan.
Fixed an issue with Bonemeal so it now yield the exact amount of the substance intended when putting it in a compost bin.
Corn Husks now have purity.
Oak Duff now counts as any plant.
Tomatoes now count as any plant.
Onions now count as any plant.
Radishes now count as any plant.
Carrots now count as any plant.

The Progress meter and speed at which stones are chipped now moves quicker based on the Civilian Mining a character is wearing.

Axes now chip stones @ 25% speed
Pickaxes now chip stones @ 50% Speed
Players now require a shovel to dig.
Digging with no soil digging clothes will now take longer.
Digging WITH soil digging clothes should now provide a more noticeable increase.
Lobsters are now more common.
Trees and Bushes now mature to full and harvestable condition every 2-4 days.
Hickory nuts no longer spawn from baby hickory trees just planted.
Jump now requires a percentage of a totals current phlegm, the distance a player jumps being based on the player's current phlegm.
Dehydrated Berries have been adjusted to be more competitive with Smoked Meats.
Dried fish has had its values adjusted to be more competitive with Smoked Meats.
Smoked Oysters have been adjusted to be in line with other smoked/dehydrated foods.
Smoked Oysters Now lower Shellfish Foodgroup when consumed.
Tortillas now effect the corn food group when consumed.
Players can now get a second pine cone from a spruce tree with Nuts & Seeds.
Removing the scales from a pine cone now also provides a wood chopping.
Razzle Tazzle Lures may now be crafted and have the Alchemy of the Fish Hook used to make them.

Removed the Skybox

Delicious Tears

Players now require a shovel to dig on clay.
There is now a different dig speed for digging clay depending on if you use a wooden or metal shovel.

Rolling Pins and Frying Pans can no longer be used as weapons.

Smoked Meats have been nerfed.

Mortar no longer requires an egg. ¦]

Raggy Dolls are no longer Inspirationals.
Raggy dolls no longer have 3 uses.

Paddles are no longer a weapon.

Players can no longer chip stone without an axe or a pickaxe.

The Receiving player of a Leapat now falls to the floor.


Cleave now has its own animation.
Clubbing now has its own animation.
New Animation for Fishing. Animations for fishing now give a much better indicator of the progress being made.
New Animation for becoming Knocked out.
New Animation for Uppercut
New Animation for Leap At.
New Animation for sitting stationary in Canoes.
New Animation for Stun when hit with a Bullrun.
New Stomp Animation.
New Animation for Chipping stone and using a pickaxe.
New Animation for gathering hay with a pitchfork.
The Animation for Gathering Coal has been changed.
Ripping up Fields now have a unique animation.
Plowing fields now has a unique animation.
New Animation for Sawing boards has been added.
New Animation for Frying Foods.
New Animation added for Idle.
New Animation for Jumping.
New Animation for Working on a Build Sign.
Face Palm Animation has been updated.
Unconcerned Animation has been updated.
Sitting Animation has been updated.
Dazed Animations has been updated.
New Animation for Laugh.
New Animation for Present.
New Animation for Walking.

Mini Patch #1:

Buffed the Herbs and Sprouts Proc rate on pots.
Added Twilight effects. (not sure if custom clients will be able to see these)

Mini Patch #2:
*Players may now port with tools in their toolbelt.
*Speed in which authority is drained by Challenge Authorities is Doubled.
*Speed in which authority returns after a challenge authority is doubled.
*Wilderness Guides no longer claim to be the best guides in Boston, but instead Providence.
*Error messages with full inventories no longer claim you cannot port to Boston but instead Providence.
*march Hares now move with far greater speed.
*March Hares now lacerate their targets.
*Applying a Tourniquet now takes time.
*Females now use a feminien voice when lifting objects.
*Females now use a feminine voice when jumping

Mini Patch #3:
*Charred Milkweed Roots are now the purity of the milkweed itself and not averaged with the purity of the water.
*Wishpoosh now requires Monster Hunting to Skin and for certain drops
*Wounds from Bleed now naturally dissapate without a Tourniquet twice as fast.
*Bleed will now remove itself if you are ko'd it applies dmg.
*Bug Causing generous Wishpoosh Larding has been fix'd.
*New Graphic for a Skinned Wishpoosh.
*Inventory Graphic for Whetstones has been adjusted.
*Walking animation is more brisk until a permanent solution is found.
*Wishpoosh are now much more territorial.

Mini Patch #4:
*Flower Arrangement now has 3 uses.
*Changed the Flora and Fauna requirement of Waste to Sparks and Embers.
*Pots now display 0 Yield after herbs are harvested from them.

Mini Patch #5:
*Dry Boards now repair more % on a wall.
*Wishpoosh now has a different Skinned graphic.
*Buckets now fill from a well approx 400% faster.
*Players may no longer fill their buckets with salt water.
*River systems on or near the providence claim will slowly become brakish and no longer be fillable.
*Darkenbones are now a thing.
ceedat wrote:the overwhelming frustration of these forums and the unnecessarily over complicated game mechanics is what i enjoy about this game most.

Nsuidara wrote:it is a strange and difficult game in no positive way
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Re: Witch Tool for the Job

Postby summertime » Fri Oct 31, 2014 10:19 pm


oooh "Mortar no longer requires an egg. ¦]"... and i just spent whole afternoon yesterday building coops and getting turkeys <.<
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Re: Witch Tool for the Job

Postby alloin » Fri Oct 31, 2014 10:21 pm

OMG !!

Great work guys !!

Mortar no longer requires an egg

HA, right after i finished my wall yesterday, shouting in boston all day for the last few eggs !!
Last edited by alloin on Fri Oct 31, 2014 10:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
jorb wrote:all I see is misplaced machismo and a lot of very cheap talk. ^^

Darwat confirmed scrub!
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Re: Witch Tool for the Job

Postby JohnCarver » Fri Oct 31, 2014 10:22 pm

Players might want to refresh patch notes. Not sure why only a portion loaded when I originally posted them.
ceedat wrote:the overwhelming frustration of these forums and the unnecessarily over complicated game mechanics is what i enjoy about this game most.

Nsuidara wrote:it is a strange and difficult game in no positive way
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Re: Witch Tool for the Job

Postby Rele » Fri Oct 31, 2014 10:22 pm

Last edited by Rele on Fri Oct 31, 2014 10:39 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Witch Tool for the Job

Postby yozzik » Fri Oct 31, 2014 10:28 pm

Implemented a Skybox

Oh god, JC, i love you.
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Re: Witch Tool for the Job

Postby alloin » Fri Oct 31, 2014 10:29 pm

yozzik wrote:
Implemented a Skybox

Oh god, JC, i love you.

Removed the Skybox
jorb wrote:all I see is misplaced machismo and a lot of very cheap talk. ^^

Darwat confirmed scrub!
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Re: Witch Tool for the Job

Postby Ukhata » Fri Oct 31, 2014 10:30 pm

New Aniamtion for Fishing. Animations for fishing now give a much better indicator of the progress being made.
typo there
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Re: Witch Tool for the Job

Postby yozzik » Fri Oct 31, 2014 10:34 pm

JC, berry jam uses "Jar" while the recipe of jar is called "Glass jar". Can you fix it in any way?
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Re: Witch Tool for the Job

Postby Rele » Fri Oct 31, 2014 10:38 pm

JohnCarver wrote:Greetings Salemites,

New Invenotry Graphic for Spiked Board

Misspelled "Inventory" ;)
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