A new era of prosperity on jamestown

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Re: A new era of prosperity on jamestown

Postby Shenkho » Tue Sep 17, 2013 7:33 am

I guess darworth is just a solo pk that wanted a town to slaughter them after a while he just din't think about them asking alot of question , now that is done , my reaction is

lets enjoy the reply in here now.


:lol: :mrgreen:
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Re: A new era of prosperity on jamestown

Postby Tomki » Tue Sep 17, 2013 7:39 am

Wow, this thread has grown a bit.. Having now read this I'm starting to understand the events. There was no any "suicide army rush" to some strong base as I first thought. There was only old boring killing spree. This sums it up:

Darwoth wrote:1> i am a solo pk. when things do not work out properly the "***** it, just kill everyone" solution is the easiest and most simple, in this manner i ensure that whatever is annoying me and any other **** that i may or may not know about is addressed.

Well there are true leaders
guderian.jpg (10.5 KiB) Viewed 13260 times

And then there is Darwoth
retards.jpg (19.15 KiB) Viewed 13260 times

I was prepared to die that morning anyway but didn't know the threat came from inside. I only feel bad for the others who still had the motivation to make this game work. But Jamestown will have a living legend now. Darwoth takes his earned place in such noble company with other traitors like Brutus and Judas Iscariot.
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Re: A new era of prosperity on jamestown

Postby RuneNL » Tue Sep 17, 2013 8:11 am

Darwoth tried, I know he really did.

But at the end of the day, I don't think this was something he should have done.
Initial intentions where good, had some good talks, learned a few things.

Betrayal is met with death in most countries today for a reason.
Almost every noob you had would have piled up against your walls to defend it... Even though they wouldnt do it with the skills you expect everyone to have after a week or two.

The events would have been a good laugh. Alas.

The end of it all would have been no way different from what happened.
Reason I didnt put too much effort in my character, was about to really push after our last talk.
Good thing I didn't, also made sure my claim had only trash for obvious reasons.

It would have been amazing would it all have worked... Can't teach an old dog new tricks.

Thank you for trying Darwoth.

To everyone else;
Thank you for the huge amount of support from everyone!
Even generosity from people I would never have expected.
Its been amazing, never expected this in Salem.
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Re: A new era of prosperity on jamestown

Postby CoS » Tue Sep 17, 2013 10:32 am

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Re: A new era of prosperity on jamestown

Postby Cheena » Tue Sep 17, 2013 11:24 am

Tijl wrote: Anyway, i regret nothing. It was a great month, and i had more fun then i probably would have ever had if i played alone. In the meanwhile some of us have gotten invitations from all kind of towns. I really appreciate them all, and all of them have appeal for one or more reasons. Darwoth, obviously i can't trust you anymore, but i don't dislike you for it. It's a permadeath game, and this is how things go. If you can't handle it, you shouldn't play it. I hope to meet you in game again someday, under my knife ¦]

^THIS. Is a Salem player. PRAS, TANJA !

Darwoth wrote:everyone seems to think i was supposed to help them build their newb hovels, this is the ridiculous mentality that led to saying ***** it and killing everyone, i provided a town that was already built with all of the infrastructure in place do do whatever folks needed, i provided both bells and i provided the deterrent that kept folks from killing all of you on the first day.

You got it wrong, Darwoth. We wanted you to be there, that's all. I don't think anyone asked you to help leveling ? If some asked you to kill bear/snake/whatever, I never saw it, because we were helping each other with those problems. You told us you would claim the District center and do whatever with it. We wanted to see it, and we wanted to play with you, as the leader we expected you to be. We only wanted you to be part of the town not for events, not in one month, but NOW that you had settled us there.

why the ***** is it my responsibility to log on and churn clay or dig plots with a bunch of newbs that i already gave one of the most developed towns on the server situated in an ideal spot to? seriously? :lol: :lol:

sorry, i moved past that stage a year ago.

That's exactly THE problem ;)

i told everyone from the beginning my role was to be a subdued one and primarily was to keep the peace at the town, and organize events for the town when the memberbase was ready for it, it is not my job to do yet MORE **** for all of you.

Again, you got it wrong.

and yes, i saw your numerous conversations about setting up your own town bells and so on in village chat from an alt that nobody knew was mine, this among a hundred other things was yet another drop in the bucket and one of the reasons you were one of the first to be killed. the town was not a recruitment center for you to come in and undermine the town with your suggestions that i was going to kill everyone so that your stupid ass could **** on my own efforts and drag all of the newbs to whatever town you decided to make.

Jesus christ she has never done that that way.

Now let me show you some things, you wrote them :)

I will be converting one of my many unused towns into a safe haven for the people on jamestown who wish to grow and prosper in relative peace with the aim of getting the majority of the servers playerbase all in one town/townchat together. i have ran numerous large cities in a variety of other games and i am not exactly a newb at this one either so i know how to keep **** running smoothly and limit sabotage, the only thing that can ***** this project is a lack of participation.

Bleh. I wonder how it ended on your other games. NO, I wont read your site again, your only signature in there made me sick.

2> this town will grow quickly and will be the largest town (eventually only town) left standing on jamestown. you will have people to play with and talk with instead of playing in the mostly closed environment you have likely been experiencing up to this point.

Yup. Done. Was awesome tho :)

5> there will be town events and meetings regularly, ranging from the typical dueling tournaments to random other non combat related events that myself or another townmember thinks up.

Nope. No no, not a single one. The road doesn't count as one tho, we were only working for you.

6> quality members of the town that i see are putting substantial effort into advancing themselves and/or the town, helping newbs in chat, doing tedious construction projects others shy away from, are good at combat and join the town militia etc will be randomly rewarded with things like seeds/humus to boost their characters.

Good point, you let Tanja get some. I believe she's the only one who managed to get those out tho.

7> everyone that has been a part of the town for a while and proven themselves to be a valuable addition and not a newb that logs on once or twice before quitting will be provided with their own purity compost bins.

This must have remain hidden from me. Or Tanja was not a good recruit enough ?

8> there is a role for everyone. fighters, raiders, builders, explorers. all are needed for a large town and there will be tasks for all roles. fighters for those who want to defend the town and keep the peace but not raid, raiders for those who wish to help spread the towns influence by raiding resources and destroying our enemies. builders to build the town and other large construction projects that only a town will be able to complete and will leave the legacy of the builders on the server permanently (for one example i think it would be neat to see a 5+ tile wide road that avoids swimming or climbing going from jamestown, to our town, all the way to the western darkness and eventually have other settlements crop up along this "highway") explorers and foragers are always needed to map and discover rare resource nodes.

Oh wait what ? You actually WANTED people not to be exclusively fighters ? But then, I was growing the right way to be a builder ?? Doom was growing the right way to be a raider with Eclipse !? Shht, don't talk about opened doors and opened claim, Darwoth, my dear, you perfectly know that you were the only threat we would have to deal with in this town. NO ONE, you hear me, and you know it : NOT a SINGLE ***** ONE came to the town to do whatever. NO ONE was a spy. NO ONE EVER tried to trial us by fire. The spies wanted to wait before getting involved in our town and no one managed to do so -except Indefatigable but who cares >.>

We HAD fighters. Eclipse, Doom and Tanja needed what, 1 hour event of practice in PVP ? And they'd be ready to kick anyone's ass. That would have done them the better good tho, cause Tanja would have loved to kick Eclipse's ass in an event :lol:
We HAD builders. Carg, Tanja (her again !), Ronnie, me and others have built the road, the mill, the ovens, and we were planning to build a church. Townhouses. Stuff to improve the town.
We HAD explorers. Tanja (...), Doom, Rune knew the locations of some purity water, some places with the all the elements that would have helped us somehow.
We HAD raiders. Tanja, Doom and Eclipse, Rune, Island. Not careful raiders ? Well, efficient, still. Have you kicked some asses to explain them the right way to ? Nope.

Okay, so that was for how we were such morons. Now let's talk about your role :

1> no killing/stealing/being a general ***** to your fellow townmates. any of this will result in you immediately being killed.

Nope, Eclipse is still alive.

2> actively participate in town events, projects, defense and so on. casual players are fine, leeches or hangarounds that do not advance the town or themselves will not be tolerated.

...nope, Eclipse is still alive ¦]

3> have manners, when someone logs on and says hello respond with something other than silence. when someone does you a favor say thank you. lack of manners pisses me off and if you are consistently a ******** will result in you being killed.

Well, please apply your rules to yourself, when was the last time when you answered hello ? AH I know ! It was er... wait... hmm... 3 weeks ago ?

4> you must build a plot in and live AT THE TOWN, i want to create a vibrant and active city. not just have a bunch of people in a chat together and yet still spread all over the map like everyone else's ****** towns

You mean, we weren't supposed to act like you ? ¦]

5> you are expected to provide basic security for your plot, with a relatively "open" town there will always be an occasional retard trying to annoy people. have at minimum a locked split rail fence and a few braziers on your plot to prevent being stolen from.

Well Eclipse had an opened claim and noone has ever stole him anything. AND, you didn't punished him for not following your expectations. Man of justice, Snake king, toodloo, toodloo.

Yes you tried. Rune knows you really did. I do aswell. I've been trying to convince myself that you actually wanted to kill us from the begning, but I just can't believe it. Because I know that from your point of view, you have put a lot of effort and time in the town. But alas, it's only from your point of view. Dear, you've got to admit that you did nothing else than put two bells up for us. And the running around the town to be sure there was no trial by fire, which you'd have done anyway, with or without us. The time you spent at settling us doesn't count. AND ! We had NO permission to put money in the bell, don't try to make us look stupid, we're not.

That's funny to see how reverse some people can be. Your lack of a single little drop of empathy made us killed, but some of us are >9000 in the empathy skill RL and that makes us understand you. Not the better person I'd love to understand tho.

AND, because I'm a nice girl, this is for your lack of knowledge in memes :

AND, because I'm really nice, CoS = Johnson. Sorry babe, no secrets about the town anymore. And you were not part of it, even if you ended on the last screen, it was just a mistake from Darwoth, because he didn't managed nor to remember us all, nor to kill us all and get his dinner table full.
Last edited by Cheena on Tue Sep 17, 2013 12:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A new era of prosperity on jamestown

Postby Darwoth » Tue Sep 17, 2013 12:28 pm

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Re: A new era of prosperity on jamestown

Postby Cheena » Tue Sep 17, 2013 12:35 pm

Whitout your teeth, you'd be an adorable pet <3
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loftar wrote:***** the treaty.

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Re: A new era of prosperity on jamestown

Postby Darwoth » Tue Sep 17, 2013 12:47 pm

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Re: A new era of prosperity on jamestown

Postby Cheena » Tue Sep 17, 2013 1:14 pm

Aaaawww so touching.
...stop it, I'm already a carebear, you can't make me worse.
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loftar wrote:***** the treaty.

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Re: A new era of prosperity on jamestown

Postby Darwoth » Tue Sep 17, 2013 1:17 pm

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