I'm not actually there yet, but I plan to have some time again on client coding... soon.
I'll use and edit this first post as a list of features and requests that are coming.
Ordering and details may also change.
So, go ahead and request your wildest dreams, I just kindly ask to not request something that's on the list already, especially if it's not approved.
I'd also be happy to take code that you may have done already to implement into my client, if you have something that's appropriate.
The list will be something like that:
(A) What Feature || (B) When will it be done || (C) Work required || (D) Feasibility & Dev-Approval || (E) Short Description
#1 - (A): Russian WASD (B): pretty soon (C): near none, thx to wintermute (D): should not be an issue at all (E): make the Salem client accept the "WASD"-keys in russian keyboard layout for WASD-movement
...if requested, #1 might be copied for other popular languages, I thought for a moment of making it customizable, but that'd be probably not as useful to most players
#2 - autodoor for church also
#3 - auto shovel for destroying stumps
#4 - only render objects based on their actual visibility, depending on the current camera (definitely not soon)
#5 - smoke fps fix
#6 - town window time remaining + possible optional alert
#7 - overall client font size options (probably not possible / too much work)
#8 - abacus weight in red if overloaded
#9 - visual indicator for tea/milk-containing items