Patch 2.2.0 Saleming Along

Announcements of major changes to Salem.

Patch 2.2.0 Saleming Along

Postby JohnCarver » Mon Jan 08, 2018 1:15 am

Greetings Salemites,
New Patch for you. We were able to keep a brisk pace of development which is hopefully realized in the content afforded here. However, I anticipate a lull in pace causing us to miss next Sundays patch so fair warning. The goal would be small things for you at the end of the month and 2.3 Sometime in February. Without further ado here is what we were working on though!


New Sea Vessel
*Rafts. Sail with more friends and bring more stuff than ever before!

New Mason Lodge Floor
The 3rd floor of the masonlodge has been added in all its glory! Go check it out! Feel free to PM me when you are there and if you have a 4th floor necklace and I will discuss with marp dropping the next floor.
New Music Track: Mason lodge now has its own music track.
*Mason Lodge Guards now appropriately March in place.

Concord Non-Witch Event
Merchants will not arrive until the first season after this post, namely the next everbloom/bloodmoon as of this post.

This Patch comes with the Pilgrim event to Concord! On the eastern beaches of Concord a handful of reasonable individuals who claim to be from from a non-profit organization have landed on the beaches. They go by the Pilgrims International Eating Rights or PIE-RIGHTS for short. Their foul mouths and pegged legs make you feel skeptical but why would they lie? Anyways, they claim that Grapejuice can be used to make a wonderful wine that will cure the sick in far away lands and wish you to bring them litres of it to help the cause. In exchange for doing so they will share with you a recipe for a Wine. Each season change the recipe they will share with you changes and they will be willing to accept another 10 liters of grapejuice! IN addition to this His Majesty has gotten involved with their operation and each time you satisfy their needs you will be awarded with 15 BONUS IOU's (these will not count towards the leaderboard but can be used to upgrade your Mason Necklaces).

Please note that Grapes are very tempermental on the soil they are planted in and they will not fruit if planted too far east. In addition to this His Majesty has declared that only him and hiw newfound friends may transport the liquid. As such, all Wine must now be traded in person and transported by foot. Any fast-traveling with Wine has been strictly outlawed.

Lastly, they heard that the settlers of Concord may have an interest in shipping some grapes back to providence. Each shipment turned in will reward them with Pieces of Eight. Turn in 50 of these bottles to a merchant who showed up in town and he promises to take grapes back to Providence!

Variant Creature System
In an effort to make the world feel a bit more alive I have tampered with a variant animal system. These are not NEW creatures. But they are new textures for various existing creatures with slightly adjusted stats and combat. The first phase of this is rolling out to our dear friend the bunny rabbit.

*New Variant Kritter: Appalachian Cottontail. The larger of his Cousins, this bunny has higher hit points and exhibits a red-hue to his coat. He moves a bit slower as well.
*New Variant Kritter: Eastern Cottontail. These exhibit a greyish color and are much quicker than his cousins.
*New Variant Kritter: Mountain CottonTail. These exhibit a brownish coat and are positioned right between the other two stat-wise.

Transient World Objects
I've implemented a transient world object system. Things that exist but only for short periods of time. I'm open to suggestions on where you guys think we could go with this and what would be interesting but I like the idea that players can make an impact on the world around them and 'feel' the other players maybe even if you have that missed encounter. These of course have major implications in the PVP side of things as well so here ya go.

*Players now leave footsteps when they walk through the lands. These footsteps can be seen when tracking is enabled. This will both allow players to see if others have been snooping around their base recently, as well as leave little trails back to your base when you go out foraging. Seeing these footsteps requires that the character has indian tracking. Black footprints are innocent pilgrims and red footsteps are left by criminals with a crime buff.

*Players now leave small pools of blood each time they bleed from a bleeding effect.

*Players now leave small pools of blood each time they finish butchering an animal.

Pajamas are not complete without Nightcaps. I shame y'all for not bringing this to my attention sooner.
*New Nightcap: Plaid Slumbercap
*New Nightcap: Twinkle Topper
*Jute Caps are now Jute Nightcaps and have an appropriate sleep bonus.

New Content
*It now only takes 4 witches to complete Seance of the damned.
*Reagents for gravecrave reduced. Gravecrave now increases the difficulty of a players next craving by 'double' their humors.
*New Flag: Reedflag
*NEW ITEM: Players may now craft Bark Boots
*New Item: Rainbow Fishscale Cape.
*New Building: Webchest. A new Booby Trap fashioned with Spider Silks
*There is now a unique sound effect in Turkey coops that have Fertile Hens
*There is now a unique sound effect in Turkey coops that have a Golden Goose.
*Players should be sure to keep their coops far from their outer wall sso would-be raiders cannot hear your treasures and further entice them!
*Players may no longer enter houses when they are in combat.
*Players now make a yawn sound effect when waking up out of a bed. The session may not connect by the time this plays so only those 'around' the bed of a waking player may hear the yawn.
*When a cannon fires on Concord the sound ripples through the lands and every player playing can hear it.

Balance Changes & Bugfixing
*Players may no longer port with something on their hand.
*Grapevines Spread Slower
*Curious Grapes have been adjusted.
*Boiled Gourds are now pumpkin food instead of vegetable food.
*Damage done by clubbing has been adjusted up.
*Woowoo wands may now go in toolboxes.
*Basket Presses now unlock directly off Vintner as opposed to both Vitner and Pulleys & Levers.
*Hypothermia no longer prevents humour regeneration. It still slows and occasionally stuns when you are shivering.
*Boil time on mushrooms has been dramatically lowered.
*Side of Venison and Walk on the wild side have been moved ot crave in the 40's.
*Cranberry Sauce, Bluebeary, berry seabass, Berry Bar, Berry Cobler, Wildberry Pie & Fruit Jelly Craving adjusted up
*Roast Rattler Steak Craving has been pushed significantly farther back.
*Seafood Omelette has had its craving pushed significantly farther back.
*Jolly Roger Flag now requires murder.
*Deerskull Flag now requires big game hunting.
*Hudson Bay Company flag now requires mercantilism.
*A country flag now requires compacts to craft.
*Yule Logs no longer spawn.
*Drop Rate from Rusty Coins has been nerfed.
*All potatoes now split into the same type of potatochunks.
*Building requirements on Textsigns has been lowered.
*Marrow Dumplings Craving adjusted back.
*Players may now put testicles in a nutsack.
*Stonehedge Gate requires a dry board.
*Flutterbomb now require regular boards down from dry boards.
*Spiders now make a sound when they spit webs.
*Digging Clay now makes a sound effect.
*Barrels now decay twice as fast when left in the open.
*Basketpress has been moved down from planedboards ot boards but now requires beeswax.
*Prince Ruperts Drop spawns less and breaks more frequently.
*Hookahs can now be hit once every 24 hours guaranteed. Regardless of if you have failed a hit, or have had multiple hits in the interim.
*Potato Crops should no longer give Seed potatoes.
*oakworth and Fiddleheads now grow in 2 hours in pots.
*Wild garlics now grow in 4 hours.
*Players who spread disease and watch themselves crumble the very fabric of society now gain insanity.
*The distance between plcaims requirement has been slightly extended.
*Rusty Coin has a new ground drop graphic and appears when digging.
*Earthworms now have a ground graphic when dropped but will dig back into the ground 30 seconds after dropping them.
*BUGFIX: Stocks were not behaving properly for the person who put somebody in the stocks. This has been changed and fixed. This bug was only affecting Concord.

Support the Store

The White top Hat sold well enough that we decided to keep this trend going. If you feel yourself enjoying this patch feel free to support it by buying your very own Skimmerhat! (Updated shortly after patch).

Pack 2.2.1

New Trade Order
*New Trade Order has been Added

Footprint Changes
*Players no longer drop footprints over water.
*Players no longer drop footprints on pavement.

Craving Changes
*Farmer Omelette Craving Adjusted Up.
*Scrambled Egg Craving Adjusted Up.
*Cornmash Gobler Craving Adjusted Up.
*Things with Wings Craving adjusted down.
*Domesticated Turkey Base meats adjusted UP.
*Oakworth Tart Craving adjusted UP.
*Salted Radish Craving Adjusted Up.
*Tendergrass Steak Craving Adjusted up.
*Apple, Cherry, Mulberry, Peach, Pear, Persimmon, Plum, and Snozberry Cravings moved up from 45 to 80.
*Players may now crave a hardboiled Egg.
*Players may now Crave Wild Turkey Breast
*Players may now Crave Wild Turkey Wing
*Players may now Crave Wild Turkey Drumstick
*Players may now crave Wild Turkey Thight
*Players may now crave milkweeds
*Players may now crave fiddlehaeds
*Players may now crave Oakworths
*Players may now crave tomatos
*PLayers may now crave carrots
*Players may now crave radishes
*PLayers may now crave Onions.
*Players may now crave Sugar Caps
*PLayers may now crave Lavender Blewits
*Mushroom Pie Craving Adjusted up
*Mushroom Frikadel Craving Adjusted Up.
*Shrooms on a stick craving adjusted up.
*Shroom Rolls Craving Adjusted Up.

Wild Turkey Changes
*Stuffed Wild Turkey now unlocks with Small Game down from Turkey Farming.
*Gelatinous Lard now removed from Stuffed Wild Turkey recipe. Pine Nut stuffing replaced with simple pine nuts.
*All Wild Turkey Parts now nerfed.

*BUGFIX: Black screen of death resolved.
*BUGFIX: Bark Boots Crafting Menu Tab now displays correctly.

Pack 2.2.2

Boomstick Barrels
*Players may now build Boomstick Barrels on the expedition. These are currently unlocked via Artillery. A single Boomstick Barrel will most certainly destroy a splitrail fence. A few are required to destroy stonehedge. Once players obtain brick walls boomstick barrels would be a very expensive proposition to blow a hole through brick. They are on a 2 hour timer so players are encouraged to check and make sure no suspicious barrels show up on their claim.

New Emotes
*NEW EMOTE: Players may now walk in place.
*NEW EMOTE: Players may now sit cross-legged.

Footprint Changes
Regular Footprints begin to disappear after 15 minutes.
Criminal Footprints begin to disappear after 1 hour.

New Sounds
*Cotton Cleaners now make a sound when being used.
*Looms now make a sound when being used.
*Carpenty Benches now make a sound when being used.
*Digging up Pavement now makes a sound.

Minor Changes
*Beetles now drain for less Juice
*Light Immunity has been significantly buffed.
*Mighty Muscles, and All variants of Tea Buffs have had their durations doubled.
*Players may now crave Roasted Crab Meat.
*Players now make a sound effect when a mine boulder is pulled.
*Players now have a very small chance to mine granite from a quarry without granite excavation.
*There is now a sound effect when Quarrying Granite.
*Beetle Nerfed as an inspirational.
*Exploration Events have been increased.
*Drop rate of rusty coins while digging has been nerfed slightly.
*Berry Cobler Craving adjusted up.
*Shellshrooms Craving Adjusted up.
*Unscathed Woods drop less.
*Opening a bee skep now causes pilgrims to get stung. The severity of the sting is proportionate to the number of bees in the skep.
*Wild Tubers now satisfy on cravings when eating any other potato food.
*Tobacco Leaves now show on Drying Racks. They will appear like hides, but it is a step in the right direction as we formalize a better solution.
*Evidence now has a new ground drop graphic.

Food Buffing
Some foods have been buffed. The list is below. This is the first go-through. Additional foods and foodgroups will also be evaluated as the expedition moves along. Please feel free to comment on appropriate threads going on at the moment about foods you feel could use adjustment or love.

Berry Seabass now restores Fish Foodgroup.
Pemmican Buffed.
Jam Sandwich F&F Adjusted Down
Jelly Roll F&F Adjusted Down
Fruit Jelly F&F Adjusted Down, Glutton Values Adjusted down.
Berry Jam F&F Dramatically adjusted down.
Players now get refunded hte Jar when consuming Cranberry Sauce.
Players now get refunded the Jar when consuming Berry Jam
Players now get Refunded the Jar when creating a Jam Sandwitch.
Wildberry Pies have had their values increased.

Surf & Turn F&F Adjusted Down.

Pest Morrel no longer requires the rabbit cut.
Grub De La Grub requires 2 blackberries and more sugar in lieu of berry jam.

Crunchy Rabbit no longer requires the fiddleheads.
Picked Venison F&F Timer Adjusted Down.
Nut Stuffing Adjusted ot be more in line with other intermediate foods.

Mushroom Frikadel Values Adjusted Up.
Shroom Rolls no longer requires the roasted Hickory Nut.
Baked Bell no longer requires garlic and has its values adjusted up.
Sauce Chauseur has had its F&F Reduced.
Mushroom Pies have had their values increased.

Game Meats
Lean Rabbit has had its F&F Reduced.
Walk on the Wild Side has had its F&F Reduced.
Windy Pooh has had its F&F Timer Reduced

Jelly Poultry & Lilly Poultry both had their F&F Timer Reduced.

Clover Roll now takes one CLover.

Wild Salad no longer requires a lillypad
Garden Veg no longer requires a carrot
Snake in teh grass has had its values reduced slightly and its F&F timer reduced by a lot.
dragonbreath Salad F&F reduced.
ceedat wrote:the overwhelming frustration of these forums and the unnecessarily over complicated game mechanics is what i enjoy about this game most.

Nsuidara wrote:it is a strange and difficult game in no positive way
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Re: Patch 2.2.0 Saleming Along

Postby Nikixos » Mon Jan 08, 2018 1:15 am

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Re: Patch 2.2.0 Saleming Along

Postby saffgee » Mon Jan 08, 2018 1:22 am

JohnCarver wrote:*Players now leave footsteps when they walk through the lands. These footsteps can be seen when tracking is enabled. This will both allow players to see if others have been snooping around their base recently, as well as leave little trails back to your base when you go out foraging. Seeing these footsteps requires that the character has indian tracking. Black footprints are innocent pilgrims and red footsteps are left by criminals with a crime buff.

How long do these footsteps last ?
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Re: Patch 2.2.0 Saleming Along

Postby SEMvergonha » Mon Jan 08, 2018 1:23 am

oh my god
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Re: Patch 2.2.0 Saleming Along

Postby lachlaan » Mon Jan 08, 2018 1:29 am

The patch looks very interesting, i'll make an effort to break as many of the fun mechanics as possible so we get them polished asap xD Footsteps and cannon sounds are best, been hoping for such stuff for a long while.
Exactly 6.022 x 10^23 worth of Lach molecules.
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Re: Patch 2.2.0 Saleming Along

Postby honeymilk » Mon Jan 08, 2018 1:32 am

*Players may now put testicles in a nutsack.

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Re: Patch 2.2.0 Saleming Along

Postby saffgee » Mon Jan 08, 2018 1:33 am

lachlaan wrote:The patch looks very interesting, i'll make an effort to break as many of the fun mechanics as possible so we get them polished asap xD Footsteps and cannon sounds are best, been hoping for such stuff for a long while.

Well that went well - I played 10 seconds.
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Re: Patch 2.2.0 Saleming Along

Postby honeymilk » Mon Jan 08, 2018 1:36 am

JohnCarver wrote:I will say that the witch statue should be accessible with this weekends patch.

Can you confirm or is it up to us to find out?
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Re: Patch 2.2.0 Saleming Along

Postby JohnCarver » Mon Jan 08, 2018 1:38 am

It is up and will be made live as part of this patch as well.
ceedat wrote:the overwhelming frustration of these forums and the unnecessarily over complicated game mechanics is what i enjoy about this game most.

Nsuidara wrote:it is a strange and difficult game in no positive way
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Re: Patch 2.2.0 Saleming Along

Postby Taipion » Mon Jan 08, 2018 1:41 am

JohnCarver wrote:...
*Stonehedge Gate requires a dry board.

why oh why?! :D
Need something? Here is my Shop (Including some useful info for new/returning players at the bottom of the first post)
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