New Feature: Icons, icons everywhere!
Added icons for most fluids including wine (one per type of whine),
and a custom icon for milk (thanks to Vesemir!)
Thanks to Mirrodin for the json list of icons and the idea!
Heavy Performance Fix: Icons, again icons (caching now)!
Added caching of all icons, which was especially noticeable
on sheds full of seedbags, or any occasion with a lot of icons,
the performance impact of icons was pretty huge, and is now near zero.
Even if you have only one or a few items with icons visible,
it will be a measurable difference before and after caching them.
New Feature: Lock on the Backpack (it's an icon again, isn't it?!)
Added a lock to the backpack(s), so you can fix them in place
without accidentally moving it
New Feature: Re-Arranged Sorting Buttons (icons...)
Moved the buttons for item sorting, who knew there was a title bar?!
Moved them a bit away from the close button, it should in general
look better now and you can finally read what the container name is
New Feature: Button "Take ALL and close" (do I need to say it...?)
New button: "Take ALL and close" ...well there is no new button,
it is the "X" button, just hold SHIFT and click it,
and you will "take all and close" instead of just close,
there is also a tooltip saying that, which can be turned off
in Options/Inventory&Items
New Laziness: Icons in the .jar!
The .res files for the icons are now directly in the client jar,
which means icons should always work, regardless of if the player has
already seen the items/stuff where the icons are taken from, also means
a tiny bit less .res downloading on new/cleaned-up client installations
New Feature: Take-X-from-Sacks (or baskets, or boxes,...)
NEW function/window: Take X from Sacks (...baskets, boxes),
simply hold ALT and click with middle mouse button on a sack
(or basket, or box) and a window will open, enter an amount
and that amount will be automatically taken form the sack you
clicked and all others (if there are any) in that container,
so... got a shed full of shrooms and want to take out 1000 shrooms?
-> just ALT+MMB one sack, enter amount, watch and enjoy!
Improvement: Use ALL the boxes, baskets, ...
Added CandyBasket, NailBox and GemBox to the containers for
ALT+RMB and ALT+LMB special "open all/not-empty sacks"-function
New Feature: CTRL+ScrollWheel
NEW item-scroll functions, hold CTRL and mousewheel-scroll items
in and out of containers,
#1: CTRL + scroll-out takes items by position (bottom right to top left)
instead of the order the server determines, easy taking out
bad humus and worms among other things
#2: CTRL + scroll-in will take items from your inventory into the
container, taking those items first that are the fewest in your inv,
beware this targets containers by the order you opened them, there
is unfortunately no other way, just don't open more than one container
when using this
New Feature: Never miss a (fresh) Exploration Event again!
Added System/Log-Chat notification of Exploration Event music playing,
this means you can see and read in system chat that there was the music playing,
which of course only plays if you're the first one to find an event.
New Feature: No-Loading!
Reduced the "Loading"-time upon entering an area (thx to Wintermute!)
whereas it might look strange for a second,
but you'll be able to see and act a little faster.
I may be adding a checkbox somewhere to make this optional,
as some may not like it, but it's only 2-3 seconds upon loading at most,
and... it does help, so...
Bugfix: Shovel once, dig many times
Autoshovel will now only try to find a better shovel once,
or if your equipped hand-slot-item changed, and not all the time.
Bugfix: Abacus repositioning
Abacus now only re-positions itself to be in the visible area upon
(re-)opening it, instead of at every item change.
Improved performance of the Abacus, saving you a few ms any time
you move a lot of items, every little thing helps

New small QoL Feature: Pluck before Butcher
Pluck before Butcher (for Hydrukies)
New Feature: Music on multiple clients
Background music on multiple clients:
Now, if you have music on, and more than one client running,
only the last active instance will play music, and all other instances
will be automatically muted, this way there is no overlapping music,
and you can finally turn music volume on and enjoy Salems tunes,
even if you use more than one client instance at once!
I took great care to code it in a way that does not produce any negative
side effects, but to further calm any paranoid Salemite:
If music is off or mute-all is on, this feature is inactive
This means also: if you have only one client which is not-muted /
has music volume greater than zero, it will not interfere with any
muted clients so it will keep playing even if in the background!
Changed some detail: 72 -> 100
Changed transfer limit from 72 items (cupboard)
to 100 to account for nailboxes
New small QoL Feature: Transfer-All now also for gems and fish
Excluded gems carats from picky alt comparison,
excluded fishs weight from picky alt comparison,
this means you can shift+alt+click transfer them all,
without the need to deactivate the picky-alt-modifier
New Feature: SmartSpace, but as cmd
Added a command line for SmartSpace -> ":space"
this way you can bind it to anything as custom hotkey
Bugfix: FuelFiller stops after one click
Fixed the build-in FuelFiller which would only do 1 item on rare
occasions when clicking fast between different targets
Again, many thanks to:
Mirrodin, for the json list and the idea for the icons
Vesemir, for making the milk icon, and also for not just rubberducking but actually good ideas
Wintermute, for the loading fix
and also to everyone else who provided ideas and refining talk to making this update!
As always, get the update by running the updater.jar of your choice (first post of this thread) or getting the tsalem.jar directly (again, first post / github).
And as always, I'm looking for feedback and ideas of all kinds! Also taking donations to support client development. ^^ Got some? Here's a pretty good place for them.