It has come to my attention that recently there have been people impersonating recruiters from Arcadia (being Remy and myself).
Therefore I would like to have it known that we are NOT currently actively recruiting. Please note that character names and the server are NOT unique, and that the only way to be sure it's us you're contacting is currently to pm either Remy, Sipo or Bearbait or myself with questions, the latter of which are not active on the forum. The nick Kandarim on the irc is also password-protected by me, so that is safe as well.
edit: I have been told that we are not actively recruiting. People wanting to join are free to contact me or rem on the forums, or add my HS in-game (not very active during the week): "LatikaiHS"
Please note that, if you are admitted to Arcadia, you will always be allowed to spawn a fresh alt there to guide you to it. Just look for a four-windmill square and you know you're in arcadia