We'd like to share our salem map tool with the community.
Salem MAP
We've been developing and here is an update.
Current version: 3.1.1
1. Fixed problem with 25% CPU load (caused by constantly redrawing the map).
2. Window size is now saved upon exit.
3. Current paths are displayed in directory selection window whenever you want to select another path.
4. Manual merge has been fixed. (sessions path was incorrect)
1. Map browsing with 6 zoom levels.
2. Automatic rapid map merge and attachment of new sessions to existing map, including tiles location check.
3. Manual map merge.
4. Display Map grid and tile coordinates.
5. Set markers on resources and points of interest, display quality, multipliers.
6. Display Haven&Hearth map as well. Show transparent underground levels.
7. Optional merged sessions' deletion.
8. Map recovery after sessions merge.
9. Map tiles manual deletion.
Please see User Manual for program description.