The Reaper comes for a Burial Cross (9999 scalp score)

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The Reaper comes for a Burial Cross (9999 scalp score)

Postby Judaism » Wed Jan 11, 2017 10:17 am

Faithful Pilgrims,
As of late Heffernan has been way too lousy against the Kristians again and even decided to break one of our secured boundaries with his valuable characters.


We passively acted upon these crimes with a secured poopclaim and as of today his town is still out of the list and that will remain so for the forseeable future.


We could still act and kill all of his bashers, however with the idiotic recent statements of the developers, more specific Tmeow running her mouth more than usually, the will to do so has declined a fair bit for myself of my fellow Kristians. That alongside the deadlines I have to hit this semester will probaly exclude myself from participating temporary. Either way, that was my little rant about the developers and my excuse to lay low for a little while, that however will not make todays event's less sweet.

Today is a great day, while one of my lovely legate's was wandering around Heffernan's town this morning it discovered a player with a red name, sadly it was not Heffernan but it was someone we had met from long ago. It was Reeper_Aut aka mr Nobody who has been plotting against us from the start and is the only friend that lives with Heffernan. It would be too much for me to ask write down our history exactly but he has been ignoring everything just like Heffernan, however has not been punished as often yet.

In lack of a video, I will quickly summarize the combat encounter.
Upon encounter I swiftly popped all of my watch and threw many wing-a-rangs. I was hitting 100's on the Reaper guy, the Reaper had good biles but was unwilling to give me a proper fight , which is usually the case with those cowards. He was really close to his base, he was already on the insanely large pclaim (which they have to completely fix) and was right infront of his gates, however after the 6th wing-a-rang hit the Reaper guy and I thrusted him once, well my power was simply put too much for even the Reaper guy, he knocked out right infront of his gate.

After that we quickly ported a murder alt in and did the final killing blow, the loot was decent since he had some store tools and such in his belt.



It was not so much about the loot tho, the scalp was awesome yet another top 10 scalp, a very high one actually.
Sadly he was incapable of getting 10.000 score, since I knocked him so he lost a point right there :)


Let this be yet another example that Heffernan and his silly friends are not much of a challenge for the Kind Karing Kristians and simply should pay their Tithe as incapable idiots.
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Re: The Reaper comes for a Burial Cross (9999 scalp score)

Postby matan002 » Wed Jan 11, 2017 10:49 am

Smells like justice ;)
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Re: The Reaper comes for a Burial Cross (9999 scalp score)

Postby Kandarim » Wed Jan 11, 2017 11:33 am

and nice justice at that. So sad that you pushed him below a 10k score by knocking him out.
I have neither the crayons nor the time to explain it to you.
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Re: The Reaper comes for a Burial Cross (9999 scalp score)

Postby gorniksam » Wed Jan 11, 2017 12:20 pm

Justice! But I like that guy so RIP reaper
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Re: The Reaper comes for a Burial Cross (9999 scalp score)

Postby Kralith » Wed Jan 11, 2017 12:29 pm

RIP Reeper.
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Re: The Reaper comes for a Burial Cross (9999 scalp score)

Postby Goodman12 » Wed Jan 11, 2017 8:53 pm

Judaism wrote:however has not been punished as often yet.

If I'm not mistaken this is actually the 3rd time Reeper has died by Kristian hands :lol: :lol:
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