We still have our sights set on Horses but have the following changes to keep y'all busy in the meantime

Server-Client Render Changes
*In anticipation for a more-mounted world we have increased the radius in which objects are drawn. Players will notice a fairly significant increase to the distance in which they can view things. This is the maximum we are prepared to push the limits without also changing the distance in which terrain is drawn. Feedback on this would be appreciated. The general idea is that traveling at larger speeds felt cumbersome given how quickly you could travel vs. the speed in which you could see objects in the distance. We will monitor the server strain. Its also worth noting that clients loading a heavy number of objects may be more stressed as the number of visible objects is also going to place strain there. If clients or the server decide this is too much we will have to revert this change.
Bone Furniture!
*Have you ever slain an enemy and wished you could sit on him for all eternity? How about having a long-lost friend at the dinner table with you long after their time has passed? Well you are in luck as there is now a furniture set you can build with the skulls of your friends!
*Players may now add somebody to their buddy list by memorizing their Skull. The skull will still display their real name but you may memo them off the skull as you would a player.
*Pilgrims may now desecrate skeletons by ripping the skulls off them. This was previously an ability given only to witches which is being re purposed in the witchcraft changes going on in the test server.
*Stealing the head off a Skeleton counts as Larceny.
*Witches can still for the time being use these skulls as they always have.
*Skeletons that have been desecrated will no longer persist.
*These skulls may be more and more valuable as time passes so it is not a terrible idea to hang onto them. I expect the crypt on providence will be raided in short order.
Leather Clothes
*New Craftable Clothing: Leather Chaps
*New Craftable Clothing: Moo Chaps
*New Craftable Clothing: Studded Chaps
*New Craftable Clothing: Moo Trappers Jacket
*New Craftable Clothing: Studded Trappers Jacket
There are also 3 additional leather clothing items hidden in this patch.
Movement Changes
The first of the Movement changes made their way into this.
*Sneak: A new movement skill that will omit leaving footprints when used.
*Forage now has a unique animation
*Forage is now slower
*Forage now drains less yellow bile.
Bugfixes & Small Changes
*BUGFIX: The Long-standing bug of brazier/torchposts 1-shotting players has finally been found and fixed. This should no longer be a thing.
*BUGFIX: Rafts should now persist correctly.
*BUGFIX: Jars should now display the correct number to be created in the crafting window.
*BUGFIX: Graphical issue with Shrouded Buff should be corrected.
*BUGFIX: Graphical Issue with Tea Buffs should be corrected
*BUGFIX: Brambles will no longer grow over water.
*There should no longer be a chance to gain 2 madness levels when LEAVING a blood moon season.
*When entering a bloodmoon season all players now hear a sound effect.
*Players require a Scalp Score of 500+ to partake in the Grape Juice Pirate Event on Concord.
*The Mason Lodge Levels now require higher and higher scalp scores even if you have the necklace.
*The Amount of madness gained when coughing on players has been reduced.
*Coughing on a player who is already diseased will not further raise madness.
*Bees now have a chance to sting when investigating the skep and your player will say "Ouch" if he is stung in the process.
*The Mason Lodge now allows access to its benefits every 23 hours instead of every 24.
*The Timekeeper now keeps time in months as well as displaying how many hours of play time once players move to 'days'.
*Crickets now hop faster. (Not move faster this is an animation change only).
*Drop Rate for Swim Bladders has been increased.
*Rabbit in the Cabbage now requires rabbit cuts down from rabbit steaks.
*Chuck Roast now requires brown potatos instead of carrots.