Structures, inventory and clothes disappeared

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Structures, inventory and clothes disappeared

Postby Lianelle » Sat May 11, 2019 9:10 am

Hello, people. I just found my character naked and freezing with no items in inventory. Structures around character disappeared too.
What the ??? is that, a bug?
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Re: Structures, inventory and clothes disappeared

Postby Adelewhy » Sat May 11, 2019 9:21 am

I don't think that's a bug. It sounds like your leanto or claim was smashed by another player while you were logged out. This would cause everything on your person to drop. Any surrounding structures could have also been salvaged or decayed without the protection of your claim (depending on how long you've been logged out for).

Build another leanto and warp to town. You can gather reeds to make a set of jute clothing and heat some rocks in the fireplace there to put in your inventory and carry a torch to stay warm while you search for a place to live and work on getting better clothes. Going into the buildings in town will remove the freezing buff as well.
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Re: Structures, inventory and clothes disappeared

Postby Lianelle » Sat May 11, 2019 9:44 am

You mean someone smashed leanto, then tanning tube, baskets, wooden crate, whittlersthing, campfire and few more structures, so my character undressed and dropped every item? Is that really possible?
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Re: Structures, inventory and clothes disappeared

Postby Taipion » Sat May 11, 2019 12:06 pm

Lianelle wrote:You mean someone smashed leanto, then tanning tube, baskets, wooden crate, whittlersthing, campfire and few more structures, so my character undressed and dropped every item? Is that really possible?

That is possible, with the intention that nothing is totally safe in Salem.

Your if leanto or claim-stone, whichever you are bound to, is destroyed, all your stuff drops.

Though I doubt someone would take the time to also destroy things like tanning tubs and camp fires, they might have just decayed naturally after the claim was destroyed... you had a claim, right?

How long were you gone?
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Re: Structures, inventory and clothes disappeared

Postby Lianelle » Sun May 12, 2019 2:51 am

One hour and I lost everything. It's NOT decay, last time I had a huge timeout (2-3 months) and all things were still there, but now one hour absence and...
I guess it's some sort of bug.
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Re: Structures, inventory and clothes disappeared

Postby TheDuke86 » Sun May 12, 2019 2:58 am

Lianelle wrote:One hour and I lost everything. It's NOT decay, last time I had a huge timeout (2-3 months) and all things were still there, but now one hour absence and...
I guess it's some sort of bug.

Nope, you were just trolled. Claim your stuff bro
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Re: Structures, inventory and clothes disappeared

Postby Rifmaster » Sun May 12, 2019 11:18 am

Did you pay your claim? Did you even have a claim?
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Re: Structures, inventory and clothes disappeared

Postby Lianelle » Mon May 13, 2019 3:05 am

Why did my character undress and stay naked in a wood? Because someone destroyed leanto? Does it really work this way?
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Re: Structures, inventory and clothes disappeared

Postby Taipion » Mon May 13, 2019 8:38 am

Lianelle wrote:Why did my character undress and stay naked in a wood? Because someone destroyed leanto? Does it really work this way?

Taipion wrote:
Lianelle wrote:You mean someone smashed leanto, then tanning tube, baskets, wooden crate, whittlersthing, campfire and few more structures, so my character undressed and dropped every item? Is that really possible?

That is possible, with the intention that nothing is totally safe in Salem.

Your if leanto or claim-stone, whichever you are bound to, is destroyed, all your stuff drops.

Though I doubt someone would take the time to also destroy things like tanning tubs and camp fires, they might have just decayed naturally after the claim was destroyed... you had a claim, right?

How long were you gone?
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Re: Structures, inventory and clothes disappeared

Postby Lianelle » Mon May 13, 2019 7:24 pm

My character is frozen solid and dying. It's time to say goodbye to Salem...
Well, good luck, people.
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