Unable to connect to server? Read first!

Forum for bugs and technical problems.

Unable to connect to server? Read first!

Postby MagicManICT » Fri Feb 01, 2013 2:41 am

Before posting a new thread, please do the following:

Please check the server status first at http://login.salemthegame.com/portal/state

If the server is down and you wish to let others know, you can post and plead with the devs here: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=58

If the servers all seem to be running fine, feel free to post a new thread to see if we can help you resolve your issues.

If you receive the "Authentication Token Expired" error message, you may have been banned from the game. Please contact a forum moderator or admin for further information.

Thank you for complying, citizen!

Update: There are issues with the latest release of Java. If you are getting the "Connection refused: connect" error upon trying to log in, see this thread: viewtopic.php?f=10&t=7890
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