I'm going to stick here some minor changes that I have made to my client in the off chance that others may want to use them as well.
Online Status
Why: Current Online vs Offline indicators for Kin are busy and is relatively unintuitive what it even means. [I may just be stupid but for way longer than I am comfortable admitting I thought they were wet and dry rabbit skins and it meant if a player was alive or not.] These change turns the online/offline indicators into Lit and Unlit Torches.
Download: https://github.com/jmk1067/SalemUIMods/raw/main/OnlineStatus.7z
Removed Extra Buttons
Why: I have never used the Manual Button and I generally use the web to use the visit the cash shop and therefore these buttons take up visual real estate without providing much to players who are generally comfortable with the game. Some clients already shrink these buttons, this change completely removes these buttons.
Download: https://github.com/jmk1067/SalemUIMods/raw/main/MenuChanges.7z
Humour Bar Revamp
Why: I've never been a big fan of the Comedy and Tragedy mask on the humours bars, I find them kinda distracting and feel like they don't quite hit the mark thematically, besides that they take up a lot of visual real estate and provide next to nothing. This change completely removes these Masks. Additionally the Madness level indicator has always bothered me, why does it say level 1 madness at level 0? This changes moves the Madness indicator to the middle of the humours to save space and aligns the numbers to your actual Madness Level. Additionally this change adds a small bit of transparency, tones down the weight of the Cravings Indicator, and also adds subtle slight tick marks for 1/2 and 1/4 of your humours so you can more quickly judge your remaining humour levels in combat or during activities.
Download: https://github.com/jmk1067/SalemUIMods/raw/main/HumoursChange.7z