User Interface Modifications

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User Interface Modifications

Postby pistolshrimp » Wed Oct 21, 2020 4:52 am

I'm going to stick here some minor changes that I have made to my client in the off chance that others may want to use them as well.

Online Status

Why: Current Online vs Offline indicators for Kin are busy and is relatively unintuitive what it even means. [I may just be stupid but for way longer than I am comfortable admitting I thought they were wet and dry rabbit skins and it meant if a player was alive or not.] These change turns the online/offline indicators into Lit and Unlit Torches.




Removed Extra Buttons

Why: I have never used the Manual Button and I generally use the web to use the visit the cash shop and therefore these buttons take up visual real estate without providing much to players who are generally comfortable with the game. Some clients already shrink these buttons, this change completely removes these buttons.




Humour Bar Revamp

Why: I've never been a big fan of the Comedy and Tragedy mask on the humours bars, I find them kinda distracting and feel like they don't quite hit the mark thematically, besides that they take up a lot of visual real estate and provide next to nothing. This change completely removes these Masks. Additionally the Madness level indicator has always bothered me, why does it say level 1 madness at level 0? This changes moves the Madness indicator to the middle of the humours to save space and aligns the numbers to your actual Madness Level. Additionally this change adds a small bit of transparency, tones down the weight of the Cravings Indicator, and also adds subtle slight tick marks for 1/2 and 1/4 of your humours so you can more quickly judge your remaining humour levels in combat or during activities.



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Re: User Interface Modifications

Postby Kandarim » Fri Oct 23, 2020 8:07 pm

A few notes:
- removing the manual (and especially the shop icon) was a no-go when I tried to do this a very long time back.
- The humour counter mask things starts at 1 because I said so <) You'll note the default client has no such numbers, I edited them in the resource files. I went with 1 because (a) I liked the thought that people are always at least a little bit mad and (b) I liked the idea of a nice big 'X' whenever you actually die of madness. I also believe zero-indexing should not be a thing in real life. I do like the cleanliness of the in-humour solution, though!
I have neither the crayons nor the time to explain it to you.
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Re: User Interface Modifications

Postby Taipion » Fri Oct 23, 2020 11:45 pm

Yea, my thought on the shop icon...

As for madness, I'd say not mix up zero indexing with zero actually meaning nothing. :lol:
I'd prefer zero to say that there is zero madness and the actual madness lvls start at 1, but maybe that's just me.

...someone summon Marp for a word on those mods...
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Re: User Interface Modifications

Postby pistolshrimp » Fri Nov 06, 2020 4:25 am

Java has ya'll scared of NULL. I like counting 0 because of arrays. However I'm mostly only joking. I get your reasoning and I'll probably make a version that also starts at 1, with a couple of small changes I'd like to do now that I've played with it as my default for a couple of weeks. I do appreciate both of your feedback.

As for the Shop Icon, you both are right, I'm sure it's against the rules, but also the devs be gone and I figured that at this point anyone comfortable enough replacing their res files are also pretty familiar with how to access the Salem Store.
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Re: User Interface Modifications

Postby Goodman12 » Fri Nov 06, 2020 5:33 am

pistolshrimp wrote:As for the Shop Icon, you both are right, I'm sure it's against the rules, but also the devs be gone and I figured that at this point anyone comfortable enough replacing their res files are also pretty familiar with how to access the Salem Store.

What a badass!!
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