Patch 2.1.0: Warming up the Masons

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Re: Patch 2.1.0: Warming up the Masons

Postby Dallane » Fri Jan 05, 2018 12:53 am

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TotalyMeow wrote: Claeyt's perspective of Salem and what it's about is very different from the devs and in many cases is completely the opposite of what we believe.
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Re: Patch 2.1.0: Warming up the Masons

Postby Taipion » Fri Jan 05, 2018 12:55 am


presses only tears now,
working as intended ;-;
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Re: Patch 2.1.0: Warming up the Masons

Postby Heffernan » Fri Jan 05, 2018 1:06 am


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Re: Patch 2.1.0: Warming up the Masons

Postby JohnCarver » Fri Jan 05, 2018 2:45 am

I could care less if people Gluttony now that cravings are in that much should have been clear., as choosing not to gluttony just means you are handicapping your own progression. But many of you have already proved the points of the change already. Keeping sheds full of the lowest end pots for inspiration gain is not intended. Nor is consuming hundreds of buffs between cravings/gluttony sessions. As for being impossible to catch vets, with the Mescaline Refreshers you literally get 4M inspiration on a single Q&Q Buff @ 50 Biles. I would be just as happy if that figure was 400,000. So if you continue to complain I'll make it 10X worse and sleep like a baby. Prior to this nerf you could drink over 20,000,000 inspiration in pots between a SINGLE gluttony session with just 200 biles. Consider this a bugfix and be thankful I ignored this as long as I did.
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Re: Patch 2.1.0: Warming up the Masons

Postby TotalyMeow » Fri Jan 05, 2018 4:58 am

Rifmaster wrote:
Taipion wrote:
Rifmaster wrote:Why is Q&Q a thing anyway?

JC saw that people neglected gluttony, some even at the beginning of their journey, many after reaching certain heights.
And so JC devised a plan to ...."encourage" people to continuously make use of gluttony, hence we got QnQ.

...and now we got more QQ than would be good. :lol:

Wow that's so ***** stupid...
Why is it bad that players neglect gluttony? They are the ones deciding that more biles arent necessary, why would you add a new little annoying thing to the game...
I guess the reason is that JC just wants new things in the game all the time, regardless of whether they contribute to the game or just make it more annoying.

You have it backward. The system of potions, broth, egg yolk and other drinkable buffs was created, along with the QnQ debuff that they add, to make gluttony always worth doing. Because Gluttony will get you that extra little bonus of being able to get buffs by drinking. It's not meant to force you to do Gluttony, but to reward you for it. All the drinkable items are merely bonuses that you absolutely do not need. Tea can be replace by food. Yolks are needed if your strength is already really high from gluttony. Broth can warm you, but so can clothes. Inspiration potions just give inspiration that will regen over time anyway, especially if your regen is already really high from gluttony. Etc.

So, we didn't add the QnQ debuff as a punishment, we added the whole system of drinkables as a reward, and one tiny debuff to make it balanced.

Heffernan wrote:thi sums it up


people will take years now to get professions unless its reverted.

Your quote seems to indicate that you are wrong.
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Re: Patch 2.1.0: Warming up the Masons

Postby Kim II Sung » Fri Jan 05, 2018 5:19 am

JohnCarver wrote:I could care less if people Gluttony now that cravings are in that much should have been clear., as choosing not to gluttony just means you are handicapping your own progression. But many of you have already proved the points of the change already. Keeping sheds full of the lowest end pots for inspiration gain is not intended. Nor is consuming hundreds of buffs between cravings/gluttony sessions. As for being impossible to catch vets, with the Mescaline Refreshers you literally get 4M inspiration on a single Q&Q Buff @ 50 Biles. I would be just as happy if that figure was 400,000. So if you continue to complain I'll make it 10X worse and sleep like a baby. Prior to this nerf you could drink over 20,000,000 inspiration in pots between a SINGLE gluttony session with just 200 biles. Consider this a bugfix and be thankful I ignored this as long as I did.

the problem is at higher biles a glutton session can be so hard that you have one every 30 days.
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Re: Patch 2.1.0: Warming up the Masons

Postby Taipion » Fri Jan 05, 2018 12:24 pm

JohnCarver wrote:I could care less if people Gluttony now that cravings are in that much should have been clear., as choosing not to gluttony just means you are handicapping your own progression. But many of you have already proved the points of the change already. Keeping sheds full of the lowest end pots for inspiration gain is not intended. Nor is consuming hundreds of buffs between cravings/gluttony sessions. As for being impossible to catch vets, with the Mescaline Refreshers you literally get 4M inspiration on a single Q&Q Buff @ 50 Biles. I would be just as happy if that figure was 400,000. So if you continue to complain I'll make it 10X worse and sleep like a baby. Prior to this nerf you could drink over 20,000,000 inspiration in pots between a SINGLE gluttony session with just 200 biles. Consider this a bugfix and be thankful I ignored this as long as I did.


It's your game after all and you can do what you see fit, giving as much use of QnQ between feastings/cravings as you deem balanced.

There though is one single point that has not been brought up at least in this thread.

The total neglect of gluttony is, in certain situations, the preferred and probably most efficient way.
Simply where you made an alt and brought it up to the required humor lvl for a certain task, after which a further increase in humors would not be beneficial, yet, costly.

This could be alts like thief or basher, but just as well alts for mundane tasks like mining, boards or cotton.
All of these alts would be happy to use QnQ not to gain inspi but simply to use the restorative power of tea, broth and the like,
but likely won't see much of a feasting or even fulfilled cravings after reaching a certain point,
as the benefit of higher humors does not justify the cost of raising them in this case.

Is this also intended, or should there be a distinction between using QnQ for inspiration gain and other uses of QnQ?
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Re: Patch 2.1.0: Warming up the Masons

Postby Zapt13 » Fri Jan 05, 2018 12:39 pm

Mew just said that the drinkables are alternatives. Feed your alts food to regenerate, like turkey neck jerky. Personally I gorge on cranberries in these cases. And properly garb your alts and warmth won't be a problem either.
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Re: Patch 2.1.0: Warming up the Masons

Postby ZoddAlmighty » Fri Jan 05, 2018 2:34 pm

I mean, the man just allowed us to plant Honeysuckle Kudzu so the absolute worst part about making pulpish purgative is gone.
If you really want to study that much you gotta feast as well.
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Re: Patch 2.1.0: Warming up the Masons

Postby Kandarim » Fri Jan 05, 2018 3:42 pm

also, pigs have given us an amazeballs recovery food. Use it, guys.
I have neither the crayons nor the time to explain it to you.
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