Plug-in system for Latikai's client

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Re: Plug-in system for Latikai's client

Postby Taipion » Sat Jul 22, 2017 7:54 pm

As the files expired, here is again the PlayerAlertPlugin:

link to the project zip

link to the compiled jar
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Re: Plug-in system for Latikai's client

Postby ALTaZAR1 » Tue Aug 15, 2017 10:26 am

distiller plugin
is not correct work why not he fill all destiler only 1,3,5 other empty?
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Re: Plug-in system for Latikai's client

Postby Kandarim » Tue Aug 15, 2017 6:31 pm

just run it a couple of times, it has this known problem which I don't have time to fix.
faster internet connections are less affected.
I have neither the crayons nor the time to explain it to you.
JC wrote:I'm not fully committed to being wrong on that yet.
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Re: Plug-in system for Latikai's client

Postby Reviresco » Wed Sep 06, 2017 8:10 am

Does anyone know whether Devs always register as a Player to the auto-alert/sentry bot plugin?

I'm considering making the move to cotton botting and I don't need JC or Marp showing up in my base as a chair or some ****.
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Re: Plug-in system for Latikai's client

Postby Kandarim » Thu Sep 07, 2017 8:57 am

I know for a fact the devs can walk around without a visible mesh, which is what triggers the sentry plugin AFAIK. There are some quotes on "Salem Man" popping up out of nowhere to smite the unjust and unworthy.

Know that botting is not allowed anymore under the current dev rule; Salem Man would be justified in smiting you.
I have neither the crayons nor the time to explain it to you.
JC wrote:I'm not fully committed to being wrong on that yet.
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Re: Plug-in system for Latikai's client

Postby Chrumps » Thu Sep 07, 2017 1:51 pm

Kandarim wrote:Know that botting is not allowed anymore under the current dev rule

@Devs: Can we have a stickied official announcement in this subforum defining what is allowed and what not ?
Clearly, there is a lot of confusion resulting from random forum quotes.
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Re: Plug-in system for Latikai's client

Postby Taipion » Thu Sep 07, 2017 2:49 pm

Chrumps wrote:
Kandarim wrote:Know that botting is not allowed anymore under the current dev rule

@Devs: Can we have a stickied official announcement in this subforum defining what is allowed and what not ?
Clearly, there is a lot of confusion resulting from random forum quotes.


Basically, if you have anything outside of what the plugins in this thread can do, you should ask the devs (well, Marp) if it is allowed.
I constantly hear people saying "As long as I am at the keybord (= not afk), I can do whatever I want with plugins" which is simply not the case.
On the contrary, there are a few rather simple and mostly convenient things that I did not do, simply because Marp/JC had a clear line there and decided against it.

As they seem to have rather clearly laid out views on such things,
it would be great to have it here for everyone to see.
This would likely also mean less work for Marp/JC doing case by case decisions, a win-win so to say. ^^
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Re: Plug-in system for Latikai's client

Postby riolic » Thu Sep 07, 2017 3:55 pm

The problem with laying out guidelines in then some people will assuradly try to skate the rules. Then claiming well you said X wasn't allowed but I was only doing x!
It's likely much safer, albeit more work. To review uses case by case.
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Re: Plug-in system for Latikai's client

Postby dragunov » Thu Sep 21, 2017 7:51 am

Is there a minimalization plugin?
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Re: Plug-in system for Latikai's client

Postby Chrumps » Sun May 13, 2018 10:50 am

I am offering for the general public a music player plugin.
The jar file goes to plugins folder. The music.txt file goes to Salem folder. The button is under "X" menu - if you are new to plugins.

The notation in music.txt file is extremely basic. First line contains tempo expressed in quarternotes per minute. Second and all following lines contain notes.
One does not need to repeat note length if all subsequent notes are the same. 1 is whole note, 2 is half note, 4 is quarternote and so on. Notes can not be shorter than 16.
It is possible to use dot, so 1. 2. 4. 8. 16. will work as expected.
Sound pitch is defined as C C# D D# etc. Space is pause.
uppercase and lowercase does not matter, but stick to one in a given file. Maybe some day it will make a difference.
Multiple lines are treated as one, you can write one line of code for one line in sheets.

Playing time is limited to 5 minutes.

You can edit or replace music.txt when it is not playing.

Sadly, due to various Salem constraints the effect is not that impressive. For once Salem sounds do not make even one octave, the upper C is missing. That excludes quite a lot of music.
Secondly due to sound fixes, there is minimum delay between sounds of the same pitch. Two subsequent quarternotes at tempo 120 will not play correctly - second one will be delayed by approx 1/5 of it's time.
Playing eighth notes and sixteenth notes at higher tempo is pointless.
The sound resources are of fixed length so any note will last the same time, it is only the moment when next note begins that will change. The previous note will either sound in the background or there will be a short moment of silence between.
There is also net lag and server lag and loading delays which can mess things pretty well.
I was thinking one might get better results with funeral marches, but most of these use too wide scale.

The code goes without source code, sorry for that. Some people will get the source code in PMs as needed. There are some counter-abuse parts of the code and versions without these are quite likely bannable.

Jar file
music.txt (Twinkle twinkle)

Couple of other pieces, but, well, these get messed badly anyway.

Jingle Bells (part only)
Code: Select all

Code: Select all

Some random supposedly sax piece
Code: Select all
4G# 8G#16G#G#F#8.G#
4G# 8G#16G#G#F#8.G#
4G#8 4B8G# 4F#8E C#C#D#EC#

Star wars imperial march (part of it)
Code: Select all

The Internationale, the real reason I even bothered to write this code ¦] , sadly it is mangled as much as others.
Code: Select all
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