[Wiki] General Update Reports for salemthegame.wiki

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[Wiki] General Update Reports for salemthegame.wiki

Postby Kralith » Wed Sep 02, 2015 7:51 pm

[==== Salemthegame.wiki is finally opened for editing! ====]

In reason of some timing problems with Sabinati, i was recreating Accounts from a list of all editors in the past.
That means, i created the user with their old names in the database and gave them a new password and a placeholder mailaddress.
Please contact me in Disord or Forum per PM to get the password and change it after login in your Preferences.

If you don't had an account yet, just create a new one and enter as secret: Your Main is dead!

The wiki

Let's work together!

How i should post about errors on the wiki-sites?

  • Give us a link to the wiki-site that has an error and describe the error.

How i should announce new things?

  • Describe the new thing/item/skill/whatever.
  • Give us values.
  • Give us screenshots.
  • Give us gameicons.

How i can give a guide to the wiki?

On salemthegame.wiki you can create an account and write it down by yourself.
If you are not able to handle this, ask here if someone can help you to add an guide into the wiki.

What can i do if i have a problem with the wiki itself?

If the site itself has an error like it don't load or there is an weird error message, then please post this into this Thread:

If something missed on a page, could caused on wrong cache of the page. Purge it!

If you are not sure, if you see the actual page, because something is missed but should be there, you can purge the page to get all actual entries:
If you are a wikiuser and loged in, you can just use "reload" in the selection next to the "history" tab.

For not logged in people there is a workaround to purge the page:
1. Click the option "show source" or "history", then you will get in URL field of your Browser an URL like: https://salemthegame.wiki/index.php?tit ... on=history
2. replace "action=history" with "action=purge" and hit Enter
Now the page will be reloaded and rebuild. You should see then all actual entries end dependecies.
Last edited by Kralith on Tue Apr 03, 2018 6:52 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: [Wiki] General Update Reports

Postby Taipion » Thu Sep 03, 2015 12:55 am

You should note that the old tribe wiki is offline 90% of the time, not just a bit!;)

Also, I got a great idea:

Would it be possible to add a seasons-calendar to the wikis main page?
...or anywhere on the page, but it would be something really useful and people would want to see the wiki just for it sometimes! :D

What it should do:
1.) Display what season it is, and
2.) when the last change was, through which you can calculate and also
3.) display the date and time of the next change.
4.) Additionally, it could have a button to show a calendar or list with the last seasons and when they were.

(For the start, I would only consider providence for this.)

Now, why a season calendar?
- Because you should not be online when a season changes, as it could always be a Blood Moon, that instantly adds 2 madness levels to anyone who is online, like it just happened an hour ago.
(An established player can just hug his teddy and use his other characters for a day, no biggie, but newbies might... not like it, and be very grateful for this info.)
- Becuase, you can plan ahead how much time you got this season to do stuff (hunting beavers and stuff) and assuming there will be no BM, when you will be able to do the other things again (hunting bears and stuff).

But how to keep it up to date?
That could either be done manually, entering a single date/time value per week is probably doable,
or maybe it could be hooked up via the games api if that is possible.
Or JC could provide a service that the wiki could use, or display it right away on this site. :D
Last edited by Taipion on Thu Sep 03, 2015 9:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Wiki] General Update Reports for salemwiki.info

Postby Kralith » Thu Sep 03, 2015 8:59 am

Taipion wrote:You should note that the old tribe wiki is offline 90% of the time, not just a bit! ;)

Okay, i have changed the entry post to salemwiki.info only.
Just like Meow it said, it irritate the people if there is more than one wiki linked.

To the idea for season calendar:
It would be a good idea, the problem is, that the seasons can not exactly calculatet in reason of serverrestarts/-downs and the possibility of Bloodmoon between two seasons.
It yould be possible if there were a API that we could ask with a script, but there is no API in Salem i think.
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Re: [Wiki] General Update Reports for salemwiki.info

Postby Trismegistus » Thu Sep 03, 2015 9:10 am

Boohoo. The Bloodmoon gives me my first Salem death. My bossman witnessed the Bloodmoon with his own eyes and went mad. It wasn't obvious at first. He just became silent and went to bed. I know he had some sort of breakdown, because I peeked into his room and he was sleeping with his Timmy the Teddybear clutched very tightly. I figured, "Why sleep when there's blood gems to get for my buddy?" I break a wall and two damn bats KO me almost before I can drop the boulder. My bossman told me since I constantly drank tea that I didn't need a large amount of blood. I think it's not just the Bloodmoon. I think he's been mad all along.

P.S. Sorry for the story. Here's the point...

To build a Coffin(http://salemwiki.info/index.php/Coffin), the requirements are Burial Rights AND Carpentry(http://salemwiki.info/index.php/Carpentry)
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Re: [Wiki] General Update Reports for salemwiki.info

Postby Nikixos » Thu Sep 03, 2015 9:32 am

Oh my account still works :P

Trismegistus wrote:Boohoo. The Bloodmoon gives me my first Salem death. My bossman witnessed the Bloodmoon with his own eyes and went mad. It wasn't obvious at first. He just became silent and went to bed. I know he had some sort of breakdown, because I peeked into his room and he was sleeping with his Timmy the Teddybear clutched very tightly. I figured, "Why sleep when there's blood gems to get for my buddy?" I break a wall and two damn bats KO me almost before I can drop the boulder. My bossman told me since I constantly drank tea that I didn't need a large amount of blood. I think it's not just the Bloodmoon. I think he's been mad all along.

Damn, you have to be fast when removing bats, but custom clients can auto drop them :shock:
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Re: [Wiki] General Update Reports for salemwiki.info

Postby Kralith » Thu Sep 03, 2015 9:40 am

Trismegistus wrote:To build a Coffin(http://salemwiki.info/index.php/Coffin), the requirements are Burial Rights AND Carpentry(http://salemwiki.info/index.php/Carpentry)


A yeah... Bloodmoon is horrible if you are online while it happens.
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Re: [Wiki] General Update Reports for salemwiki.info

Postby Kralith » Sun Sep 06, 2015 10:39 am

I need help from someone who can teach me how i can find out which multiplier values have the variable food.
I know i can find out if i craft two of them with different Aether and then calculate it down to 0%.
But is there another way?

It does not matter if or if not.
I need your help to find out the values for the wiki and i'm not able with my Popham Alt to make this food by myself yet.
So it would be fine if someone can calculate the values.

I need it for this template:
http://salemwiki.info/index.php/Templat ... icatedMeat

Later it should looks like this template:
http://salemwiki.info/index.php/Templat ... leFoodGame
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Re: [Wiki] General Update Reports for salemwiki.info

Postby Kralith » Mon Sep 07, 2015 7:02 pm

Next task for all wiki-updater:

I have seen that the Terrain sites are not really complete: http://salemwiki.info/index.php/Terrain
I know that some Foragables can you find in more Terrains than it is listed.
Per Example Lime - in the old template was in "Where found" Quarries linked. But i know on Snow you can't find, but i remember you can find it in Quarry and Lime Pits.

It would be nice if all take from time to time a look to the Terrain sites if they forage in a special biome and then give me an update if there some forageables not listed.
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Re: [Wiki] General Update Reports for salemwiki.info

Postby TotalyMeow » Mon Sep 07, 2015 8:17 pm

Is this wiki really so behind? You might want to do some copying from the other one: http://www.salem-wiki.com/mediawiki/ind ... le=Terrain
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Re: [Wiki] General Update Reports for salemwiki.info

Postby Kralith » Mon Sep 07, 2015 9:23 pm

TotalyMeow wrote:Is this wiki really so behind? You might want to do some copying from the other one: http://www.salem-wiki.com/mediawiki/ind ... le=Terrain

Not really behind, but the terrain sites was never touched i have seen, so i have start to update them ;)
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