[Jamestown] A New Power Rises - Fortis Imperium

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[Jamestown] A New Power Rises - Fortis Imperium

Postby m4sCaRpWn » Tue Mar 19, 2013 4:57 pm


From its humble beginnings as the husband and wife team of our Most Glorious Mayor and his beautiful adoring consort, Fortis Imperium was destined for unparalleled greatness. With every new addition to the group, the Imperium gained a loyal, dedicated and hard-working ally, citizen and friend. Bringing in the best new talent the Salem world had to offer, shunning those who had become too jaded – too complacent – to see what the future truly held, Fortis Imperium built a strong core of unshakable patriots.

We grew. Yes, individually and as a community; we achieved new heights daily until (weeks ahead of schedule) we initiated the most important historical event that the Jamestown area had seen to date. The Imperium was officially born Friday, March 15.

Days of backbreaking labour followed, with every citizen contributing to the establishment of a defensive fence around the entire perimeter of the stronghold capital. Outsiders might have remarked, “Why not just forget about leveling the dirt and build as-is?” But not the citizens of the Imperium, who embrace hard work as they would a lover on a cold night.

The perimeter perfectly level; the fence completed; the loyal folk of Fortis Imperium turned their sights on building the wealth and might of the city. Toil was ahead, and strife. Tedium and exertion were a foregone conclusion. But the citizens of the Imperium knew that heretofore unseen greatness also lay in the future. The sweat and blood shed by its people had established a strong foundation upon which the most powerful entity in the world would be built.

This is where the situation currently stands. Jamestown is about to step out of the darkness and into the light of civilization. Do you have what it takes to contribute? Join us now, as we make history together.

Notes: Fortis Imperium is made up of a relatively new playerbase. Most members have been playing for one month or less. If you’re looking to leech off some high-humour closed-beta veterans, this is not the place for you. Having said that, we do our best to help where we can.

We only want mature members who have the time to dedicate to playing Salem. The core team we’ve established puts in many hours of work per day on average, and we will expect the same of new joiners. Casual players would probably not be a good fit.

New joiners will most likely need to serve a 1-2 week initiation period wherein they will remain outside the city walls until they gain the trust of the Imperium leadership. PM me with information on your experience, humour level, skills and interests. n00bs are welcome, but you have to be willing to learn. Reading the wiki, forums and guides are a must.
The sweat and blood shed by its people had established a strong foundation upon which the most powerful entity in the world would be built.
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Re: [Jamestown] A New Power Rises - Fortis Imperium

Postby chaman12345 » Sun Apr 21, 2013 5:30 pm

Hey im looking to join! :)
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Re: [Jamestown] A New Power Rises - Fortis Imperium

Postby CockyBastard » Sun Apr 21, 2013 10:58 pm

I hate roleplayers nearly as much as hippies.
They don't seem to realise that by playing a computer game you are already "roleplaying".
Puting on funny accents in vent makes me suspicious you are a mole or are becoming aroused by your character.
I was paddling on a lake, in a canoe, while carrying a boat. Then lost all my chit to lag!

Do you really want to be a good girl?
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