Unofficial Patch Fat Fingers!

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Unofficial Patch Fat Fingers!

Postby pistolshrimp » Sat Nov 28, 2020 10:19 pm

Obviously I don't have the ability to do anything serious for the development of the game, but through a mix of sheer willpower, desperation, and self-loathing I can push the development of Salem the tiniest step forward on my own! This patch fixes a variety typos, wording, and icon issues. Theoretically all of these would have eventually made their way into Salem proper so its about as official as unofficial can get. You can install this patch on your own by simply downloading the link and putting the Custom_Res folder into your Salem folder.


Small Changes
*BUGFIX: Fixed typo in Cheese Making.
*BUGFIX: Fixed typo in Disease Immunity.
*BUGFIX: Fixed typo in French Tickler.
*BUGFIX: Fixed typo in Fungiculture.
*BUGFIX: Fixed typo in Milk Drinker.
*BUGFIX: Fixed typo in Monster Hunting.
*BUGFIX: Fixed typo in Storm Hat.
*BUGFIX: Fixed typo in Theology.
*BUGFIX: Fixed typo in Tobacco Planting.
*BUGFIX: Fixed typo in Trial by Combat.
*BUGFIX: Fixed typo in Unboiled Delectable Dumplings.
*BUGFIX: Fixed typo in Viscera & Bits.
*BUGFIX: Removed mention of crossing swamps from Hiking.
*BUGFIX: Axe tooltip renamed Flint Axe.
*BUGFIX: Pale tooltip renamed Pail.
*BUGFIX: Boston changed to Providence in Survival Skills.
*BUGFIX: Fixed Really Lucky icon.
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Re: Unofficial Patch Fat Fingers!

Postby Murphy » Thu Dec 10, 2020 10:37 pm

The hero we need
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