Let me introduce myself. My name is James, mayor of Great Axton, a colony somewhere west of Jamestown. And this is Kaasje, the person you will talk with when you leave us a message.
The main part of our town is pretty much finished, the only thing we're lacking right now are people to fill up the personal plots. That's where you can come in and help us.
What kind of players are we looking for?
We are looking for any players who are interested in participating in village life as well as progressing through the game in a team. Also you should be active. What does active mean to us? To be active means to us, that you are continuously only. 1 hour a day? 6 hours all two days? Every day but different times? All good. But we don't want to have anyone who is online for two days, away for 14 days and online for one day again. You don't have to be a 24/7 nerd, god - no. Just be online regularly.
There are always things to do in and around our village and that's where you can join us. Just to say some things:
-> its possible to improve safety anytime.
-> 20% pure seeds are nothing.
-> 2nd Tier crops? That's just the beginning.
-> hunting beavers is just the first step.
-> living in a lean-to is fine, but whats about a house?
-> and of course much much more...
And if you are joining us, you will be sooner there, as you would imagine.
Experience with the game is always good but not required, so it doesn't matter if you've just arrived on the ship or are quite experienced already.
To geographical things I will just say: We have a really nice spot to live on, but that is a thing you should explore yourself

Once you are able to join us in our village you will receive a starter plot as a try out, this is done because we need to see, if you are belonging to the group of players we are looking for. And soon enough after that you will get your own personal plot.
If you're interested just leave a message here or send a PM to Kaasje with the attached information.
James & Kaasje
mayor and minister of GAX
My information
Did you already play Haven&Hearth?
How long have you been playing Salem?
Average playing time weekly?
Free wilderness guide already used?
-> if yes: would do a trip of in between 2-6 hours to reach us? (Note: Its not possible to jump to someone with the paied wilderness guide!)
If you already have some experience with Salem: Which part of the game do you enjoy most? This will be used to divide professions among our members.
and lastly tell us a bit about yourself.