(10v5) the UN/Communism Alliance vs the Mighty Capitalists

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Re: (10v5) the UN/Communism Alliance vs the Mighty Capitalis

Postby Darwoth » Wed Jan 31, 2018 9:50 am

VladimirPutin wrote:
I don’t know if they dragged that mountain lion on purpose or not and tbh I don’t like QQing. After it aggroed me I dragged it across the river to get it to deaggro, by the time I got back myself and another re-engaged them. Sad thing is we most likely would have landed a killing blow on their 2nd titan. But that is now in the woulda coulda shoulda land. This game is quit famous for backstabs and if it is happening or has happened then ***** it, oh well it’s a cowards methods, people to scared to fight so instead they plot. The best thing about this group is we had some “vets” that rage quit after the first hickup, and yet here I have a band of noobs that is willing to fight, defeat after defeat, and enjoy even the small victories when we get them. I am very proud of my group.

lol what would there be to qq about even if they did drag it on purpose not only is there nothing underhanded about it you had 10 people :lol: :lol:

vets of this game have employed lumberlords, dbears, pelters, hydruckey swarms, mass quetzl chests and a whole host of **** as tactics. there is nothing deceitful or "plotting" about it, which by the way is also a valid tactic.
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Re: (10v5) the UN/Communism Alliance vs the Mighty Capitalis

Postby RobertoKarlos » Wed Jan 31, 2018 12:04 pm

I think is a win for the commie side seeing how they are, not losing all their alts against less than half of enemies is kinda of a miracle. Prolly they were more than 10 people but some die in the way to capitalism base.
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Re: (10v5) the UN/Communism Alliance vs the Mighty Capitalis

Postby Methuzelah23 » Wed Jan 31, 2018 12:57 pm

RobertoKarlos wrote:I think is a win for the commie side seeing how they are, not losing all their alts against less than half of enemies is kinda of a miracle. Prolly they were more than 10 people but some die in the way to capitalism base.

I scouted around and found another 5 corpses in the surrounding area, I assume these were the nutpickers tasked with making trail mix.

2of them seemed to have starved to death, and 3 were probably killed by squirrels.
Darwoth wrote:easily the best and longest standing rivalry i have ever had in a single game.Thanks for being a top quality nemesis and group leader on both servers, the best 1v1 pvp opponent i have squared off against as well.
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Re: (10v5) the UN/Communism Alliance vs the Mighty Capitalis

Postby Brego » Wed Jan 31, 2018 2:12 pm

it's a second time when cougar helps to fight against this group ,they are so cute ,make them our domestic animals for fighting !
Be careful!Nature against you ,her wisdom is coming!Don't forget about the rat at the end ,so pls Meth don't lie.
I would change everything in places, but to madness, I do not have enough strength
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Re: (10v5) the UN/Communism Alliance vs the Mighty Capitalis

Postby toddesloan » Wed Jan 31, 2018 4:00 pm

battleslayer888 wrote:
JohnCarver wrote:Ok just watched the video here are my observations:

#1: 3:39. Cougar joins the fight in favor of Capitalism. To me that was clearly where it started to tip in their favor and I'm surprised that the communists have not pointed out that this is the only reason they lost.

#2: 4:00 Capitalist starts craving a Frikadel. Clearly they are too powerful due to lucky cravings.

#3: Seriously though, quite proud of this. We have had a lot of ups and downs, and we have a wealth of systems that are nowhere near where I want them. But in all my recollection of playing and watching videos here for 5 years now I do not ever recall a 20 person open world fight where this many people were willing to lose as much as they were (proportionate to the time elapsed in the server of course). Well done to both sides. I'm very proud and this motivates me greatly to ponder what it is that made a situation like this possible, and what I can do to make sure each expedition has interactions like this.

Betrayal being a large issue, stops many groups like this forming. Luckily most our group are hardworking individuals who wouldn't give up betrayal to start somewhere small again for a minor gain. Battles like these can only happen with lower Full and FedUp and easier foods to make. Making alts is a larger portion of PVP, aslong theirs a steady supply to make them, but not make foods OP to where they stop giving benefit to a certain degree of biles. (IE: easy to make wide range of foods that give goods bile but -90%. Low full and fedup) makes an easy way to create alts and keep a steady supply going. These foods are a nonviable option for larger character requiring more foods as a +40 to all biles is nice, but the 90% reduction prevents you from continously biling them like crazy.

As Judaism said, if you want expedition to be pvp pact. (MAIN reason i wanted to do the expedition) Then you have to make certain things easier and less tedius, base building, lower requirements on building supplies (IE: stone hedge: 1 granite 1 stone) Bases are going to be constantly raided and thats the fun part, making a way to make another constantly makes the game flow always happening. Perhaps speedup timber piles and coal clamps to be quicker, this speeds up early game. Allow double proficiency gain during expedition? You wouldnt have to include all these, just pick and choose.
My Idea could be completely ignored and possibly bad, but this would bring the old salem many others enjoyed in terms of raiding mechanics, Yet incorporate current ones.

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Re: (10v5) the UN/Communism Alliance vs the Mighty Capitalis

Postby toddesloan » Wed Jan 31, 2018 4:08 pm

Best group pvp video salem has delivered so far. Well done gents, both sides. JC, you now know what we want, far as expedition metagame. Pay attention to all the feedback, the common theme is "less time less grind".
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Re: (10v5) the UN/Communism Alliance vs the Mighty Capitalis

Postby VladimirPutin » Wed Jan 31, 2018 5:26 pm

Darwoth wrote:
VladimirPutin wrote:
I don’t know if they dragged that mountain lion on purpose or not and tbh I don’t like QQing. After it aggroed me I dragged it across the river to get it to deaggro, by the time I got back myself and another re-engaged them. Sad thing is we most likely would have landed a killing blow on their 2nd titan. But that is now in the woulda coulda shoulda land. This game is quit famous for backstabs and if it is happening or has happened then ***** it, oh well it’s a cowards methods, people to scared to fight so instead they plot. The best thing about this group is we had some “vets” that rage quit after the first hickup, and yet here I have a band of noobs that is willing to fight, defeat after defeat, and enjoy even the small victories when we get them. I am very proud of my group.

lol what would there be to qq about even if they did drag it on purpose not only is there nothing underhanded about it you had 10 people :lol: :lol:

vets of this game have employed lumberlords, dbears, pelters, hydruckey swarms, mass quetzl chests and a whole host of **** as tactics. there is nothing deceitful or "plotting" about it, which by the way is also a valid tactic.

That’s nice, but as I said, not gonna QQ about it.
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Re: (10v5) the UN/Communism Alliance vs the Mighty Capitalis

Postby gustavohvg » Wed Jan 31, 2018 8:14 pm

JohnCarver wrote:this motivates me greatly to ponder what it is that made a situation like this possible

Yes, it was nice. On the first round of the fight though my char couldn't barely do anything because Springavalle had 1k tiles of grape fences near their outer wall and it causes a huge fps lag on me (brambles does that too). The lag is so great in my potato laptop with intel GPU that I can't walk properly or kill a deer if there is 30 tiles of them in rendering range (I'm not exaggerating, I actually had my main KOed by a deer some days ago :lol: ). Maybe you can see a girl with miner's hat walking clumsily in the begining of the video :(
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Re: (10v5) the UN/Communism Alliance vs the Mighty Capitalis

Postby gustavohvg » Wed Jan 31, 2018 8:28 pm

toddesloan wrote:Best group pvp video salem has delivered so far

And the best moments they doesn't show in the video (Idk why - nothing to be really ashamed of IMHO)

And please, answer, who was the guy easily stomped by someone else that I could bullrun and give 125 + damage as he got surrounded and KOed? I really hope it wasn't Goodman because this would somewhat spoil the fun of punching him in the future
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Re: (10v5) the UN/Communism Alliance vs the Mighty Capitalis

Postby Judaism » Wed Jan 31, 2018 9:14 pm

It was me, it is my footage and also Goodman mentioned that he was not there. I don't know what you assume, I was surrounded by KO'd bodies and snared, not a whole lot I could do against 4 people bumping me.
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