Upcoming Features & Feature Requests for Taipions Client

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Upcoming Features & Feature Requests for Taipions Client

Postby Taipion » Mon Aug 24, 2020 10:21 pm

Hello :-)

I'm not actually there yet, but I plan to have some time again on client coding... soon.

I'll use and edit this first post as a list of features and requests that are coming.
Ordering and details may also change.

So, go ahead and request your wildest dreams, I just kindly ask to not request something that's on the list already, especially if it's not approved.

I'd also be happy to take code that you may have done already to implement into my client, if you have something that's appropriate.

The list will be something like that:

(A) What Feature || (B) When will it be done || (C) Work required || (D) Feasibility & Dev-Approval || (E) Short Description

#1 - (A): Russian WASD (B): pretty soon (C): near none, thx to wintermute (D): should not be an issue at all (E): make the Salem client accept the "WASD"-keys in russian keyboard layout for WASD-movement
...if requested, #1 might be copied for other popular languages, I thought for a moment of making it customizable, but that'd be probably not as useful to most players

#2 - autodoor for church also
#3 - auto shovel for destroying stumps
#4 - only render objects based on their actual visibility, depending on the current camera (definitely not soon)
#5 - smoke fps fix
#6 - town window time remaining + possible optional alert
#7 - overall client font size options (probably not possible / too much work)
#8 - abacus weight in red if overloaded
#9 - visual indicator for tea/milk-containing items
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Re: Upcoming Features & Feature Requests for Taipions Client

Postby pistolshrimp » Tue Aug 25, 2020 7:50 am

Possibly a Click Down to Weight key command.

Also back when Heff suggested the icons for the rest of the drinks I made these:
Not sure if they will be of any help.
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Re: Upcoming Features & Feature Requests for Taipions Client

Postby Taipion » Tue Aug 25, 2020 8:36 pm

pistolshrimp wrote:Possibly a Click Down to Weight key command.


pistolshrimp wrote:Also back when Heff suggested the icons for the rest of the drinks I made these:

Yes, I remember, I'll see if and how I can make use of them once I got a little more time.
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Re: Upcoming Features & Feature Requests for Taipions Client

Postby pistolshrimp » Fri Oct 02, 2020 2:50 am

Taipion wrote:
pistolshrimp wrote:Possibly a Click Down to Weight key command.


So when you are alt-clicking to grab all of an item you may sometime grab more than you can carry. Sometimes you know this will grab more than you can carry so you have to individually click each item or scroll wheel the items into your inventory checking to see which one pushes you into the red. It would be cool if there was a key command that let me essentially grab all of an item up to my weight capacity.

Also have a real small suggestion , but its such a pet peeve of mine i'm going to make it any way. It would be cool if you automatically clicked the fireplace after igniting it with a tinder drill or flint and steel. Not so it opens the inventory but so you can use it to cook. I always go to cook and get made, like HOW AM I NOT USING THE FIREPLACE I JUST SET IT ON FIRE! This exact scenario happens more than I'd like to admit.
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Re: Upcoming Features & Feature Requests for Taipions Client

Postby Taipion » Fri Oct 02, 2020 3:10 pm

pistolshrimp wrote:
Taipion wrote:
pistolshrimp wrote:Possibly a Click Down to Weight key command.


So when you are alt-clicking to grab all of an item you may sometime grab more than you can carry. Sometimes you know this will grab more than you can carry so you have to individually click each item or scroll wheel the items into your inventory checking to see which one pushes you into the red. It would be cool if there was a key command that let me essentially grab all of an item up to my weight capacity.

Also have a real small suggestion , but its such a pet peeve of mine i'm going to make it any way. It would be cool if you automatically clicked the fireplace after igniting it with a tinder drill or flint and steel. Not so it opens the inventory but so you can use it to cook. I always go to cook and get made, like HOW AM I NOT USING THE FIREPLACE I JUST SET IT ON FIRE! This exact scenario happens more than I'd like to admit.

Thanks for the suggestions!

The fireplace thing is a bit niche I guess, why not just use a stove and keep it fueled? ^^

The carry weight alt click... I can't, right now, think of a nice solution for that which would not include stutter / guessing item weights / auto-scrolling items back n forth...
it would be interesting for sure, if someone has an idea how to make that possible in a sophisticated way, I'd be willing to add it :-)
[edit:] To make this clear, the client has no idea about items weight, and is only told by the server what the current and max carry-weight are. It is therefore difficult to do anything with weight without first implementing an "experience based" or hardcoded weight table for items, which is nothing I'd really like to do right now.
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Re: Upcoming Features & Feature Requests for Taipions Client

Postby pistolshrimp » Fri Oct 02, 2020 6:45 pm

I mostly notice it when I'm lighting that Fireplace in Providence, like I said its not a big deal, but if it was an easy fix it might be cool to have. But definitely low priority.


As for a possible soltion for the click to weight key command, perhaps we could make an external list of weights that the client checks. We wouldn't need every item in the game just common items that are mass produced and transported, ie brick, stone, lime, hay, etc building materials. Like no one is really transporting 500 Mossy Capes. To accommodate edge cases there could be a default weight applied to unknown items (say .5 kg).


Also another idea/problem, sorry I am spamming this thread with them, I have a hard time seeing when stuff is damaged unless its like down to 40% or is like a wall. Furniture and wooden items are especially difficult and I often find myself clicking repair on items when they are at 100% just to be sure. I'm not sure if it's possible but could there a button you could click or check to show the % damage of anything less than 100?
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Re: Upcoming Features & Feature Requests for Taipions Client

Postby Heffernan » Fri Oct 02, 2020 10:59 pm

Cheatmenu Butcher is used Before skin, pls change
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Re: Upcoming Features & Feature Requests for Taipions Client

Postby Taipion » Fri Oct 02, 2020 11:15 pm

Heffernan wrote:Cheatmenu Butcher is used Before skin, pls change

That one should be easy, any more like that?
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Re: Upcoming Features & Feature Requests for Taipions Client

Postby Taipion » Fri Oct 02, 2020 11:42 pm

There will also be a fix for that bug that makes mouse buttons stop work occasionally. ;)
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Re: Upcoming Features & Feature Requests for Taipions Client

Postby Paradoxyc » Thu Oct 15, 2020 11:52 pm



If possible, it would be great to have Ender's client style sorting for containers etc (continuous sorting that stays on for all objects). Thanks!
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