1. MOVEMENT LAG: I am having a fairly significant delay between when I press walk or drop an item before it happens. Yesterday there was an announcement stating that they would be fixing bugs, and it would be a short delay before restart. I did not notice the delay before the server update, but the delay has been very noticeable since. Before the patch I would occasionally be teleported back about a second. I am assuming the patch was supposed to fix this, but I would call it an epic fail, making the game very difficult to play to fix what was a barely noticeable annoyance at most.
FREQUANCY: constant but not consistent (Always present but not the same time delay).
IMPACT: Significant
2. GRAPHICS ISSUE 1: Some graphics textures will occasionally go completely white. It is not always the same texture and appears to affect multiple textures at the same time. Rotating, zooming and walking seem to effect this.
TIME STARTED: at least a month,
FREQUANCY: % of game play time
IMPACT: major annoyance, but does not significantly effect playability of the game
3. GRAPHICS ISSUE 2: Occasionally the game will go completely black for a second or two.
FREQUANCY: seconds per day of gaming
IMPACT: mild annoyance
4. LOGIN FAILURE: I have a toon that will not log in, but offers no error such as the one stating that something is in the way, or offering me to teleport to my homestead. I have not played this toon in some years. It is not very well developed, and would delete it if I could, but I can't log in, or delete it.
TIME STARTED: at least a month
IMPACT: minor as I still have character slots open