Despite the Hallowe'en content of the last patch, I wanted to squeak one out that has more core issues and a few nice things as well.

Marp Giveth
- Sifting is now an automatic process. Just do it.
- Increased drop rate of black sand.
- Stones can now be added into Stockbins.
- Sand can now be added into Stockbins.
- New Pack in the Cash Shop - Undertaker Pack. Snazzy look and a shovel that packs a punch.
Marp Taketh Away
- Increased rubble weight.
- Adjusted limit of P-Claims to stock a maximum of 2 months worth of silver. (Currently if you had more than 2 months' worth inside your pclaim prior to this patch, it will hold this amount without allowing for any extra to be added until within the new threshhold. I intend to deal with this overage as soon as I can to balance the current playing field, but for the time being, I wanted to cap it before any more could be added while I continue to dabble. Further adjustments are in the works.)
- Removed LL buff from being added to P-Claims and V-Claims. (I'll find a new purpose for LL, one that ideally doesn't so negatively impact the silver economy and game balance. I'm also open to adding it back in a diminished capacity. It is on the docket to be better hashed out.)
Bug Fixes:
- Crops SHOULD now always graphically update when their speed is fertilized through the roof WITHOUT you needing to add that one extra piece of fertilizer.
What's Next?:
- Delicious Beverages
- Raiding
- PVP Engagements
- IDK, puffer fish or something?
As always, thanks for your feedback up to this point. I'm not 100% sure on how I'll handle the P-Claim overages, but I'll try to settle on something fair. In the meantime, please do me the honor of considering lending your support to the patch with a lovely Gnome Hat, complete with foresty frills and shroomy delights, which can be found in the Cash Shop. Stay safe in the Lumberwoods