Did you hear the whistle harp?!? Fixed SmartSpace for horsesI probably don't need to say how much of a relief this is!
Added ":belt ..." command to access your action bars,
whereas ... is the number of the button,
use ":debug" to find out the first argument/number,
then use the custom hotkeys to map it as you like
Fixed makeshift scarecrow radius Fixed TimSort exception in rendering Fixed CTRL+L and CTRL+SHIFT+L to work the same as CTRL+F and CTRL+SHIFT+F
Thornbush Alert You will now hear a sound if a blooming thornbush is nearby!
(actually 3 sounds, of the harp instrument^^)
you can toggle it on/off with ":tbalert"
Thornbush Colour You can now change the colour of highlighting for blooming
thornbushes to any colour you want, to do so, us the
command ":tbcolour r g b" whereas rgb are values
form 0 to 255 each
Added the Stonetower to "auto doors" Updated the "list of hotkeys" in the xtended menu merged from vanilla client: - Implement basic support for store credit.
- Display store credit.
- Destroy store-window instead of hiding it.
Thanks to:
Kae for suggesting the thornbush alert and getting it approved from marp!
As always, get the update by running the updater.jar of your choice (first post of this thread) or getting the tsalem.jar directly (again, first post / github).
And as always, I'm looking for feedback and ideas of all kinds! Also taking donations to support client development. ^^ Got some? Here's a pretty good place for them.

...or well, just join the discord, it's a much more lively place, at: