The patch you've all been craving for!New Feature: One click for Cravings! Added a feature to give you the recipe of the craving
(if there is a recipe) by clicking on it.
I do not expect it to be perfect from the start, and there may be typos or mismatches from the data used,
which was extracted from the wiki and then refined.
There is a hardcoded list for 399 food items in the client, with corresponding recipes or "has no recipe"-info,
and if there is no match, then there's a search algorithm that has a good chance (not perfect though) to find it, if it is there.
To get the appropriate recipe by clicking the craving, your char needs to know the recipe, and there has to be a recipe,
so there are usually 3 different kinds of outputs, noted in System and Log chat, that will let you know what happened.
- like, clicking on a berrry as craving, it will tell you that there is no recipe, berries are picked from bushes, not crafted ^^
- if your char knows the recipe, it will be opened
- if there is a recipe for that craving, and your char does not know it, then the message will let you know
If you find bugs or mismatches in this feature, please let me know or just post it on discord, so it can get fixed, thank you!
New Feature: Purse Protection Added protection for your purse, you can from now on, not drop your purse when on water, that is, if you CTRL + click your purse when on water,
it will give a message and not drop it, but you can still manually take and drop it.
Let's have a minute of silence here, for all the purses sacrificed to the deep ones by all those pilgrims who just wanted to put their canoe in the water...
Fix/Addition: Pumpkin Backpacks functionality Fixed the shortcut CTRL+G not closing pumpkin packs.
Also added pumpkin packs to sort windows list, auto-bucket-from-backpack, backpack-lock and all that.
Fix: Wine Icon Fixed cabbage & kale wine having no icon.
Refined: Console Commands / HotKeys Changed command line to ignore additional ":" so there is no confusion anymore,
like when using custom hotkeys, so you can input commands in the hotkey window with ":" or without and it will all just work.
Bugfix + more: ignore feature Fixed a bug in the [ignored]-feature that allowed an ignored char to open a chat window with you through using the highlight feature.
Additionally, the [ignored]-feature will now also prevent ignored chars chat from appearing in area chat, or any chat at all, though you will still see the chat bubbles.
If you add [ignored] to a chars name, including the brackets, the char will be ignored and you won't receive chat messages from that char in any way, not even in private chat. Note: If there is anything in chat you don't want to see, you can also simply right-click the chat after it's already selected, and everything in that chat will be deleted,
this works for all chats including System and Log chats.
New Feature: Animal-Stats-Sum-Up Added animal numbers handling, with ":animaloutput" to toggle, and ":animaloutput x", where x is any number as offset, also negative,
like ":animaloutput -35", this will output a number to LogChat that is the sum of all animal stats except the first, all minus 50 by default, so an animal with all 50 stats would output 0.
Output is done when opening the stats window of an animal.
Bugfix: inv-feature Fixed crash with ":inv one" / ":inv all" if you'd inv something that moved.
Small addition: sum-up-items-in-sacks/bags/baskets/... Added an output to ALT+LMB on sacks/bags/baskets where it tells you how many items are there in total (takes a few seconds).
You know you can access a bunch of sacks/bags/baskets in a container, like a shed full of sacks, by ALT+clicking one of the sacks:
- ALT+LMB opens all but closes the non-empty (and tells you the item # now)
- ALT+MMB opens a window where you can input the # of items you want
- ALT+RMB opens all
Bugfix: Screenshooter Fixed a bug where the Screenshooter function would open 2 windows upon hitting ALT+S, though probably no one ever noticed...
Thanks to:
Pistolshrimp, for providing an (almost) perfect list for the cravings.

As always, get the update by running the updater.jar of your choice (first post of this thread) or getting the tsalem.jar directly (again, first post / github).
And as always, I'm looking for feedback and ideas of all kinds! Also taking donations to support client development. ^^ Got some? Here's a pretty good place for them.

...or well, just join the discord, it's a much more lively place, at: