The Adventures of Paranoid Peter

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The Adventures of Paranoid Peter

Postby JohnCarver » Thu Feb 01, 2018 10:24 pm

Greetings Salemites,
As we all know, Marp will frequently tell us tales of Tarp Marpton from the lands of the expeditions, and I find that his information is not only helpful but engaging and have become jealous of his bromance with Tarp Marpton! As such, I have traveled to the Test Server and met a new individual names Paranoid Peter. Paranoid Peter is a strange fellow, and I can't quite figure out how he even got on Jamestown(The Test Server) but he did and he has some strange and wonderful things to share with y'all. Since these are all rumors by Paranoid Peter none of them are set in stone, nothing is concrete, and maybe some of it is not true. However, sharing his journeys I feel is a nice way for you to get a glimpse into what is to come as well as provide feedback on how the rumors make you feel. So without further ado:

Tales From Paranoid Peter Volume 1 (Numens, The Maid,Mother,Crone):
Hello folks! I am Paranoid Peter, I enjoy long walks on shallow water searching for crabs and occasionally putting them on sticks. In fact, my homestead has over 1,000 crabs on sticks now making it the most lovely establishment on Jamestown! Actually, fun fact, it is the ONLY establishment on Jamestown for over 2 years now, but lately there has been a lot of strange things happening! How did I get there you ask? Silly you, I"m a time traveler. I can tell you stories about the future, what it will hold, what your life will be like. Hell, I'll even tell you what your next craving will be, for a price. Anyways we digress. Tonight's story is about Numens and The Maid, Mother & Crone.

First let me begin by telling you that I am NOT a conspiracy theorist. I don't care how crazy this stuff sounds alright! I saw it, it happened, and that is that. There are enough voices in my head that already call me crazy and I don't need one of you guys to join them. However, I was traveling the world and then all of sudden I felt different. There was a power about it, a presence. For the first time in my life the voices quieted and my hand steadied as I felt a draw to a force I had never experienced in a previous life or time period. I felt a hunger, or a thirst but it was neither. I grabbed a bite to eat and a drink from the river and neither quenched the desire. Upon some reflection it was not coming from inside me at all. It was an external hunger, a desire that I felt in the world around me! I walked up to a tree and reached out to what appeared to be the physical manifestation of my desire only to watch the tree whither and die before my very eyes! STEVE! I cried out, as I had named that particular tree Steve when first choosing my homestead. STEEEEEEVVVVEEE I yelled again. Steve was dead. His leaves were gone, his bark was useless. Nothing about the Steve I once knew remained but my moment of sadness was swiftly overcome by the changes I now felt inside me. The hunger was satisfied and I experienced my first Sapping of Earth Numen. The energy that surrounded Steve was not gone, but merely transferred to my own. It was as if Steve and I would be together forever now! I tried touching some of my less favorite trees immediately after, and while they too wilted and died, I did not feel any surge of energy. It seems that I can only transfer Earth Numen after some arbitrary moment of time. But regardless, exciting none the less.

As the pace of my heart settled I then begin to notice that I was yearning for Numen once again. I cast Deadwood a few times but it did nothing to help. What is this feeling? Why am I feeling it even after I sap trees? I looked down at my hands and they were covered in a thick charcoal from touching so many dead trees so I went to the river to wash them. Immediately upon touching the water it turned to slime and I once again felt quenched. But this quenching was different. My hungers were disjointed and my motivations for Numen were indeed separate. I noticed that sapping Water Numen and sapping Earth Numen were indeed two very different paths but I did not feel forced to choose one. I could go down the path of either independently each one making me stronger in the powers of that Cult. I felt two more desires, were they new types of Numen? My mind was already exahusted so after Sliming a few more rivers I decided enough was enough and lay to rest.

I woke up the next day and began traveling back to town. I don't know why, as nobody is ever there but not everything I do on Jamestown makes sense now adays anyway. As I got closer to town from the darkness I noticed a rash. The rash turned to welts, the welts turned to burns and soon I was in excruciating pain. My humours were dropping, and they were dropping fast. Was this how I was to die? For some unknown reason I was to simply perish as I entered the light with the shanty town of Jamestown on the horizon? But it was then that a new voice appeared in my head. A mean voice, a scary voice, a voice so scary that it scared away my other voices. "Drink the Beetles you fool!" It yelled at me. DISGUSTING proposition to say the least but if you heard this voice you would obey it too! I quickly searched my pockets and realized that I had turned my last beetles into inspirational toys! "I CANNOT I SCREAMED". But then my hands began to glow brown. I felt my numen leave my body and a bolt of energy fly to a nearby boulder! "DRINK" the voice commanded again. I had already lifted that boulder just a mere few seconds ago looking for grubs, but in compliance I lifted it again. To my amazement it was full of bugs! Where did these bugs come from and why are they here? Either way I drank my Beetles and no longer felt the pain of the light.

But wait! Where is Steve? I couldn't feel him anymore! He was GONE, but this time for good! Steve had left my body and left a hole where he once was. My Earth Numen was depleted and my hunger reappeared. There was no time to mourn however, I have important things to do as my life is changing too quickly and unfortunately I can't say for the better! I cast Deadwood again to refill my Earth Numen and continued on my journeys.

It was a lovely Everbloom by the time I reached town but there was something different in the air. It wasn't temperature, and it wasn't humidity. It wasn't a smell, or something I could see. It was Life, and it was Death. It was a 'balance'. I had some light concept of 'balance' which I learned when I once traveled to the future and met an odd group of fellows with lightsabers, but I digress. Something wasn't 'right' and I could feel it. There was a great disturbance in the.......Mother. Mother? It was then I was greeted by three fine ladies and boy was I startled as they were hardly modest in their clothing.

The Crone spoke first. "You have tainted the waters and wilted the trees she said. The death you brought into this world has outweighed the life and as such the entire server you now know is tilted."

The Maid then followed up. "Bring back the Mother, Bring us back to balance. When you created the life of those beetles and Grubs you were on the right path. I shall use what i have to assist you in this balance but please, do hurry as the greater the imbalance the less you may channel me".

The mother just kinda sat there, all pregnant and fat. Didn't know what to think about her as she was clearly pissed off so I figured I better make them happy.

I began Conjuring bugs under all kinds of stones but noticed that they were right. This time the spell to create life cost much less numen. For each tree I wilted i was able to Conjure bugs many more times than before. Slowly as the sun began to set on the horizon I noticed my conjuration of bugs and deadwood spells began to balance out. I suppose the world is now right I thought and once again lay myself to rest.

Tales From Paranoid Peter Volume 2 (Nether Inventories):
Why Hello there! Back for another story so soon eh? Well things have not gotten normal around my parts that is for sure. It was a fine everbloom day and I was just cooking up some Bajgiels, which were quite OP btw, somebody should really do something about that, anyways I was sprinkling some bugs on them as a nice topping when I remembered a few more things in my cupboard that would make my gluttony session just right. I went to my cupboard, opened the door and WHOOOSH! Behind the doors where my best dishware and favorite snacks normally lay was a purple void reaching out through time/space/cosmos or whatever you want to call it! Now I know what you are thinking, and no, I had not had any Satan Salts lately, this all really happened. Despite the dangerous look for this Nether I reached my hand into it but felt nothing and quickly slammed the doors. Needless to say I was beyond frustrated and completely lost my appetite, so I decided to go for a walk.

I was strolling with one of my many new movement animations (Thanks Qiresea!) When all of a sudden I came across a hollow stump. I should check it for goodies just incase, you never do know what can fall into those things. But as soon as I touched it I felt my Earth Numen slip out of my body again. However, this time it felt much different. I didn't notice any immediate change to the stump, I touched it, I peered inside it, I yelled into it, and nothing at all! I was certain I cast some form of a spell on it but in all my curiosity I just couldn't figure out what had happened so I decided to sit under the shade of a lovely maple tree. It wasn't much longer before I saw a stranger wandering by. Another person here in Jamestown? How peculiar, it had been so long I simply watched the individual in awe as he approached the exact same stump I had recently interacted with. He bumped into it appearing to have the same zest for treasure hunting that I did, only this time when he did I saw a slight fizzle of magic near his pocket! The gentlemen pulled away from the stump frustrated that he too found nothing, however, he then touched his pocket and began counting his Indian Feathers. 1...2....3....4. He counted out loud. Again he tried 1....2....3....4. He was most certain that he had 5 and I could see the anger brewing as he began searching the ground, the stump, for the missing feather to no avail. Finally he gave up and continued on his journey and I too decided it was time I head home and finally gobble up those Bajiels.

It was getting late in the evening and just to be sure I decided to check that blasted infernal cupboard one more time. I opened it up, reached my hand inside it, only this time I felt something. Something soft and light. It was an Indian Feather not unlike the ones the man earlier appeared to have lost? Could it be that my Cupboard is now some dimensional link to all that is lost in the lands of Salem? Or was it my spell on the stump itself that caused him to lose his feather in the first place? I seem to have more questions than answers but one thing is for sure, my inventory is far less fun to open now adays as my newfound Nether Inventory seems to keep populating with the lost items of fellow pilgrims and I must say it beats the hell out of foraging! See ya next time!
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Re: The Adventures of Paranoid Peter

Postby Lusewing » Thu Feb 01, 2018 10:40 pm

I really like where this is going, with the triple aspect of the goddess, the balence of forces, life and death. It all looks really fun, intresting - and very witchy.
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Re: The Adventures of Paranoid Peter

Postby lachlaan » Thu Feb 01, 2018 10:42 pm

Before I start reading, I'll let my own paranoia run loose and say that PP, Paranoid Peter is clearly an alias. As per the usual paranoia that has ruled since you guys took over, I'm going to assume Paranoid Peter's character name ingame is Ikpetep.
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Re: The Adventures of Paranoid Peter

Postby Ronch » Thu Feb 01, 2018 10:46 pm

Interesting, I like the concept.
Who doesn't like a good story, especially a story with hints inside.

But maybe a definition of terms used in the story, or simpler terms used for new players like myself.
Would draw and maintain more interest.

Terms such as: Numen.
wtf is Numen ? :?
Last edited by Ronch on Fri Feb 02, 2018 1:13 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: The Adventures of Paranoid Peter

Postby lachlaan » Thu Feb 01, 2018 10:50 pm

How about numana?
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Re: The Adventures of Paranoid Peter

Postby JohnCarver » Thu Feb 01, 2018 11:02 pm

Ronch wrote:Terms such as: Numen.
wtf is Numen ? :?
ceedat wrote:the overwhelming frustration of these forums and the unnecessarily over complicated game mechanics is what i enjoy about this game most.

Nsuidara wrote:it is a strange and difficult game in no positive way
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Re: The Adventures of Paranoid Peter

Postby Ronch » Thu Feb 01, 2018 11:12 pm

Thanks, I SalemWikied it, but didn't think to just Wiki it. :oops:
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Re: The Adventures of Paranoid Peter

Postby Nikixos » Thu Feb 01, 2018 11:24 pm

numen was in game before beta, will it work different than livestream?
what stays?
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Re: The Adventures of Paranoid Peter

Postby Nsuidara » Fri Feb 02, 2018 12:02 am

it's interesting
little hard text for me - for now.. but here 00:02AM :D i read later again :P
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Re: The Adventures of Paranoid Peter

Postby JohnCarver » Fri Feb 02, 2018 12:18 am

Nikixos wrote:numen was in game before beta, will it work different than livestream?
what stays?

Nothing from original Numen stays. We are re-writing WitchCraft from the ground up.
ceedat wrote:the overwhelming frustration of these forums and the unnecessarily over complicated game mechanics is what i enjoy about this game most.

Nsuidara wrote:it is a strange and difficult game in no positive way
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