The State of Salem

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The State of Salem

Postby Heffernan » Fri Sep 14, 2018 3:05 pm

Hello Ladies and Gentlemans

can we discuss the State Salem is in? yes id like to do that....

First and foremost lets see the Activity:

JohnCarver Last visited: Tue May 08, 2018 1:18 am (Last Patch Mon Feb 12, 2018 5:09 am )
TotalyMeow Last visited: Mon Sep 10, 2018 3:21 am (before that not for 2-3 months after quitting)
MarpTarpton Last visited: Sat Aug 18, 2018 3:20 pm

Bugs: there are some lighter bugs, some heavy bugs but noone is doing anything NOR do we hear a word from JC... i mean... even if theres load of work to do in real life how hard can it be just to get on and tell is how things are going, i mean im sure he cant tell WHEN anything is happening, but just saying "hello im here, marp hasnt killed me to take my place and steal salem" doesnt hurt does it? its 5 seconds at most..

Activity: the game has Dropped drastically on Activity, Darwoth, MaxPlank and his whole group, Judaism, Riolic, Mauro, KKK, heck most of my Traders, Friends and some Townmates quit because theres nothing to do out of usualy "Chores" wich kill you if you do the same **** every day

we do Currently have 7(!!!!!!) Empty Stalls wich noone buys as people have stopped playing, no items sold in stalls, and people throw away there items to cheap prices since noone is there to buy stuff and the economy is ruined

Broken Content: we had a First Expedition and got Animals back home, but what for? in our high time we had 6 Barns with each like 50+ animals and now we have 2 with each like 15-20 because noone cares and they get nothing... "oh look you have 500+ dead animals with like 2000+ Steaks to cook? we will only give you Argopelter Eggs wich drop 1/10 or 1/20 chance or Candy Marshmallow Chirp wich is hard to produce also and has a 50% 50% chance to make Animal Meat useless" (instead if reducing the biles it gives and bring a few good restores)

then we get a Expedition thats finished but not even Released altho most people worked there ass off on the exoedition to get there stuff people wait like 7+ months to get the rewards and expedition items or Grapes (wich are even a Requirement on Providence to produce a few bile restore foods as silly as it is)

lets switch over to Fruits, Fruit Food is produced for FREE and gives an Amazing Advantage with just 40% chance to reduce a whopping 1% of Fruit and Jalapenos wich are easy to get you have an Indestructable Food, you can do 2 Sessions (for me with a 1250 set) and end up with having used no refresher, 1h F&F timer and a total of 200+ in each biles and guess what? if that wasnt already op enough the last expedition (when it arrives) gets a Curious Grapes" wich is even more and EVEN easier item to farm/spam item to restore Fruits

(just for example here my Fruit Orchard to see how easy it would be if you dedicate time to create like 50+ alts each season)

PvP: now the biggest Joke, PvP i tried to do pvp over the last few years but it ended badly, ill give you a good example

Me vs Goodman at a base he Raided, we were both mediocre fighters and i tried to avoid his hits wich worked good as if someone tries to hit you just go the other way, if you dont hve either stun objects or very high biles or b) a group to block a player 1vs1 combat is the biggest joke ever (i heard even HnH has a speed bonus for chasing people ur in combat with)

we had a "somewhat" of a even Fighting system but it totally got ruined by the likes of Poisondarts, Wing-a-Rangs (wich got nerfed a bit but still impossible wich ill explain later) Lassos and using 500 Pocket Watches so the current combat doesnt result in who fights best but who a( dodges the most hits till he can escape or b) uses the most amount of OP items to either get away or kill people

example? Lassos that can be extended so big you can pull people over the whole Screen and even into darkness if you hit.

Raiding? Raiding is reduced to wait till someone goes afk and then takeover or salve his whole base, with the current system wich i told JC is VERY BROKEN Raiding AFK Towns or Claims is easier then ever, and even if not its sometimes Easy as hell, ur member of a town that took 4+ years to build? just ask the Major to give you rights to chop some trees because it has EXACTLY the same ruleset that lets you salvage things, so give someone Chopping rights and you see your Walls and townbell salvaged in under 1 minute (unless u have trusting townmembers) also part of the reason noone trusts anyone in this game since even with trial people could wait till they get to normal member and then salvage toe town empty once u go to sleep or... have no rights for anything and gotta ask every time they want to chop or build stuff, very logic...

so what does Salem have left? my Group from like 6 to 2 players down, the Russians, the Polaks and a few lower/Medium players, most higher people told me they either quit over JC or Marp

where do i stand in this?

i decided to take the Action and see if i could remove the biggest nuisance in Salem aka the Polaks

all you need is a Townbell, a few bricks and Braziers and it will look like this >


the perfect Invincible town that can never be raided and costs almost nothing for a mediocre up+ player,the pclaim prevents draining the braziers and the high crit KO anyone that even tries so all u gotta do is go afk for a week and return to see ur stuff is still unbroken, and even if someone tries, just login every 3-4 days fill a brazier and ur perfectly good to leave again (and mind you this is just a town with 1 wall not like mine with 16+ walls)

or look at Beauties like this


perfectly unraidable Boundary Stones (with pclaim next) approved by Marp that can almost never be broken

Heres for Example Parts of the thing that can never be broken


you see? theres a Trial by Fire that is SO MUCH of any free area that it can permamently block a town but can never be removed, to bash it you need a few brick basher or a Mortar (wich cant hit that far on any of the directions as its out of the range of the black tiles of the map) so... aslong as you keep your small town payd (no cost for someone with millions of cash and +1300 L&L in wich i note that the TbF is build with the char that is fighter here and was resident of Vatican City so From Vatican City i can safely fuel a TbF that is exactly the WHOLE map away from top right to bottom left)

is it unfair? yes
should it be allowed? no
will someone ever do anything against that? nope

so i tried to be legit and Fight kuku (without touching her town since as i pointed out raiding is impossible) but the Sheer amount of bugs she knows and uses is unbelievable, i was laughing the whole time she did it since i knew id just have to call Marp and shes gone forever but guess what? nope nothing happens... wich is also the Reason noone left playing stands up to fight her, building the base i got over 10k bricks for free to help me just "because its kuku" but noone would come to aid in fear if dying right away to bugs wich then "suddenly become legal"

Moving Bodies away on a Boat? ...not illegal (id take that back marp said it is illegal but you can never goet any proof or someone to check server files so its basically legal without anyone avble to check it)

Dropping cheap objects on water to block seaways without having to use Lilypads? ...not illegal

Dragging people over Providence Claim and Fighting them without the ability to move or fight Back? ...not illegal

Using MOUNTED COMBAT aka using the WASD Keys on a mount to move around in Godspeed with a Wing-a-Rang in your hand for a precise and exact 100% Killchance? ...not illegal

(same video above) Using Poisondarts during Bloodmoon to gain loads of Free kills during Bloodmoon without ever leaving a single Scent? ...not illegal

remember when i once jumped over a wall and "was gone a month" yeah i also know this is kinda a joke compared to all the things above but as id like to mention again.... nothing illegal here.... right....? (not to mention when i jumped over the wall it took not even 5 minutes for marp to login and remove me)

what does this game have left?

i know when i joined i got greeted and welcomed by alot of nice and helpfull players and even the devs, now this is what we are left with

people that try to gather your IP with scamlinks (i googled them they are fake forum links that send your ip over to other parties)

First time i died in Salem was to PmP aka Paymaster Paul aka Dangerous "Dan" Dabrovsky and he asked "any last words" aeven KKK wouldnt step so low as to harass people now we have Polaks like these left

or lets look at what we have left on Discord?

wait.... did you really think i would be whining or leaving the Game here?

nope.. bad idea to think that, i reduced the Gametime to a minimum in reaction to Devs who do not login and devs who have a blind eye for Cheaters until this changes, and as i stand here ill guarantee you ill be the last to turn off the light, so even if Polak leaves, JC and Marp leaves any everyone else ill be the last one to leave the Sinking Ship.

so with this ill leave everyone else to share there opinion about Salem and its Current state.
Last edited by Heffernan on Fri Sep 14, 2018 4:03 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: The State of Salem

Postby Rifmaster » Fri Sep 14, 2018 3:30 pm

Nah, the raiding is fine, just ask master raider Tampon.

Also atleast the expedition was fun, despite JC waving the ban hammer around like a massive *******. So anyway yeah, prov is *****, but i think another expedition would be fun though.
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Re: The State of Salem

Postby Icon » Fri Sep 14, 2018 5:40 pm

I'm on my 6'th year of playing, and while I love this game the numbers have really put a hurtin on it. All my friends have either quit or are maintenance players now, even trying to find other players to raid has turned into a major task. In game politics are all but gone as well, with so few players who can afford to feud with anyone, I think just signs of a pulse would be enough, let everyone know that "something" is happening, even if its not ready yet. an event maybe? something simple.. pretty water? a pocket?
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Re: The State of Salem

Postby TheDuke86 » Fri Sep 14, 2018 6:16 pm

Bug abuse should not be tolerated. It literally kills the competition and fun.
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Re: The State of Salem

Postby Ronch » Fri Sep 14, 2018 8:12 pm

The way I spend my time currently in Salem isn't so much of a grind as it is boring, that boredom weighed down additionally by the total lack of communication from the Dev team lately has pushed me to begin looking at playing another similar game.

I began playing Salem at a good time, December of last year.
Salvaging was fresh to the game and kept me busy for a good six months.
Then, exploration kept me busy for another few months (love those explorer events!)
Then, I was lucky enough to have a good sized Town given to me in my 2nd or 3rd month of playing which cut short my base-building grind. Filling that Town in kept me busy for another few months.

But now, all I do in game is a daily perimeter patrol of Town, daily bee hive check, daily turkey and pig checks. And every 2 or 3 days I'll go check my market stall and then plant or harvest cotton.
...It's just not fun anymore, and looking forward (or hoping forward) to a Witch over-haul, introduction of fruit-foods and farmed-mounts possibly coming to the game just isn't enough to keep me interested without some sort (any sort) of communication from the Dev team about this game's future.

You guys suck, all three of you suck; JC sucks, Marp sucks and T-Meow sucks too.
Your neglect and indifference toward charming Salem has seared your reputation(s).
...None of you three, none of you deserve a game like Salem, period.

Only Dalane and a very few other faithful vet Salemites here are still holding this ghost-town together, kudos to them ! <---let those few good folks be a badge of shame to Salem's Dev team here.
...It's a shame, Salem was awesome, and is worth much, much, much, much more than just less of a year of fun playing it due to its unmotivated/absent Dev team.
I'll hate spending JC's ear-marked bail money in a different game's store now :cry:
.............. Here:
Last edited by Ronch on Fri Nov 02, 2018 2:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reviresco wrote:I log into this game and have fun.
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Re: The State of Salem

Postby Taipion » Fri Sep 14, 2018 10:43 pm

Now, that's the most important part in Salem, isn't it?
So much tears...

Heffs crying aside, it actually is quite ...unreasonable for JC to:
- remove horses-NPCs
- break witchcraft by removing PP (in preparation of the grand witchcraft overhaul, ofc)
- leave without any note for probably at least until mid next year or whenever, without even giving out the Concord rewards
(roughly in this order)

Sure, he's not doing this game for profit, or to raise some high player numbers, that's fine, but running away like that...
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Re: The State of Salem

Postby gorniksam » Fri Sep 14, 2018 11:21 pm

Heffernan wrote:bs crying rage

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Re: The State of Salem

Postby Memento » Sat Sep 15, 2018 1:55 am

Haha, you still play this! #devabuse

JC is working on his 2019 road map ( i hear it includes meat rotting and mine carts). Your going to have to wait until he is done with that before he returns.
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Re: The State of Salem

Postby ZoddAlmighty » Sat Sep 15, 2018 2:23 pm

Ronch wrote:The way I spend my time currently in Salem isn't so much of a grind as it is boring, that boredom weighed down additionally by the total lack of communication from the Dev team lately has pushed me to begin looking at playing another similar game.

I began playing Salem at a good time, December of last year.
Salvaging was fresh to the game and kept me busy for a good six months.
Then, exploration kept me busy for another few months (love those explorer events!)
Then, I was lucky enough to have a good sized Town given to me in my 2nd or 3rd month of playing which cut short my base-building grind. Filling that Town in kept me busy for another few months.

But now, all I do in game is a daily perimeter patrol of Town, daily bee hive check, daily turkey and pig checks. And every 2 or 3 days I'll go check my market stall and then plant or harvest cotton.
...It's just not fun anymore, and looking forward (or hoping forward) to a Witch over-haul, introduction of fruit-foods and farmed-mounts possibly coming to the game just isn't enough to keep me interested without some sort (any sort) of communication from the Dev team about this game's future.

You guys suck, all three of you suck; JC sucks, Marp sucks and T-Meow sucks too.
Your neglect and indifference toward charming Salem has seared your reputation(s).
...None of you three, none of you deserve a game like Salem, period.

Only Dalane and a very few other faithful vet Salemites here are still holding this ghost-town together, kudos to them ! <---let those few good folks be a badge of shame to Salem's Dev team here.
...It's a shame, Salem was awesome, and is worth much, much, much, much more than just less of a year of fun playing it due to its unmotivated/absent Dev team.
I'll hate spending JC's ear-marked bail money in a different game's store now :cry:
.............. Here:

You ***** ****.
Not even a year and you already are quitting salem? And for what? Pretty much the same reasons i stated.
Man, this is priceless.
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Re: The State of Salem

Postby Paradoxyc » Sat Sep 15, 2018 5:35 pm

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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