I don't feel like playing anymore. But I have quite a bit of progress on my characters.
One Character-
Character created at
2021-02-06 13:01 UTC
Last played at
2021-03-13 11:48 UTC
Direct Ancestor
Blood 28.0
Phlegm 37.4
Yellow Bile 27.4
Black Bile 25.0
Arts & Crafts 40
Cloak & Dagger 25
Faith & Wisdom 44
Frontier & Wilderness 54
Hammer & Nail 58
Hunting & Gathering 48
Law & Lore 46
Mines & Mountains 40
Pots & Pans 81
Sparks & Embers 39
Stocks & Cultivars 49
Sugar & Spice 42
Thread & Needle 52
Natural Philosophy 49
Perennial Philosophy 13
and the other one
haracter created at
2021-02-08 14:10 UTC
Last played at
2021-03-13 11:46 UTC
Direct Ancestor
Blood 18.2
Phlegm 26.0
Yellow Bile 21.0
Black Bile 24.8
Arts & Crafts 31
Cloak & Dagger 25
Faith & Wisdom 27
Frontier & Wilderness 42
Hammer & Nail 29
Hunting & Gathering 31
Law & Lore 32
Mines & Mountains 30
Pots & Pans 41
Sparks & Embers 29
Stocks & Cultivars 32
Sugar & Spice 30
Thread & Needle 33
Natural Philosophy 49
Perennial Philosophy 5
Along with items, 2 claims, smelter, carpenters bench, a pilgrims hovel, a mine, oiling trough, crucible, oil press, 6% crops. Both characters have a set of pj's and I have a teddy bear. almost 1mil inspiration on Dana1