Salem Customer Rewards

Announcements of major changes to Salem.

Re: Salem Customer Rewards

Postby JohnCarver » Wed Feb 17, 2016 7:19 pm

I think the fact that some of the best players in almost every trade, town, and combat group have spent $0.00 or $2.00 on the store shows that making store purchases is certainly not a pre-req to achieving great success in this game. In fact, you can actually earn store credit IN GAME. Meaning, EVERYTHING from the store can be obtained from in-game efforts, and even everything from the current perks of being a customer can be looted and obtained. Since NOTHING is 100% locked to store purchases and can be obtained in game I do think complaints are a bit of a stretch.

Do you advance faster if you throw money at the game.

Do you advance farther and faster to which a player who doesn't cannot compete?
Not at all
ceedat wrote:the overwhelming frustration of these forums and the unnecessarily over complicated game mechanics is what i enjoy about this game most.

Nsuidara wrote:it is a strange and difficult game in no positive way
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Re: Salem Customer Rewards

Postby Argentis » Wed Feb 17, 2016 8:45 pm

JohnCarver wrote:I think the fact that some of the best players in almost every trade, town, and combat group have spent $0.00 or $2.00 on the store shows that making store purchases is certainly not a pre-req to achieving great success in this game. In fact, you can actually earn store credit IN GAME. Meaning, EVERYTHING from the store can be obtained from in-game efforts, and even everything from the current perks of being a customer can be looted and obtained. Since NOTHING is 100% locked to store purchases and can be obtained in game I do think complaints are a bit of a stretch.

Do you advance farther if you throw money at the game.

Do you advance farther and faster to which I player who doesn't cannot compete?
Not at all

Finally someone gets it.
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Re: Salem Customer Rewards

Postby rustles » Fri Feb 19, 2016 1:26 am

c-can I still buy something and get my gift?
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Re: Salem Customer Rewards

Postby Reviresco » Fri Feb 19, 2016 2:59 am

If Team Fortress 2 is 0/10 on the Pay-to-Win scale, then Salem doesn't even reach 1/10, imo.
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Re: Salem Customer Rewards

Postby Kozzy68 » Sat Feb 20, 2016 12:54 pm

game where its worthwile to create 50 accounts just to get some reward is worse than pay to win. Salem is not like dota 2 in pay to win but still close to acceptable. I would give salem 3/10 where dota would be 0/10 (vanity only items)
As I see dev have no problem changing rules drasticly or nerfing/boosting things by 500% or balance things on the go for new features. I hope devs. wont make this score go higher. Would be not bad to have more vanity stuff like
character models or hair styles in cash shop. Lot of people are wiling to support good games out of principle not for getting some cheats.

I wonder what would devs of salem do if some kid would buy silver for 1 000 000$ and start giving silver away to people in game for free :). They could take first plane to Hawai and let this game root. I think seling in game cheats to kids is imoral but Im oviously minirity. Suscription models are better but rising this qestion is like asking people in referendum if they what to drop all tax rates to 0.
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Re: Salem Customer Rewards

Postby jcwilk » Sat Feb 20, 2016 1:41 pm

Kozzy68 wrote:I wonder what would devs of salem do if some kid would buy silver for 1 000 000$ and start giving silver away to people in game for free :). They could take first plane to Hawai and let this game root. I think seling in game cheats to kids is imoral but Im oviously minirity. Suscription models are better but rising this qestion is like asking people in referendum if they what to drop all tax rates to 0.

Not a very realistic scenario since what would they even spend that much silver on... They would be far better advantaged by hiring people to play the game for them for that amount of money. If it did happen though, maybe they would run away to hawaii, or maybe there would be another couple extra devs working on the game which would likely cause more of a benefit than the momentary economic imbalance.
JohnCarver wrote:This way no matter how bad my day gets, a text message that one of you died to madness always seems to brighten it.
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Re: Salem Customer Rewards

Postby mgwerner » Mon Apr 04, 2016 3:34 am

Kozzy68 wrote:Suscription models are better but rising this qestion is like asking people in referendum if they what to drop all tax rates to 0.

And what is wrong with a 0% tax rate? Taxation is theft, after all, and governments are wayyyyyyy too large. Fees, levies, and duties should be all a gov't needs to run, with bonds making up the rest. Keeps government small and out of your business.

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Re: Salem Customer Rewards

Postby Propulsion » Fri Apr 15, 2016 1:29 am

mgwerner wrote:
Kozzy68 wrote:Suscription models are better but rising this qestion is like asking people in referendum if they what to drop all tax rates to 0.

And what is wrong with a 0% tax rate? Taxation is theft, after all, and governments are wayyyyyyy too large. Fees, levies, and duties should be all a gov't needs to run, with bonds making up the rest. Keeps government small and out of your business.

Can you tell I am a hermit?

I can see your not a democrat.
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Re: Salem Customer Rewards

Postby kitty629 » Thu May 26, 2016 2:06 am

Do customers no longer get the gifts?
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Re: Salem Customer Rewards

Postby Michael » Sat Nov 05, 2016 11:11 pm

It's November 5th. Do we get a gift?
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