How to UI

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How to UI

Postby MagicManICT » Thu Aug 23, 2012 3:47 pm

This is a listing of all interface commands in the game. I've tried to make this list comprehensive. I think I've caught everything, but I may have missed it, so please, post and inform me of my idiocy if I have missed something. If anyone has any formatting changes, wants to make it look nice, or put it on a page on the wiki, go for it. Please keep any additions to the default client only. Some of the 3rd party clients have their own extra UI elements.

For an in depth explanation of the various interface elements and basics of playing the game, see the manual here (requires Flash):

Mouse Commands:

Inventory and Object Interaction:
right click (RMB): interact with object and may open a flower menu depending on the object and options you can perform with it; if a menu command has been selected (dig, fish, etc), RMB cancels the command returning to a normal cursor; if holding an item (such as a bucket), the object held interacts with the tile/object right-clicked on
Ctrl+Click an item: Drop the item from inventory
Shift+Click an item: Swaps the item between different inventories
Shift+Mouse Wheel: auto-loads items into (wheel up) or out of (wheel down) construction signs one at a time. Caution: will load any items that qualify
Shift+right click when holding an item: Places item into object and automatically picks up the next like item.
Shift+Alt+Click: Do the same thing with all similar items in the inventory. Example: use this to place branches into a building sign.

left click: move character
Mouse Wheel: Zoom view camera
Middle Mouse Button (hold): Rotate camera
W,A,S,D: moves character up, left, down, right respectively--character moves in a straight line as long as the key is held. If released, the character will move in a new direction based on camera orientation.

When digging:
left mouse button: digs on the vertex (corner) of a tile
ctrl+LMB: Moves the character to the middle of a tile and digs a it down until all four corners are at an equal height.*

When holding dirt:
right mouse button: drops all dirt to the ground
ctrl+RMB: drops enough dirt to make all four corners an equal height*
shift+RMB: drops one unit of dirt on a vertex raising that vertex exactly one unit in height.

*Note on using ctrl+click with dirt: If the slope is steep enough, you may not be able to hold enough dirt to completely lower all corners or raise them. You can safely double check by ctrl+clicking the tile a second time. If it's level, it won't change.

When in/on a vehicle or mount:
ctrl+LMB: exit or dismount
LMB, RMB: functions normally (move, interact with object)

Window Hotkeys:

Ctrl+E: Equipment window
Ctrl+T: Skill window
Ctrl+I: Inventory window
Tab: Inventory window
Ctrl+P: Opens town menu
Ctrl+`: Closes windows (including chat!!!)
Ctrl+C: cycles through: Open chat window, expand chat window, close chat window
Ctrl+B: Buddy list
Alt+S: Screen shot--Saves to a web stream. See this update for more information: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=6014. Captures can be viewed at

Flower Menus:
1-x: These correspond to each button on the flower menu with 1 being the first one on the top and left most, 2 the next, etc. x is the number of buttons on the flower menu when opened.

Note on stacks: Some items come with multiple uses and are not stacked. This is not immediately obvious to a new player, but experience will generally teach you what can and can't be stacked. Stacked items can be split through the use of the flower menu, multi-use items will not have this option. In general, stackable objects are seeds, flours, etc., and multi-use items are things like Inspriationals, foods, and tools.

Console commands:

Enter these directly into the client, not into chat! Simply enter the characters as you would push hotkeys for the menus. When you type a colon ':', there's a command line that comes up you can enter the rest of the command on. Console commands can be entered at any time and on any screen (even the log in screen), but may have no effect unless logged in, such as the log out commands. A word of caution: changing graphics settings without the game actively running has no visible effect. A change that is entered may cause issues without knowing which issue may have caused it.

Camera settings:
:cam sucky -- "free camera"
:cam follow
:cam ortho -- fixed position camera; can be rotated around the character only

Graphics settings:
:gl light pslight -- pixel shader with shadows
:gl light plight -- pixel shader, no shadows
:gl light vlight -- vertex shader (default)
:gl light vcel -- cell shaded (calculated off vertex)
:gl light pcel -- cell shaded (calculated per pixel)
:gl fsaa on -- Turns on anti-aliasing
:q -- quit client (same as alt+f4 in Windows)
:fs 1, :fs 0 -- turns fullscreen on and off
:fsmode <resolution> -- sets the resolution of fullscreen mode; <resolution> should be size you want 1920x1080, 1024x768, etc. example: :fsmode 1920 1080
:sz x y -- To change window size to x y; examples: :sz 640 480 :sz 1024 768
:sz lock -- To lock window resizing
:sz dyn -- To unlock window resizing (remember DYN-amic)

Logging out:
:act lo -- log out safely; server will check and see if you can safely log out. If so, then you are logged out, if not, you are given the reason--the preferred method to log out; note that you cannot safely log out without a lean-to.
:lo -- log out; force a log out (same as exiting the program). If you can not be logged out of the game for any reason, you won't know.
:act lo cs -- Moves you into character select screen. Verifies the character can be logged out just like :act lo above


Video settings -- currently there are two options only: you can toggle shadows on or off and turn on antialiasing
Audio settings -- adjust sound levels in game
Log out -- same as the safe log out mentioned above. If your character is unable to be safely logged out, you are given a warning message.

If I missed any, feel free to let me know.

Also, once the UI is near complete (or we're reaching release, whichever comes first) I'll update this with some screenshots and explanations of the specific items.

edit: added new log out to character select commands -- Thanks to Chiprel for posting them; revised according to updated information.
5/8/13: added window resizing commands. Thanks to Chiprel again for the post.
1/16/14: missed a key combo. thanks for the addition, Kandarim
Last edited by MagicManICT on Wed Jun 03, 2015 3:07 am, edited 15 times in total.
Reason: added missing key combination; updated the intro; added note for safe log outs
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Re: How to UI

Postby TotalyMoo » Thu Aug 23, 2012 3:54 pm

Thanks! I just sent a mail over to Castellon to make old forums public.
I never managed to figure out something clever for my signature on Paradoxplaza, and I doubt I'll do it here either.

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Re: How to UI

Postby Sevenless » Thu Aug 23, 2012 3:57 pm

Shift+Ctrl+Click -> Move all of one item type between inventories
Ctrl+Alt+Click -> Drop all of one item type to the ground

I would suggest renaming the post to something more descriptive like "Hotkeys you need to know".
It's been neat to see the evolution of a game. Salem has come so far, and still has far to go. Although frustrating, I think it's been an experience worth the effort.
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Re: How to UI

Postby Chiprel » Thu Aug 23, 2012 4:01 pm

Sevenless wrote:Shift+Ctrl+Click -> Move all of one item type between inventories
Ctrl+Alt+Click -> Drop all of one item type to the ground

^that's in Enders only isn't it?
Wanted to post about it too through :mrgreen:
Ctrl+L in Enders for 'leveling ground tool/grid'

There is one other command on default client, it's:
:q -quits/closes game window so kinda not useful at all :P
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Re: How to UI

Postby MagicManICT » Thu Aug 23, 2012 4:03 pm

Sevenless wrote:Shift+Ctrl+Click -> Move all of one item type between inventories
Ctrl+Alt+Click -> Drop all of one item type to the ground

I would suggest renaming the post to something more descriptive like "Hotkeys you need to know".

Those are only valid in Enders that I'm aware. Please keep this to universal keys and commands.

Chiprel wrote:There is one other command on default client, it's:
:q -quits/closes game window so kinda not useful at all :P

No, not all that useful, but is one of the basic commands so I'll add it. If the game becomes available full screen, then the big 'X' in the corner won't be there (though alt+f4 would still work).
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Re: How to UI

Postby Sevenless » Thu Aug 23, 2012 4:07 pm

There's really no harm in adding client specific sections Magic. Just add it to the end and state which client it is for.
It's been neat to see the evolution of a game. Salem has come so far, and still has far to go. Although frustrating, I think it's been an experience worth the effort.
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Re: How to UI

Postby milonti » Thu Aug 23, 2012 4:52 pm

Erm, tell people how to open the console commands.
You have to hold Shift and hit : (the colon/semi-colon key) and then you can type into the console.
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Re: How to UI

Postby loftar » Thu Aug 23, 2012 6:24 pm

MagicManICT wrote:If the game becomes available full screen

It is available fullscreen: ":fs 1" vs. ":fs 0". Use :fsmode to set fullscreen resolution; e.g. ":fsmode 1024 768".
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Re: How to UI

Postby MagicManICT » Thu Aug 23, 2012 6:47 pm

Thanks! Adding to the OP. Did I get that right 1=on, 0=off?
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JohnCarver wrote:anybody who argues to remove a mechanic that allows "yet another" way to summon somebody is really a carebear in disguise trying to save his own hide.
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Re: How to UI

Postby staxjax » Thu Aug 23, 2012 6:54 pm

loftar wrote:
MagicManICT wrote:If the game becomes available full screen

It is available fullscreen: ":fs 1" vs. ":fs 0". Use :fsmode to set fullscreen resolution; e.g. ":fsmode 1024 768".

And all this time I was trying to figure it out on my own. Damn trolls.
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