25k+ scalp

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Re: 25k+ scalp

Postby Paradoxyc » Thu Jan 19, 2017 4:15 pm

AcidSpiral wrote:
JohnSnow wrote:
AcidSpiral wrote:He is referring to the other threads where Claeyt and JohnSnow have cried about the game changing so that it is impossible for new players to catch up with veterans.

Yes, this guy definitely caught up all vets. He played whole year, 24 hours a day, and then died like a dog. Success. No one even noticed his death, before someone check scalps list.

I'm not sure deciding to quit, giving your items away, and then suiciding your character is considered "dying like a dog". And plenty of people knew about his death and scalp before this post. :lol: As Darwoth said, since he "played 24/7 for a whole year" why is he not on the time leaderboard?

Maybe you can't come to terms with the fact still that you are a whiney carebear who wants everything spoon fed to you in a game you suck atm

I rarely saw insiq on, and when he was on he was always leveling up something.
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Re: 25k+ scalp

Postby kabuto202 » Sat Jan 21, 2017 11:05 am

Darwoth wrote:my scalp is far higher, come get some.

as for insiq pretty sure he quit over something and gave riolic his scalp, also i would like to point out it was something like only a year ago he started salem and i sold him his first crappy glutt set. so much for all the crybabies like johnsnow and claeyt that ***** about how "impossible" it is for new players to catch up.

Yeah, but what if I don't want to **** in a sock for a year?
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Re: 25k+ scalp

Postby Darwoth » Sat Jan 21, 2017 12:07 pm

kabuto202 wrote:Yeah, but what if I don't want to **** in a sock for a year?

then **** in your mouth instead.

in all truthfulness if you know how to play a character of that caliber can be achieved in under two months, taking a year to do it is due to being casual or lost efficiency. insiq was a newb that asked veterans how to play when he first started and followed their advice he also played in a group of people that did something other than ***** on the forum. the result is that he had a 25k scalp main and the others have 25k forum posts ***** about not having one.
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Re: 25k+ scalp

Postby Claeyt » Sat Jan 21, 2017 3:40 pm

Is Riolic banned? Why isn't he commenting on this kill?
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Re: 25k+ scalp

Postby Hose » Sat Jan 21, 2017 3:42 pm

Claeyt wrote:Is Riolic banned? Why isn't he commenting on this kill?

Do you have down syndrome or why do you keep asking stupid questions on a daily basis?
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Re: 25k+ scalp

Postby AngelOfSilence » Sat Jan 21, 2017 8:22 pm

i will always be 1000 skalp score im raleplaying boig bos
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Re: 25k+ scalp

Postby saltmummy » Sun Jan 22, 2017 12:30 am

Claeyt wrote:Is Riolic banned? Why isn't he commenting on this kill?

Shut up claeyt.
Darwoth wrote:you know, cause they were obviously fascist white supremacist burrito nazis.

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