As most of you are aware, it has been quite some time since the game was updated. Recently, acknowledging that JC's life will continue to keep him away, I have been granted the sole burden of leading development of the game. Without further adieu, I welcome you to read the following notes for the first patch Salem has had in quite some time.

Marp Giveth
- Added new Inspirational: Rough Stone
- Added skills from Concord (Vineyards and Vintner)
- Added the ability to have grapes grow from planted honeysuckle kudzu (takes about 2 days)
- Added the ability to plant grapes onto makeshift fence corner posts
- Grapes grow after 20 hours(ish)
- Vines spread after 32 hours(ish)
- Added Concord rewards (apron, mask, flag, quill, pocketwatch, fish, and whip). They behave identically to their Popham counterparts
- Obsidian Arrowheads are now an inspirational
- Added a new Pumpkin Food: Soul cakes. They take a while to bake and have questionable ingredients, but surely someone has a taste for them!(?)
- Removed insanity hit given from digging up a Trace of the Lost Colony
- Added a rare chance to uncover obsidian while digging
- Added new Necklace: Stalker Charm
- Added new craftable Hat: Kartuz
- Added three new craftable Flags: Bunny Flag, Deer Flag, and Bear Flag
- Added a new Creature: Glowworms! Catch them with butterfly nets and the butterfly catching skill. Some are rarer than others, try to catch them all

- Added a new Cape: Glowworm Cape (it glows in the dark!)
- A better developer than I added a new fish inspirational full of hot air. Go find it.
- Added a new Fishing Lure: Googly Glower
- Readded Perennial Philosophy to all of the things (and went cross-eyed while doing it...)
- Added a new Wallpaper: Bugging out
- Added a drop res to honey and royal jelly
* Special Hallowe'en Event *
- Mr. Bones has come a'callin! Find him in town for a treat (or a trick). Don't wait too long; he'll be gone come All Hallows Eve.
Marp Taketh Away
- Nerf'd Fruit Food Group
- Nerf'd Jalapenos, Curious Grapes, and Franklin Bars and their relation to fruit foods
- Nerf'd some other Foods - Garlic Rabbit, Garlic Stuffed Mushroom, Froghetti, Autumn Delight
- Removed glass panes and bottles from town vendor stalls
- Obsidian Slabs only drop 60 obsidian (down from 150)
- Obsidian Arrowheads are more rarely obtained when chiseling obsidian
Bug Fixes
- Adjusted weight of honeycomb to match output weight of honey and beeswax.
- Adjusted weight of sweet jerky to match lowest sum of input components.
- Adjusted weight of golden brick of biddas to match golden egg.
- Fixed Yellow Corn Oil icon to properly display itself as being Yellow Corn Oil in recipes.
- After 3 years, the town violin man will stop playing Christmas music. You're welcome.
- Fixed bug that allowed you to log off and use Popham Pocketwatch over and over (Concord Pocketwatch should work properly)
- Players can now add cabbages to turkey coops regardless of the qty of leaves (which are definitely a liquid) the cabbage may contain.
House Keeping
- Fixed typos (listed for posterity and updating the wiki):
-Cheese Making skill
-Disease Immunity buff
-French Tickler skill
-Fungiculture skill
-Milk Drinker buff
-Monster Hunting skill
-Storm Hat icon
-Theology skill
-Tobacco Planting skill
-Trial By Combat build description
-Viscera & Bits
-Nesting Doll flavor text
-Painted Feathers flavor text
-Whetstone flavor text
- Added flavor text (listed for the reasons above):
-Deer Antlers
-Ingot Mold
-Lava Rock
-Leader's Lockect
-Loyallist's Locket
-Obsidian Fragments
-Laced Porcupine Spines
-Royal Jelly
-Bits of Masonhood
-Sourdough Starter
- Adjusted icons because I hate the white boundary:
- Obsidian Arrowhead
- Blindfold
Note #1: The changes to gluttony are part of a larger overhaul to the system. This is the beginning of a rebalancing. Feel free to share your experience and weigh in as these values and others in the gluttony system face the tides of change in this and coming patches. In doing so though, please realize that the eventual curve may differ from what you have been used to. I am committed to balancing the system by whatever means.
Note #2: I am reneging on JC's promise of a character transfer to the winning witch. I believe it was JC's intention to develop the technology to allow this kind of transfer, but for now it isn't possible. Instead, I have added $50 in store
credit to the winner's grand prize as a consolation. In addition, and for historic reference, although witchcraft will be a focus eventually, it is not as immediate as the last patch notes indicated. Don't worry though, it's on the horizon...somewhere.
Note #3: I will be nerfing cotton in 1-7 days. You are strongly encouraged to sell your cotton in town
What's Next
Delivery of Concord Prizes!!! (this will be done in the next week or so and I'll revise the original concord prize post with a list of the winners)
Coton Nerf
P-Claim Nerf
Post patch bugfixes
- Kartuz can now be made.
- The new compiler broke cotton cloth making. It's been fixed.
- Compiler broke speed of boulder digging. Fixed.
- Adjusted spawn rate of glowworms.
- Made it so you can drop glowwormcapes on the ground
I'd like to personally thank those of you who have continued to play Salem and also those who have returned just to read these words and see what the fuss is about. I would also like to thank JC who, despite his very busy schedule, provided what was necessary to transition development into my hands. And last, but not least, I would like to thank Loftar, whose infinite patience has guided me through every murky step of the way. None of this could have happened without his help. I know it's been a while and we've been through a lot, but I hope this is the start of many nice things (and a few tears as well). Please consider supporting the patch by visiting the Cash Shop and purchasing your very own Phrygian Cap! Also, please report any bugs you happen to find. This is baby's first patch and the likelihood that I didn't screw something up is direly small.
Stay safe in the Lumberwoods, Pilgrims.