draggonne1 wrote:its like the onld saying,"it only takes one to ruin it for everyone"... unfortunately i feel like this might be the way JC feels, which i cant blame him... but digging and getting grub at the same time was nice, cause thats how i would replenish myself when altering landscape
Like Chrumps said it, this does not hurt those that are doing it "wrong", and only those that try to do it right,
so it is not actually a fix for anything.
As I said, I have no idea what JC has in mind for archeology/digging for the future,
and I have no idea how hard it would be to fix it right.
I'd go for something like this:
- have a variable per tile that basically counts how much has been dug out on that tile already, and
- reduce the chance to get stuff for digging the same tile again, less chance the more has been dug on that tile already
(or have that variable per height lvl dug out, so if you dig the same height lvl of the same tile twice, you get nothing, or a much lower chance to get something)
- keep that info only for loaded tiles -> unloading / reloading an area (server sided) refreshs it (to save server resources)
- give back grubs when digging ^^
- have stuff inserted into the inventory again instead of spawning it on the ground