A new era of prosperity on jamestown

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Re: A new era of prosperity on jamestown

Postby RuneNL » Mon Sep 16, 2013 7:43 am

Appearantly quite a few people where on JT to see where it would go.

Now, they know.
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Re: A new era of prosperity on jamestown

Postby Thor » Mon Sep 16, 2013 7:57 am

Still better than Plymouth!
saltmummy wrote:You sad sad little man, my heart weeps for you. Better not go outside or your thin, tissue paper like skin might spontaneously rupture while your fragile sensibilities violently shatter spraying salt and urine all over the street.
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Re: A new era of prosperity on jamestown

Postby mosyo_meurseult » Mon Sep 16, 2013 8:23 am

RuneNL wrote:Appearantly quite a few people where on JT to see where it would go.

Now, they know.

Finally mother nature allowed chief to dominate all of server. lol
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Re: A new era of prosperity on jamestown

Postby Cheena » Mon Sep 16, 2013 12:11 pm

Hello there, nice people of Darwoth's Forest, other trolls, mad guys and Sir Snake.
I have decided to post my experience in the town here, so you all know who we were and what we have done in there. You don't give a **** ? Don't read it and don't answer. Answering is the first step in "giving a *****" already :lol:

Sir the Snake and the Noobs

Once upon a time, there was a Snake King. He was all alone all day long and didn't trust anyone, biting the people who would cross his path. But one day, he felt really alone and decided that he wouldn't bite anymore, at least not for a while, and so he decided to build a peacefull, great and friendly realm.
The realm was beautiful and attractive, and soon people asked him shyly if they could come to the wonderfull place and live there.
The Snake King was happy to see the success of his Realm. People were friendly to each other, and the life was going nice, peacefull and slowly in the little kingdom.
But one day...
One day, the Snake King realised that people wasn't that nice to each other. They were stealing things from the Kingdom, from each other. They were raiding the near other kingdoms without being carefull, and they didn't take care of their houses. And above all, above all... he was still all alone. No one was caring about him, nobody thought of thanking him, and all he had in return of his work was the moanings of his inhabitants. Only a really few princesses were trying to keep the Realm beautiful and nice to live on.

So the sad Snake King became furious, turned against his people, and bit them all. Almost everyone died. Princesses, thiefs, honest mans... Only a few managed to escape, and some who escaped even were the cause of the disaster.

The Snake King has never promised people that he would be a man of justice, only that he would be a Snake King.

I used to play every game but Salem. If I believe my account, my first char was created the 2013-03-01 11:11 UTC. I played with my boyfriend for a while, then he stopped playing so I was all alone. I've been scammed in Boston, involved in Tribe's ****, facepalmed and quitted the game. I was still following the forum from time to time tho, cause it's funny to read, but didn't feel like I could ever play this game properly. Then I saw The Thread. The One I'm posting in right now.

The Joining
First of all, I was kinda ashamed to be that noob, and felt like I didn't deserve to join the town of such a powerfull player. But hey, "qui ne tente rien n'a rien" (who doesn't try nothing, gets nothing). So I sent a PM to Darwoth. No answer tho, so I just sent another PM, but to RuneNL this time. By reading his posts and the way he was talking, I knew he was someone one can trust. I was asking him if he would want to play with me, while we were waiting for Darwoth to answer us. He didn't wanted to. But he kinned me, and soon I was harassing him with noob questions. I even learnt from him that I could sell the crappy snake skins in Boston. He became a friend, and someone I could really trust. He helped me by buying me mushrooms, so I could have enough money to build my claim. Ammaboss did also, by giving me things for free, and buying loads of hays.

RuneNL was worried about me, the little carebear coming around Salem, and he wanted to be sure I knew who was Darwoth before entering the town. He told me I wanted to enter the town of the biggest griefer, the biggest raider, the biggest murderer of Jamestown. He told me I had to be prepared for being killed by Darwoth anytime. He told I had to know that one day, Darwoth would change his mind and kill us all. I knew all that.

Soon my little character was ready for the town, and the town was ready for my little character. Finally, Rune managed to tell Darwoth to invite me in the town, and so did the Snake King :

hey cheena, sorry if i seem short just a lot of messages to reply to and then this inbox only allows so many etc, info for joining the town:

1> use the hearth secret " townspawn5 " to kin the character named claimdude, PM me from your forum account with the names of the characters you kinned me with so that i can add them to the permitted list.

2> this map shows the location of the city in relation to jamestown, it is about a 45 minute to an hour walk. http://www.scarybadguys.com/pictures/totownmap.PNG head out there, if i am afk when you get to the town pitch a lean to on the outskirts until i am back, unfortunately the two bell setup while great for limiting griefing potential also makes getting invites going twice as much of a pain in the ass so please bear with me and be patient while i get everybody set up over the next several days.

3> if you need to spawn a character at the town you can do so using the above hearth secret, however the spawned character will be in an enclosed/locked in area until you are invited to the town.

4> if you see someone chances are they are another townmember also trying to get to the town, so try not to kill one another =P be cautious of anyone you meet in the wild, but keep that in mind while you get to the town.

I took the map, and started to walk to the town while talking with Rune about how stupid are the cliffs to climb, and the water to swim, and all. I still can't believe how patient can be Rune really, I'd have slapped myself for being that boring >.>
I finally reached it and was so happy that I forgot everything about the game I was playing. Hello this is Salem, do not derp around like a moron. I met Tanja, Raven-Rune, Jim, and few others. I was in heaven, people were nice and friendly, and they wanted me to get a plot as soon as possible cause they liked me and trusted me. Unbelievable.

I managed to quit the game in the middle of the town, without knowing my char would stay here all night long. Got KO'd by a rattler, but Darwoth crossed my way, picked up my things, sent me home and I was saved. I couldn't believe it when I woke up, I was expecting Darwoth to kill me for being that dumb, but no. What a nice guy, I thought.

So, the town was ready, I was ready, waiting in the town, but not Darwoth, jesus christ ! This guy was NEVER online. I figured out we had 9 hours of difference, wich explains why I could never see him, but still. Doom and I had 10 hours and I was seeing him a lot more -_-
And finally one day, he showed up, and gave me back the claim paper I had lost while KO'd. I picked up my claim, hands shaking because of the idea of making a mistake and get Darwoth angry. But everything went nice, and I had my place, my home, my claim.

The living
I leveled my claim with patience, built a wall, well, almost a wall, cause I had stumps and too-steep-to-be-dug places everywhere. So after all my claim was still opened. I had locked doors but no wall :lol:
So I decided to build a house and stuff anyway, and ***** it if I get raided or whatever. Actually, even knowing I was playing Salem, I wanted to trust my townmates, and so did I. Everyone had the right to enter my claim, and I built a stove so anyone could pick fire.
I waited days again until Darwoth shows up to allow me to dig around my claim to finish my wall. Rune even kicked my ass to build a makeshift fence instead of leaving holes in my walls, but... I wanted my claim to stay open to people, and couldn't give my key to anyone, what would be the point in building doors then ? I did it anyway and gave my key to Rune, Tanja, Doom and Eclipse. Only Eclipse used it anyway, he was the only one using my claim the way I was building it for : help the others.

Soon this is how the District One looked like :

On that screen I miss mtop, who was the bottom left guy, two unknown people and Ripp's claim is actually the one on the left, I marked him in but it was his wife's.

I don't have any screen of Darwoth's Forest, cause we were apart it; there was nice places with red trees, holding all the stuff we'd need. 8 smelters and crushers, a work place, an arena in construction, public storage, every single thing we'd need.
We built by our own a mill and a bunch of bread ovens over the fields, and we were proud about it. I'm sorry I didn't helped for the ovens tho, I wish I was here.
We built the road. WE did it, not Darwoth at all, if you wanna know. The only thing he did about it, was to dig points to lead us the way, and leave. That's all ! Tanja especially did most of the work, this girl is crazy :D We were also proud about our road. Most of us worked on it (EXCEPT ECLIPSE YOU LITTLE ASS), and on the last days we started to pave it. It was really slow tho... I'll explain why later.

The begining of the end

The truth about our town is we've been left on our own. Darwoth ain't a leader, as Chief's stated. I know you don't give a **** about what we think Darwoth, but I still like you despite all you have done, and NOT done. I feel kinda bad for you, who wanted to build a town, a huge one. You never had the patience to take care of us, nor the time. You've never been made to rule the Kingdom and I understand how much it bothered you.
We all knew that, even if we couldn't say it in this words. We were talking about ways to have a real leader. My point of view was we needed to vote on some townies to have the rights on the District One. I would have vote for Raven-Rune and Tanja. They were the greatest guys of the town, always ready to help the noobs we were.
But we needed a real leader, the one with the power to punish us when we were making big mistakes. This leader punished Doom for something Doom hadn't done, but noone else for the bad things they'd done. This leader wasn't here to motivate us to take care of the town, and that's why once the road was finished to dig, we hardly spent time to pave it, because he wasn't here to tell us how we should do it. The message he finally sent us without doing it, is "***** you noobs, just do whatever you want, I'm behind you to chase you in case of bad move." And so he did.

Things started to decay when we realised people are not that nice. My beloved smelter's area was always left with an awfull mess. The mine has been collapsed twice (well, once by me tho, I'm a noob I told it !), the smelters were always filled with dross, people started to pick other's Iron Bars in it, crushers were full of stones or empty, instead of being filled with our 17% Ore, Carg started to use the smelters with 7% crap Ore (damn you, that was useless !). Tanja had set up a repair set in the mine, to build supports in case of emergency, but the set was stolen. People were also stealing what we planted on the common fields (I mean, what the hell, don't pick up what's not yours ffs). Eclipse took a lot of gardening pots from the town, without giving a ***** about how it would bother his townmates. Eclipse still didn't have a wall, despite the repeated ask from Darwoth.
People started to call each other a spy and become paranoid as hell. I've done my best to keep people in a right state of mind, but we're in Salem uh, it's not that easy !

Tanja and me were spending our time to clean other's people mess. We maybe shouldn't have done that, but... We wanted to stay proud of our town. Still now, I want to pave my beloved town, even if my main is dead. I want to finish my road. I want to clean my smelters. I want to kick Eclipse's ass for having left pies in my oven and still try to make him understand why he had to replace the gardening pots. I want to complain with Tanja about how people don't give a **** about us. Cause all of this was funny after all, and pleasing. It meant we were part of a community. I liked the way I was taking a good care of everyone, unlocking doors from the troll, picking up lost sleds, helping the new ones to level their claim. Yeah well, that wasn't the best way to get a 200 bile char, I agree.

As a cherry on the cake, Darwoth, who had never raised a single finger to help us in the town once we were settled, started to troll us, that was two days ago.

I posted here to say I had been bothered by some ******* who were blocking our doors, and insulted me. It was Darwoth. I was wondering how the ass knew we didn't have the rights to move things on our town... Well, now I know how.
I didn't have the skills to kill him, nor even fight him. And I didn't wanted to. I've been told not to leave scents everywhere, and... Well, this has to be told : I actually AM a carebear. All I'd would have done to the troll, was to try to hug him so he feels better. I'm the kind of person who would take the snake in his shirt, get bitten, and do it again. ***** it if I die in the process, at least I would have helped someone. You'd tell me a snake doesn't need to be helped, but hey, that's not the way a carebear thinks :)
Finally the Darwothroll logged out in the town, and Rune attempted to wall him in as an eternal statue, but that **** troll got bitten by a snake and respawned at his leanto. Damn bastard. He came back and started to unpave the road. That really made Tanja mad, she doesn't like people to touch her road :D so, after a little discussion on the village chat, it has been decided that we would kill the troll. Ronnie got KO'd in the process, cause, well, we were still noobs, Tanja had never killed anyone, ever. She almost killed Carg aswell cause he was boring, and wanted to kill Eclipse for being a ****, wich I would have understood as well. Phew, she had tasted the taste of blood ^^

Finally the troll died, and I felt like since Darwoth was never logged on, maybe he'd be happy to know what was going on our town. So I sent him this PM, and got the answer below, that was yesterday morning :
I wrote:Good afternoon sir !

So on this wonderfull night (for us) we had to deal with our little Russian troll again. If he's Russian, but whatever.
Soooo... I'm afraid that you still have to deal with a bunch of noobs in there, but this troll learnt us all a lot today. For exemple, we were afraid to kill him cause it'd leave scents everywhere. But since we had to move logs and stones and ore boulders from everywhere, there's actually scents from us in the whole town.

So we decided to murder the guy. That wasn't as easy as expected, since we actually are complete noobs in terms of murder. But we finally did it and placed his body with Indefatigable's one. Ronnie was KO'd in the process, but didn't make a big deal of it. We are all fine (for now, or until you destroy our heads for being such noobs :p) and Carg showed us how summoning works. I hope the troll won't tell too much to his friend about how pathetic we were when trying to kill him...

People are getting more paranoid (what a surprise) and this troll even made me mad (wich is a rare thing) by unpaving the road to write some **** with it.

We found Johnson in the town also. He was packing his things after your last post on the forum, about how people would be killed if found on the town. He gently asked me to ask you about him, so do I. Also someone stole one of the barrels he made while being there. I guess it's legit, and he told me that it wasn't a big deal, but that's not really nice.

Eclipse didn't know about the crime debuff and got KO'd in his claim after removing a log from my gate; I've built some leantos for him to go out and run when he can, I hope he won't get killed while logged off, maybe I should have built a makeshift fence or something to protect him. Please don't be too hard with him, he still needs to learn like all of us; if he gets killed by someone then I'm not sure the lesson would have been usefull if he leaves.

I think I reported most of what happened today, so you know what's going on in your "little" town :) Hope it won't cause trouble to anyone tho.

Time to sleep for me now, so I wish you a good afternoon :)

See you,

Darwoth wrote:very nice, glad you guys were able to handle the troll and defend the road. and by yourselves =)
as your stats get higher the town will become more and more secure.

the game is a learning process and it sounds like you guys learned a lot of stuff today so good stuff all around, tell everybody not to worry about the troll or be paranoid about scents, unless someone attacks you in the open they cant do anything to you or your stuff without a waste claim (which i will destroy) so stick close to doors/gates and if you ever get attacked you can just run inside and lock it, they wont follow because they cant get out.

is eclipse in a KO loop on his own claim? i think his is the one on the edge/corner though so cant he run off the claim real fast and break the cycle? i wish he had made a fence at least =/

johnson is that "CoS" guy so i am not sure what to do about him yet, he says he wants to open a store in the town and is a part of several harvester merchants etc but he just came around on the boards recently and i dont know if he is a troll or not yet.

We left scents ***** in our town. We had to remove every log that bastard had placed to our doors, and that was taken as a crime, since we couldn't reach Darwoth to ask him to party us.

Darwoth collected all our scents with patience.

The end

You all know his screen. Here's mine :

He finally logged in yesterday. I hoped it was to finally help us somehow. I've never been so wrong...

He came in our district and started to say Ronnie was a spy, that he was from the Russian's forum, and that he had to be killed. I was like, WTF ? Ronnie, a spy ? Ronnie, he'd be the troll of yesterday ? No ***** way, he helped us taking him down. He helped us with the road. He helped us in any way. Ronnie was part of town, so Darwoth, what are you doing ?
I made something that kinda saved me somehow : I went out of my claim to reach Darwoth and see if he really killed Ronnie. Yes he did, and BAM so was I. After that, he started to drop people's claims, and summon kill them. Almost all of them, some escaped. Not always the better, tho.
That saved me, cause Darwoth didn't have to declaim me nor summon me, so I've been able to spawn alts and get back my poor things (don't worry Darwoth, that was mostly crap for you. I'm still a noob so I need them, but you don't). It also allowed me to talk with Eno and see the last fight.


He left only two of the people who were in the town alive : Manny and Eno. He wanted to make them fight together. The loser would die, the winner... well he didn't tell what the winner would get as a reward. Let's just guess. Manny managed to KO himself, with his own braziers somehow, so Darwoth killed him and went to Eno's place to give him his last chance. Parry my attacks, and you'll live.


Eno sadly didn't make it.

Game over.

Darwoth had new toys, but we wern't that new anymore, so he broke us all and went away.

Most of us met in Boston with new toons, but whatever, our adventure was over... Some will quit the game, others still don't know what they're going to do know, and some will just go on with new people.

The town had become the deserted place it was before we came.

...Except for two girls who cared too much about the town they had raised and loved to let it go like that.

This was my story.
Thank you Ripp, for being a gentleman, friendly and nice to talk with.
Thank you Eclipse, even if you've been an ass, you were kinda like my stupid husband, borrowing things without replacing them and stuff, and wipe your feet, and clean your mess !
Thank you Eno, you've always been nice with everyone, even if we didn't saw you that much.
Thank you Tanja/Tjil, for all the help you provided to everyone, without counting, and for all you have done for the town.
Thank you Jim, for letting us laugh about how you've been in a KO loop because of a stupid deer.
Thank you Doom/Niko, for being that young funny australian who made me laugh, for building the timber pile area, and being such a cool guy.
Thank you Manny/Styx for building a bunker in the town, finally it didn't served you that much ¦]
Thank you Rune, for being such a good friend and caring so much about us all.
Thank you Ronnie, well wait, not that much thank you, you disagreed with my election idea, and made me kill for being the first one !
Thank you Carg for er... the bread ovens. That was a nice idea. Too bad it was that late and we get killed two days after.
Thank you mtop for trusting me and letting me help you, that was a pleasure to meet you.
Thank you Island for being that wise and tell people how to play properly. You helped me a lot and I hope I'll play with you again.
Thank you Rhodes for... erm... I don't know what. For being there in the beginings I guess !
Thank you Kardinal for having the nicest place of our town, it was a pleasure to go by everytime.

Thank you Darwoth for reuniting us all in the same place. We had fun. But for the rest, ***** you, I guess :roll:
Trust your enemies more than your friends. Your enemies will never betray you.
loftar wrote:***** the treaty.

(Note: Citation is severely out of context.)
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Re: A new era of prosperity on jamestown

Postby CoS » Mon Sep 16, 2013 12:26 pm

Good story, thank you.
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Re: A new era of prosperity on jamestown

Postby Darwoth » Mon Sep 16, 2013 12:27 pm

Cheena wrote:
Sir the Snake and the Noobs

Once upon a time, there was a Snake King. He was all alone all day long and didn't trust anyone, biting the people who would cross his path. But one day, he felt really alone and decided that he wouldn't bite anymore, at least not for a while, and so he decided to build a peacefull, great and friendly realm.
The realm was beautiful and attractive, and soon people asked him shyly if they could come to the wonderfull place and live there.
The Snake King was happy to see the success of his Realm. People were friendly to each other, and the life was going nice, peacefull and slowly in the little kingdom.
But one day...
One day, the Snake King realised that people wasn't that nice to each other. They were stealing things from the Kingdom, from each other. They were raiding the near other kingdoms without being carefull, and they didn't take care of their houses. And above all, above all... he was still all alone. No one was caring about him, nobody thought of thanking him, and all he had in return of his work was the moanings of his inhabitants. Only a really few princesses were trying to keep the Realm beautiful and nice to live on.

So the sad Snake King became furious, turned against his people, and bit them all. Almost everyone died. Princesses, thiefs, honest mans... Only a few managed to escape, and some who escaped even were the cause of the disaster.

The Snake King has never promised people that he would be a man of justice, only that he would be a Snake King.

never has such a beautiful fable been told, i shall not declaim your plot so that you may wander freely around the sacred grounds of darwoth forest warning travellers and spreading the tale.

one day in the servers lifetime the bell will no longer ring, the trees shall fall, the road will decay and naught but ruins will remain. young newbies will spawn near and then one day hear the story, prefixed with "according to jamestown legend........."

:lol: :lol:
Last edited by Darwoth on Mon Sep 16, 2013 7:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A new era of prosperity on jamestown

Postby Kandarim » Mon Sep 16, 2013 12:36 pm

Thanks for the read!

Slightly too late with my post, but:
I have neither the crayons nor the time to explain it to you.
JC wrote:I'm not fully committed to being wrong on that yet.
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Re: A new era of prosperity on jamestown

Postby ZtyX » Mon Sep 16, 2013 12:45 pm

What a touching story, Cheena. Thank you for that. However, not all may be lost...

"...for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children!"
We Have MOST Fun on Jamestown!
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Re: A new era of prosperity on jamestown

Postby RuneNL » Mon Sep 16, 2013 12:51 pm

Thank you Cheena.
That sums it up perfectly.

Was waiting for Darwoth's report but I am sure I would have enjoyed your version more.

And with this; Thank you for trying Darwoth. A ***** you & salute to you sir.

Advanced for the near futur quote: (super psychic)
ChiefPeePooKaKa wrote: Rune confirmed carebear

I know right?
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Re: A new era of prosperity on jamestown

Postby goblin_babe » Mon Sep 16, 2013 12:51 pm

loved your story cheena. xx thankyou for telling it your way x
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