The red festival

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The red festival

Postby saltmummy » Fri Jul 14, 2017 1:43 pm

I come here every day to check up on the streaming board, but there isn't much else going on. What happened to all this bloodshed I keep hearing about? A bunch of pudwackers playing grab ass in a field and the inevitable "NUH-UH! YOU ONLY KILLED MY ALTS!" forums posts that follow just aren't cutting it. I'll tell you what, carve for me a bloody line across salems landscape, a nice broad one, and I'll give out prizes I want to see bloodshed, I want to see razed villages, I want drama of the highest quality. I want people posting their "boohoo! all my **** got taken away by some ***** so I'm quitting!" threads.

You have a week, starting once I've got the details hashed out, and maybe make this post a bit less lackluster. (Should take about a day to do that.) Whoever entertains me best can have saltmummy's gold. We'll call it, "The Red Festival."

No, this doesn't mean I'm quitting. I'm just very very bored and can't find a reason to log in other than "put silver in bell, feed turkies, whatever..." Once I see some action, some excitement, and maybe when the update stuck in real life limbo hits, I'll become more active again.
Darwoth wrote:you know, cause they were obviously fascist white supremacist burrito nazis.

I had a great dream where I was a handsome skeleton in a tower.
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Re: The red festival

Postby Lihz » Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:03 pm

Or, you could start your own mindless zerg on the world?
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Re: The red festival

Postby Darwoth » Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:22 pm

when there is but a single werewolf and a server full of 30 unified sheep with silver plated butterknives thinking that they are william wallace reincarnate because there are 30 of them, 60 locations and 100 logistical allies to track down it takes time for that lone wolf to summon the full moon and shift into form, however when he does this is a graphical representation of the inevitable result.

sorry my timetable is not to the liking of the forum :lol: , i will start giving a crap sometime between never and when any of you fencesitters clamoring for drama decide to get your hands dirty and join me in the fray taking some of the burden off of me. (much thanks to certain anonymous sources for various materials, you have saved me a good deal of time)
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Re: The red festival

Postby gorniksam » Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:28 pm

I guess that raiding abandoned towns isn't counts so no price for darwoth :lol:
Also where is our price for killinh his main character?
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Re: The red festival

Postby Darwoth » Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:31 pm

a town is not abandoned when the owner of said town logs in to either die (methuzelah, belgear) or change lean tos (judaism, relemai) within 4 - 8 hours of the raid you seven headed tunalord

and stop deluding yourself. the "main character" ceased being my main before i even went to popham much less after returning from it, its skills were **** and its biles were mismatched garbage, i have expendable combat fighters with a higher scalp score and more balanced spectrum of skills/biles.
Last edited by Darwoth on Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The red festival

Postby Messyng » Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:33 pm

I would like to quote from Robinson Crusoe a scene:

I immediately stepped to the cabin door, and taking up my gun, fired at him; upon which he immediately turned about and swam towards the shore again.

But it is impossible to describe the horrid noises, and hideous cries and howlings that were raised, as well upon the edge of the shore as higher within the country, upon the noise or report of the gun, a thing I have some reason to believe those creatures had never heard before.

Back then the whole community was more trusting, naive, but ppl whom they called friends backstabbed them, killed and took all their possessions. The collective judgement have grown to be more sceptical and being more aware of dangers have taken measures to guard themselves against such possibilities and thus less ppl are forming groups or inviting over and naturally less infiltration is happening.

Again I don’t know since I haven’t played back then, I am just judging/guessing based on my own recent experience when I tried to find a mentor or call for some rangers or even know details what is to be a cook for someone.
Last edited by Messyng on Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Due to the circumstances, due to my stubbornness.
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Re: The red festival

Postby gorniksam » Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:43 pm

Darwoth wrote:the "main character" ceased being my main before i even went to popham much less after returning from it, its skills were **** and its biles were mismatched garbage

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Darwoth wrote: i have expendable combat fighters with a higher scalp score and more balanced spectrum of skills/biles

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Re: The red festival

Postby Darwoth » Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:48 pm

at first i just assumed you were grasping at straws to say something, but then it dawned on me that after killing you four separate times in the last 6 months twice on your primary fighter, that you probaby really don't have expendable fighters or steelbreakers with higher than a 9k scalp.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: The red festival

Postby gorniksam » Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:58 pm

Darwoth wrote:at first i just assumed you were grasping at straws to say something, but then it dawned on me that after killing you four separate times in the last 6 months twice on your primary fighter, that you probaby really don't have expendable fighters or steelbreakers with higher than a 9k scalp.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

The thing is that you cant know about it when you didnt killed a serious character from +1y. Also you lost your main character which was your crafter, tailor and main character before that new one started to be. Also that character got 1# in Justice board.
Your previous main was worth a mask and got really nice rares weares on. Especially goat mask and Cape which are only 2 in game so garbage i'd say
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Re: The red festival

Postby Darwoth » Fri Jul 14, 2017 3:12 pm

do you really believe the **** your saying or just trying to score forum points with your retards?

the highest skill on that character was its ****** tailoring which was barely over 700 and was taken there sometime back during the tribe days, the remaining skills if they were above 100 were in the 250 - 300 range and that was only **** like stocks and mines because i literally have not used a single inspirational on it in 2 years or longer and the only time it gluttoned was when i had random odd lots of **** left over and did not want to unbalance my real characters. my current main character has almost all of its skills at or near 1k which is why the difficulty rating on clothing made under my "main" is half the time not 0 yet **** made with the other is always 0 and it could 2 - 3 shot pretty much anyone in your group other than your mismatched pile of crap "big" character that you do not leave town on which would merely require a few extra slaps to knock you over.

i understand that i am essentially the raid mob of salem and zerging me every encounter we have like some kind of world of warcrapft dragon raid is due to the fact whenever you folks do not do so you get your ass kicked, but flattery will get you no where =(

and you still have about 300 kills to go yet before your faction breaks even with me, and far more than that when you figure in each of you only get 15 - 20% of the credit :lol:

edit: yes, you got some rare clothes at last you can point to something remotely of note. you will either toss them in a river or they will end up back in my posession eventually as things tend to do. btw, there are a whole lot more than two goat masks and while i am merican i never felt truly represented by my inside out cape ever since judaism got one. i am holding out for marp to make me a confederate flag cape instead, which he promised me was his absolute top priority in life the second that the slavery patch gets put in.
Last edited by Darwoth on Fri Jul 14, 2017 3:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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