City of Manetheren -
We are currently looking for new and old players who are interested in participating in an open city concept. We have built and developed a town center which is only available to Citizens and the surrounding parts of the town are being built and designed around districts, including one strictly meant for newcomers seeking citizenship.
Our open city concept is directed towards building a community of people who would like to see if we can eventually create true in-game commerce and village life. Defences are built around people being able to walk through our city and have access to basic structures even without being citizens, but citizenry has advantages for higher tier product access.
Manetheren is perfect for the new player who wants to try the game out and participate in a way that will not effect the rest of the town. Manetheren is also specifically built for the advanced player who wants the freedom to either be in a community and work for the common good, or help a little, but mostly do their own thing. PM me with your homestead secret so we can chat in game and if I'm not on you can PM LrdGore who is helping lead town design and the path to citizenship.
Citizenship is a minimum 2-4 week period and requires 2 current citizens to sponsor you before being brought to the Mayor for consideration. The Northern District is our new player starting point and has an open area for basic support structures for non-citizen players use. Citizens are granted plots in other districts such as our Eastern District to build a townhouse and personal space. They Mayor retains the right at any time to grant instant Citizenship to players who bring specific trades or talents to Manetheren. We also encourage local city startups for those who want to build their own cities near potential friendly trading partners. After all, we can't have commerce without locals to trade with and with nearby rivers and lakes, local trading partners are very realistic.