Hoarders Anonymous

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Hoarders Anonymous

Postby jwhitehorn » Wed Jan 16, 2013 2:18 am

Greetings Filthy Squatters of Salem,
The first step to solving a problem is admitting you have one.... Or so I am told. Too many threads on this forums are reduced to rubble and bickering based on our differences. I suggest that in this thread we set aside those things that we cannot relate to about ourselves and our cultures and instead focus on the thing that bind us together. The one aspect of this game that we all fall victim to no matter how hard we try not to. Its time that be bond together over our problem with.... Hoarding.

This thread is the trust thread. Nothing anybody says here should be used against them in other areas of the forum. A place for sharing, and a place to be supported and know that when it comes to 16 chests full of things you don't need.... You are not alone.

Since I made the thread I will start.

My Confession

I, Chief PeePooKaKa of the MM Tribe, am a hoarder.

I think it all started when I was a young brave. Happy to have my first set of peppers. Then a man named "PST" was introduced to my Tribe. He quickly alt-vaulted all of the peppers and I felt empty inside. Do those peppers define me as a person? Was my worth somehow measured by my peppers? My obsession grew from there. It started with a few earthworms. That then grew to boxes of earthworms. Boxes grew to chests, chests to cupboards, cupboards to sheds, and then back to cupboards because for some reason sheds don't hold more. Compost bins were emptied of their humus and I lay and watch them idle hoping that the next item to appear would be an earthworm so I could have an entire bin full of them.

It wasn't until I began hoarding sleds that my brother Tribemembers stepped in.

"Just let one go" cried Mike

"Ya'll just don't need this many damn sleds" exclaimed Joelee

"Can I ride one! Can I ride one!" Screamed Tomas

I ignored them all and simply began placing 4 sleds on another sled to hide my problem. I hope my story helps some of you. And I have made a video to showcase my situation and to hopefully warn future Pilgrims. What seems like a box of branches you might need later... Can lead down some very dark paths.

Youtube Link:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4TTtawKA ... e=youtu.be

Downloadable Link:

Thank you for listening. I would like a hug now.

Chief PeePooKaKa
MM Tribe
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Re: Hoarders Anonymous

Postby Mereni » Wed Jan 16, 2013 2:35 am

I, Mereni, a small time Hermit, am a hoarder.

I hoard oiled boards and planed boards.

It started when I got the recipe to build a Shed. I was so excited to be able to build a shed until I saw that it needed planed boards and oiled boards. I had no oil at first, but in my explorations I found a long abandoned base with two urns full of uncleaned cotton. Yay for cotton seed oil! So, I chopped and chopped, and dried, and planed and planed, and oiled, and replaned, and oiled again and I finally had enough to build a shed... But what was I going to put in it? I thought I should make a few more boards in case I needed another shed later. Before I knew it, I'd filled the whole shed with boards and I did need a new shed. Now, I have a full shed of oiled boards and another of planed boards, and another of warped boards, and just wood chips everywhere because I might want to put them on my new cotton fields later...
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Re: Hoarders Anonymous

Postby L33LEE » Wed Jan 16, 2013 2:44 am

jwhitehorn wrote:Greetings Filthy Squatters of Salem,
The first step to solving a problem is admitting you have one.... Or so I am told. Too many threads on this forums are reduced to rubble and bickering based on our differences. I suggest that in this thread we set aside those things that we cannot relate to about ourselves and our cultures and instead focus on the thing that bind us together. The one aspect of this game that we all fall victim to no matter how hard we try not to. Its time that be bond together over our problem with.... Hoarding.

This thread is the trust thread. Nothing anybody says here should be used against them in other areas of the forum. A place for sharing, and a place to be supported and know that when it comes to 16 chests full of things you don't need.... You are not alone.

Since I made the thread I will start.

My Confession

I, Chief PeePooKaKa of the MM Tribe, am a hoarder.

I think it all started when I was a young brave. Happy to have my first set of peppers. Then a man named "PST" was introduced to my Tribe. He quickly alt-vaulted all of the peppers and I felt empty inside. Do those peppers define me as a person? Was my worth somehow measured by my peppers? My obsession grew from there. It started with a few earthworms. That then grew to boxes of earthworms. Boxes grew to chests, chests to cupboards, cupboards to sheds, and then back to cupboards because for some reason sheds don't hold more. Compost bins were emptied of their humus and I lay and watch them idle hoping that the next item to appear would be an earthworm so I could have an entire bin full of them.

It wasn't until I began hoarding sleds that my brother Tribemembers stepped in.

"Just let one go" cried Mike

"Ya'll just don't need this many damn sleds" exclaimed Joelee

"Can I ride one! Can I ride one!" Screamed Tomas

I ignored them all and simply began placing 4 sleds on another sled to hide my problem. I hope my story helps some of you. And I have made a video to showcase my situation and to hopefully warn future Pilgrims. What seems like a box of branches you might need later... Can lead down some very dark paths.

Youtube Link:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4TTtawKA ... e=youtu.be

Downloadable Link:

Thank you for listening. I would like a hug now.

Chief PeePooKaKa
MM Tribe

You seem in need of raindeers or horses to pull your sleds for you.

Was kinda hoping there were chests were full of earthworms on all the sleds.

I wanna see the chief collection of worms.
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Re: Hoarders Anonymous

Postby jwhitehorn » Wed Jan 16, 2013 2:54 am

L33LEE wrote:
I wanna see the chief collection of worms.

I'm sorry I"m just not comfortable enough with the group yet to share that. Its bad though.

Chief PeePooKaKa
MM Tribe
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Re: Hoarders Anonymous

Postby Dallane » Wed Jan 16, 2013 3:19 am

I hoard 1000s of 1x1 farm tiles. i only use about 500 of them.
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Re: Hoarders Anonymous

Postby Ass_Kraken » Wed Jan 16, 2013 3:41 am

Hello, I am Anal_Squid, killer of Tim Bear, and I have a hoarding problem.

I hoard iron. I store it in my mine next to my 1x1 farm tiles, which are protected by my unconscious alt's body. The problem is to make more room for my iron, I must dig out ore. This ore leads to more iron, causing an infinite loop. I've resorted to putting the iron in my bugged sheds, on my farm tiles. This makes me use my bug-o-lift to farm the the fields, but I have no where to put them!

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Re: Hoarders Anonymous

Postby Tylan » Wed Jan 16, 2013 4:04 am

Hello, all. My name is Tylan, and I am a hoarder.

From the very first moments in this place, and even before, I was instructed that it was in bad form to keep anything. "You shouldn't have more than 500 silver at a time" "You shouldn't ever store things - they'll eventually just get raided and you'll only be giving the raider reason to keep raiding." This was back in July, before I joined the beta.

But then it began. I tried to use everything I could, but there's no telling what you'll need. I admit that I've struggled to develop a functional homestead and my humours have inched along (I hate leveling them). And so, with existing at low humours for so long, when I'd find a curiosity...a singing old log...I'd hoard it! I would always have at least 10 in storage, just in case.

They were so versatile, and being so useful toward beginning levels of C&D, S&C, and so on, I recognized its value. Today I have roughly 50 singing old logs. However, I'm happy to say that my character has progressed to a point where I find them all the time and so their assumed value is diminishing. I'm even using some of them (not all...bu some) to level an alt. I know I have a problem, but they comfort me. And that's what I need most when I'm wandering around my homestead in my barren neck of the woods. Comfort. Love.
jorb wrote:you fat-fingered, trigger happy nabbly-boos.

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Re: Hoarders Anonymous

Postby datass » Wed Jan 16, 2013 4:54 am

So what do you think? To share with other players your unnecessary goods is good idea, like community.
Nice movie, though.
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Re: Hoarders Anonymous

Postby Tylan » Wed Jan 16, 2013 12:47 pm

Oh no :( The Chief is going to steal my logs?

jorb wrote:you fat-fingered, trigger happy nabbly-boos.

We write as a defense against the void, against the unknown that is the other side of death.
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Re: Hoarders Anonymous

Postby TotalyMoo » Wed Jan 16, 2013 1:37 pm

Hello, my name is TotalyMoo and I am a hoarder.

My hoarding started early in life when I discovered that fun, just like energy, follows the rules of universal balance. There can only be so much fun in the world at the same time and negative fun for someone must mean positive fun for someone else. After this mind blowing realization I started making sure that others could not have fun if there was anything I could do about it. Usually when you disrupt someones fun the balance is restored by a very small fun increase for everyone else in the area, but sometimes it all gets funneled to me and then I get to have all the fun. Since then I have dedicated my life to making sure that no fun is allowed.
I never managed to figure out something clever for my signature on Paradoxplaza, and I doubt I'll do it here either.

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