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Postby belgear » Fri Dec 21, 2018 8:15 pm

what is hard to understand about having tobacco on hand?

you can continue to attribute the win to poopsocking or whatever delusion you would like, it only serves to hurt your and other's growth. The simple fact of the matter is the Kapitalists made a plan and efficiently divided labor to set the benchmarks for the server. The amount of playtime WAS CASUAL, specially compared to previous time investments in games.

Like I said, you are only gimping yourself so continue to blame whatever you think it may be.

On an on-topic note - Meth is a fantastic player and anyone with him as their shepherd is in good hands. If you are a new player then you have no better opportunity than this
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Postby TheDuke86 » Fri Dec 21, 2018 8:31 pm

Judaism wrote:4 orso hours a day is indeed quite casual in my book indeed, you clearly have not played alongside hardcore gamers, or competitive ones. (I simply assume and expect the majority of the Commies to at least play those hours, if not more since figures like Heffernan were in that group) If that is true, then it is fairly hypocrite to state that someone else is playing 24/7 with a smaller group, simply because they beat you in each and every aspect.

In the text prior to that you list a definition of casual, which is very subjective as I just stated. It indeed was fairly irregular, nearly daily on the other hand but when you spend 2 hours on a monday and then 4 hours on a saturday remains occasionally for me. A hardcore group, you could commit to a 5 hour rate at any given time, which we were for example limited to the weekends.

I've had semesters with only 10-15 hours a week and when you consume information quickly you might end up with a crap load of time and that is where playing hardcore can be possible, or simply be a basement dweller.

So I firmly hold ground that I have not made any contradictions, other than interpreting posts and comments differently, from random threads where I state something about Concord. I am sure you'll find many contradictions if you will read comments/reactions on entire different threads and a period ago.
Using that is present arguments is just retarded and proves that you have no valid arguments, like I said show the time-slots. We were barely present on it and we won the server with a quite casual approach. (bear in mind that we started out hardcore in a vacation period for 1-2 weeks), everything after that was absolutely peanuts regarding average hours a day spent.

It eventually is up to me how I perceive a casual approach, perhaps its super hardcore for the likes of you but then again you state 24/7, while I state that most players did not play more than 4/24 a day, most certainly not during the week.

Do not think you can judge how much time we have invested into Concord in total and claim it with some sort of certainty, based on literally nothing you claim that the entire group played it hardcore. Other than that you state that people have no life, while I repeatedly mention to you that everyone had obligations and carried on with their life during Concord. Unlike trash like Heffernan for example, we all have lifes and obviously when you imply differently without any proper validation or whatsoever, I will not stand for it.

The perspective you have is awfully wrong, we are the only ones that can estimate the total time invested and until now you have not provided anything to indicate that we would have to play more than a few hours a day each, which in general we really didn't other than some sessions during the weekends so now and then. In short, I do not like people that think to know what people do, say and mean with barely any context or information. That clearly is the type of person you are, well you are wrong and it'll be an endless debate on something which is out of your reach to grasp or to fill in.

No more than that was needed to bring the Concord victory home, while still beating the competition in nearly every aspect.

so much text to say basically I'm right. I never said 24/7 I said 2/3 of your day. As on the concord time recorder had you and several others of your group on for 60 days out of the 90 day expidition. playing something every day in intervals of an average of 4-5 hours is not casual. You don't get to change the definition of words. Just because others no life harder than you dosn't mean you yourself aren't ***** up in the head.

Again, thank you for proving my point, 10-15 school weeks and due to your lack of life choises makes it possible to consider 4-5 hour game days as casual. Even though you are clearly being dishonest. 4-5 hour days over 90 days is roughly 16days of play time, which contradicts the fact the log had you at 60days put of 90. I would love to show you but concord is down. An adult with adult responsibility can in no way devote 4-5 hours daily to a game. Work and sleep alone consume 17hrs. 4.5 hrs of game time leaves you with 21.5 of your time taken. With a gf and the time it takes to eat and get ready truly dosent add up. This is how I know how you spend your time.

You chose to spend your vacation gaming, that's cool, but again prooving my point that Gaming>RL for you. Which again is why I congratulated you originally for ”not having time” you are finally getting your priorities straight. Good for you, truly. It's win win for you and others who wish to play and not have a pvp server ”rushed” as you so put it.

All in all how you wish to prioritize your life is on you. Only reason I said anything is due to the overwhelming amount of bull **** you just vomited. Your own words contradict you. You gave it your all to the point of Salem fatigue, so just own it and move on.
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Postby Judaism » Fri Dec 21, 2018 9:01 pm

TheDuke86 wrote:so much text to say basically I'm right.

No you are obviously not.

TheDuke86 wrote:As on the concord time recorder had you and several others of your group on for 60 days out of the 90 day expidition. playing something every day in intervals of an average of 4-5 hours is not casual. You don't get to change the definition of words. Just because others no life harder than you dosn't mean you yourself aren't ***** up in the head.

4-5 hour days over 90 days is roughly 16days of play time, which contradicts the fact the log had you at 60days put of 90.

Like I said before, we had no high end time brackets. Belgear and Meth both have backup up the story and hopefully we have been clear enough about the situation. I have provided countless arguments, where you have not shown any evidence or proof and even if we had high time slots (which we absolutely had not) then it still would had stated very little about the actual time invested.

You are trying to scheme the Kapitalists as no-life hardcore players during Concord, which entirely dropped their obligations. Which is far from the reality, the reality is that we took a casual approach in general and we still managed to beat everyone within a record time-frame which greatly exceeded all expectations. (That much was obvious by the dev intervention, fixing and sudden changes)

Feel free to quote Belgear/Meth or for that matter Jenny or Lallaith, however I doubt they any of them is stupid enough (like me) to actually waste time on your *****.

Instead of your mockery and whining, should had played better. Perhaps that way we would had been forced to play more hardcore or hence you could had even won. Perhaps an advice for the future, its hard to admit and deal with losing.
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Postby TheDuke86 » Fri Dec 21, 2018 9:33 pm

Judaism wrote:
TheDuke86 wrote:so much text to say basically I'm right.

No you are obviously not.

TheDuke86 wrote:As on the concord time recorder had you and several others of your group on for 60 days out of the 90 day expidition. playing something every day in intervals of an average of 4-5 hours is not casual. You don't get to change the definition of words. Just because others no life harder than you dosn't mean you yourself aren't ***** up in the head.

4-5 hour days over 90 days is roughly 16days of play time, which contradicts the fact the log had you at 60days put of 90.

Like I said before, we had no high end time brackets. Belgear and Meth both have backup up the story and hopefully we have been clear enough about the situation. I have provided countless arguments, where you have not shown any evidence or proof and even if we had high time slots (which we absolutely had not) then it still would had stated very little about the actual time invested.

You are trying to scheme the Kapitalists as no-life hardcore players during Concord, which entirely dropped their obligations. Which is far from the reality, the reality is that we took a casual approach in general and we still managed to beat everyone within a record time-frame which greatly exceeded all expectations. (That much was obvious by the dev intervention, fixing and sudden changes)

Feel free to quote Belgear/Meth or for that matter Jenny or Lallaith, however I doubt they any of them is stupid enough (like me) to actually waste time on your *****.

Instead of your mockery and whining, should had played better. Perhaps that way we would had been forced to play more hardcore or hence you could had even won. Perhaps an advice for the future, its hard to admit and deal with losing.

lol by your own words you admitted playing it to the point of fatigue. I literally posted it, that's also me leaving out where jc talked about how long you guys were on. You have admitted that 4.5hrs every day of game time is casual, which is insane hahaha. You admitted that you blew your vacation time on a game. You admitted that your time consisted of 10-15hr school weeks proving my point that a adult with responsibility's can not compete with that. The mental gymnastic you are doing go convince yourself you just play casual is insane. You are either nuts or just a straight faced pathological liar.
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Postby Judaism » Fri Dec 21, 2018 10:24 pm

TheDuke86 wrote:that a adult with responsibility's can not compete with that. The mental gymnastic you are doing go convince yourself you just play casual is insane. You are either nuts or just a straight faced pathological liar.

Exactly you are trying to make your awful defeat look better and looking for excuses sorry to break it but anyone most certainly could had competed with us, including retards like yourself. We are arriving back to the beginning, players and groups with the knowledge and the organisation will succeed and that is what differs you from successful Salem players.

You're a stubborn idiot, who thinks to know the exact meaning behind words and not alone words, also regarding the effort and exact time someone put into something. Sorry once again but like everyone else from the relevant group so far is stating that we had quite a casual approach and were simply coordinated.

Bile wise we were outbiled by numerous people, base wise we were outbuilded by the Russians, in terms of total players we were zerged by the Commies, in terms of time invested we were outmatched by Biddas & Co, in terms of money spend we were outspend by most people and despite so many different things we beat every single group, we held numerous statues, we breached numerous statues, we raided nearly every town and pclaims, we dominated most leaderboards and in terms of killing from start to finish we always held all the juicy kills and lootrewards with an unprecedented victory.

Very little of all those aspects actually had something to do with winning that server, it was just to show our dominance by excellent play and coordination.

JohnCarver wrote:Mortal Moments Inc. is not here to cannibalize the community or piece out the code. We are not here because we wish to institute pay to win models or PvE servers. Quite the contrary.
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Postby MaxPlanck » Fri Dec 21, 2018 11:21 pm

4-5 hours a day is casual, any real gamer should know this. Work+sleep everyday means you are sustaining/paying for yourself(girlfriend or not lul, not sure why you are so insistent on saying this again and again)

I don't really get why you try to belittle people based on how much they play, like, even if Juda was lying which I wouldn't be bothered to believe you anyway Duke I still wouldn't care if he spent 15 hours a day playing and I don't mean being afk on characters to accrue leaderboard time then smoking tobacco afterwards to keep their characters alive. You do know how this game works right?

Stay salty scrubs that you lost the expedition whether or not Kapitalists played hardcore or not :lol:
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Postby gorniksam » Sat Dec 22, 2018 12:54 am

juda try hard to be like darwoth lol
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Postby Rifmaster » Sat Dec 22, 2018 1:08 am

Although I only played with the kapitalists for a short while, I can tell you with certainty that they really weren't very hardcore about concorde. Sure the first few days, and during raids it was necessary to play for longer, but if during those times you don't dedicate a significant part of your day to the game then you just can't stay competitive. All of the other times it seemed more like 2-4h a day, with juda being the most active but even then he was afk half the time, playing BDO or something else.
In the end what beat the UN, Biddas & co, and the russians was the fact that they were all dealing with a group of smart and industrious players that knew what they were doing.
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Postby Taipion » Sat Dec 22, 2018 1:11 am

gorniksam wrote:juda try hard to be like darwoth lol

Well, one thing he already copied pretty good from the start, is being a notorious liar,
which I experienced first hand meeting him shortly after starting on provi...
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Postby Judaism » Sat Dec 22, 2018 2:33 am

gorniksam wrote:juda try hard to be like darwoth lol

Seems that a lot of the idiots that had some sort of grudge with Darwoth seem to redirect their ***** to me now.

Like how quite hard we went off-topic here is most certainly quite obvious. Meanwhile I haven't logged in this game for over 7 months. Lets stop the derailing from here, that would be nice so that endeavors like this one can actually become something fun for new and remaining players.
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