I miss Claeyt

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I miss Claeyt

Postby Paradoxyc » Mon Dec 04, 2017 4:38 pm

Where you at homie
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Re: I miss Claeyt

Postby Nsuidara » Mon Dec 04, 2017 4:51 pm

i hear, he is in your basement ¦]
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Re: I miss Claeyt

Postby MaxPlanck » Mon Dec 04, 2017 7:27 pm

Don't summon Claeyt, he'll ruin christmas again.
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Re: I miss Claeyt

Postby Paradoxyc » Mon Dec 04, 2017 9:46 pm

MaxPlanck wrote:Don't summon Claeyt, he'll ruin christmas again.

Claeyt I hereby summon thee
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Re: I miss Claeyt

Postby Claeyt » Tue Dec 05, 2017 1:23 am

Paradoxyc wrote:
MaxPlanck wrote:Don't summon Claeyt, he'll ruin christmas again.

Claeyt I hereby summon thee

Hey there. Thanks for the love and right back at you.

I still ghost the forums a few times a week but I quit the game awhile ago. I mostly stopped playing this summer for 2 months in May/June, took it up again for a bit in July when Maggie started playing again, then quit again for a big new job in August for this coming school year. I was honestly just barely playing for about a year there, harvesting cotton and filling my stall. The town I lived in with Maggie got raided in September or sometime around there and that's where Belethor's stash was stored and she and Fishy Joe died so it seemed good timing to call it for Salem after I found out about it after it happened. My main witch town, main witch and main character are still fine and even Belethor isn't dead yet but I haven't logged on in almost 5 months or so.

I'm surprised Goodman never showed his loot shots from the town with Belethor's stash. He got an impressive haul there. The perfectly slotted 'Feather of the Brave' and 'Beard of St. Nick' deserve drama shots by themselves.

I moved on to other games and finally downloaded EVE and the Witcher this Thanksgiving which I've wanted to do for years. I'm sure I'll get sucked into LoL again when season 8 starts so I have zero time for Salem between those and the new job and still working at my old job at my business a day or 2 a week.

I doubt I'll be back playing anytime soon. It's not so much fun with such a low population and with the Popham game breaking winnings that should have been corrected immediately but never were. The dev's ***** that up so hard. They should never have allowed Darwoth's fake screen shots of his tier 3 and should have announced it was fake. Instead they let him post the fake screen shot and the competition for the server died overnight. Everyone quit the server not knowing the Ark was still an option because they allowed the fake screen shot. They shouldn't have allowed him to farm every single winning off Popham after everyone quit. They shouldn't have let him and him alone glutton off animals for 9 months. They shouldn't have let him and only him have the ability to be a tier 2 or 3 witch for almost 9 months. All of these were game breaking in my opinion but they were never fixed or even acknowledged as problems. Can anyone but Darowth advance in witchcraft or even become a tier 2 witch yet? Why hasn't this been fixed? This is why the game is dead.

My advice to the dev's is wipe Providence and make a smaller permanent server at least 50% smaller based off your own design instead of the ****** map design of Loftar's. I always hated wipes but the map is way too big for only 300 daily players (400 x .75).

It's impossible to succeed at this game as a casual player and without being able to put in 20-40 hours a week you'll never get big enough to compete with the 'New Titans'.


I'll check the forums for the new server occasionally but even then I doubt I'll be back. I just don't have the time to play even casually. Most of my friends stopped playing years ago. The Stumpwater gang, RL guys I started with, stopped playing a year after Providence started. Kwaad and all the Dutch mappers quit when JC bought the game. Tammer quit 2 summers ago with a 2000 stat character with 'Lucky' and he was the real glue that kept me in the game. I played with L33Lee, Greb and Thorop along the way and they were all hardcore at some point but quit to move on to other games. Maggie and the newer players I played with might still be playing but I don't know for sure. There are literally dozens of players I played with between the towns at Mirkwood, Pinewood, TT, CCoCC the 3 other towns on Roanoke and 5 other towns on Providence I've played at and had characters at and some of them might still be playing. At one point on Roanoke I was the mayor of 5 towns (Mirkwood, Atlantis, Red Mansion, TT, and Biddas's town that he gave me, whatever it was called) with characters at 2 more (Pinewood and Valhalla) and was playing with almost 40 active people between all those towns. I never scammed anyone or killed anyone or betrayed anyone once in all those years and towns. I wish more casual players lived in big towns like that still. At one point there were 15 casuals at TT, something like 20 players at Arcadia on Roanoke. We once had 16 players on at Ygg at one time 3 years ago. It's not like that anymore and I miss it. Hi to all and good luck to all if any of you are still going.


As for my prediction that Trump was a "Piss Soaked Traitor" I hope you morons who were conned into voting for him are loving watching General "Lock Her Up" Flynn, Paully "The Ukrainian" Manafort, Papadoulous, and the others get arrested and plead guilty. I predict Jared and the rest are next. This is only the beginning and it ends with Trump being impeached, so prepare yourselves for denying you voted for Trump for the next 30 years to save yourself the embarrassment in front of your friends, family and co-workers who WILL think you're an idiot for falling for his *****. I'm looking at you Tmeow and Dallane. I WILL be posting WHEN he is impeached next year or early 2019.

At that point can we finally change back my main title on that forum thread that you changed Tmeow?

Anyways good luck to all. I'll ghost the forums occasionally but the grind beat me and I no longer have time to play even casually.
Last edited by Claeyt on Sun Dec 10, 2017 12:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: I miss Claeyt

Postby TotalyMeow » Tue Dec 05, 2017 3:31 am

Come on guys. Stop trying to ruin my Christmas. :(
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Re: I miss Claeyt

Postby TheDuke86 » Tue Dec 05, 2017 4:14 am

lol nothing is going to happen to Trump. Liberals have been wrong for months about trump, not gonna change it up now.
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Re: I miss Claeyt

Postby Darwoth » Tue Dec 05, 2017 4:48 am

i avenged claeyt when i discovered that someone told goodman and yuuki where claeyt lived mere days before i was intending to raid him (it was the town i originally encountered him at years ago as tom bombadil) by killing all of the bashers involved in the raid, was even considering blasting the town to let claeyt and all his retarded newb friends out just so they could go hide somewhere else for me to find/kill.

but now after reading him demand a wipe after years of talking **** on the haven forums over wipes and how salem is the best because no wipes and then listening to him piss and moan about me yet again with a brand NEW absurd excuse (that the devs allowed me to use deception in a pvp competition, my god the horror) over animals on a server he got drop kicked off of days after starting i am glad that i did not go to the effort of freeing the claegue upon salem, goodman can now enjoy the custodial duties of quarantining claeyt and all claeyt like peoples from now until the end of time.

claeyt is like many toxic things and when he is not around you start to miss him because hating claeyt is now a time honored tradition that is a part of salem itself, at least we know what happens now after all his years of bluster about "nobody ever raided me" when it happens he quits like a little claeyt.

in general i believe claeyt to be a well intentioned person i could get along with over a few drinks so long as no political topics ever came up. however those good intentions is indeed what the road to hell is paved with. he is a poisoned soul that has been brainwashed by communism to the point that he is filled with self loathing and guilt over merely existing, which is why even in this "i got raided, im ragequitting (to play a ***** taipion game like eve) he has to ***** about president trump, a true american hero freeing the united states more and more day by day from the cluthces of socialism.


1> you were not the owner of biddas's town on roanoke, that was the town i was using almost the whole time i was there after the inhabitants kept killing each other and eventually gave it to embie who passed it to me because she did not want someone to kill her over the town :lol: (it was about 10 - 15 minutes north of the high purity green water spot in the mountains)

2> darwoth forest on jamestown was by far the largest town with the most active players at any one time in salems history, there were over 26 people there at one point, once i am done solidifying myself as the trump of salem by defeating the north taipreans and the kukusis terrorist cells i will be creating a new town that will have a population far higher.
Last edited by Darwoth on Tue Dec 05, 2017 5:14 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: I miss Claeyt

Postby Reviresco » Tue Dec 05, 2017 5:04 am

Claeyt wrote: a big new job in August for this coming school year.

Claeyt wrote:300 daily players (450 x .75).

As a math teacher?
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Re: I miss Claeyt

Postby Dallane » Tue Dec 05, 2017 5:11 am

Jeez clay comes back for one day and almost gets a 30 day ban for not posting in his trump troll thread. Good to know we are still winning. He wouldn't be crying if that wasn't the case.
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TotalyMeow wrote: Claeyt's perspective of Salem and what it's about is very different from the devs and in many cases is completely the opposite of what we believe.
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