Posting Game Suggestions Everyday Til JC Acknowledges Salem

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Re: Posting Game Suggestions Everyday Til JC Acknowledges Sa

Postby Taipion » Thu Oct 15, 2020 12:33 pm

Well, iirc there can only ever be one heir, but any number of predecessor corpses.

I'd suggest to make that really rare, like, once in 100 days on average, not factoring in FnW yet,
because it would be pretty brutal for new players otherwise, even with the "at least one 100+ humor" restriction.

Yet, there could be some witchcraft to actively trigger a ghost, if you have a corpse and that corpse has a heir,
all the more reason to keep good care of your dead. ^^

For alt spamming and alt murdering, it would probably only mean that you need to dispose the corpses,
which is no big issue.
You know, if you desecrate or corpse (take off the head) it will despawn eventually.

How about having just the skull of a corpse and the corpse being despawned already? What would happen in that case?
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Re: Posting Game Suggestions Everyday Til JC Acknowledges Sa

Postby pistolshrimp » Fri Oct 16, 2020 2:02 am

*I think what I had planned for today should answer most of your questions, Tapion. But I will add that I was thinking that desecrating a skeleton would be a way to prevent a ghost, but that action carries risks.*

Day 75: Ghosts & Skeletons Part 2 - Skeletons Changes

New Burial Option. Unmarked Grave. With a shovel equipped and a Field Stone in your inventory lift the skeleton and click it on the ground and select bury.

Skeletons buried in umarked graves use a simple field stone as the overworld graphic, making it hard to find. Skeletons buried in an umarked grave have a small chance to spawn a ghost but only during a blood moon. You cannot pay respects to an unmarked grave.

Desecration no longer leaves summonable scent, but still leaves trackable scents. Disinterring an Unmarked grave leaves no scents.
Removing a Skull from a skeleton has a high chance to spawn a ghost which attack the player who removed the skull.

New recipe: Bejeweled Skull --> Skull + 2x Shining Trapezohedrons. A Bejeweled Skull's eyes glow when a descendant of that Skull is online. Right-clicking on a Bejeweled Skull and click Smash Skull will break the skull and summon a ghost which will head towards that skulls descendant. A Bejeweled takes 20% damage each time it is smashed and cannot be repaired, at a 100% damage it is completely destroyed, leaving Skull Fragments (a C&D inspirational). A Bejeweled Skull has a 7 day cool down starting from the time a ghost is if the possession is cured.

New Structure: Skull Rack: 50x Bones, 4x Animal Glue, 4x Wooden Poles. Can hold up to 81 Skulls. Has graphic changes as it becomes more filled.

New Vehicle: Dead Wagon. One skeleton can be placed inside and can be Pulled like other vehicles.
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Counter Criminality

Postby pistolshrimp » Sat Oct 17, 2020 3:12 am

Day 76: Counter Criminality (Raiding and Theft Overhaul) - Guest Suggestion by Paradoxyc

*Paradoxyc admits this should be controversial change and it would be great to get some opinions on this one. Raiding is definitely in a weird place and needs work, but I haven't had too much to offer in this area, so ideas like this are fantastic to get to read. I will do my best to condense what we talked about here.*

Major Mechanic Change: Stolen items are now marked as Stolen, hovering over them reveals their name in red lettering rather than the typical white. Scents leading to stolen items last 7 days. After 7 days, as the scent expire, the item reverts back to normal.
Stolen items can ONLY be stored on a PClaim.
Pclaims with stolen items act differently when crime is committed on them, Crime! debuff stacking is reduced by 50%, and damage to all walls increased by 33%, and minimum humours required to deal with wall soak is reduced by 50%. Waste, Trespassing and theft (only of previously stolen items) do not drop scents so long as you have the Vigilante Justice unlocked.
TBF timer reduced by 50% when placed over pclaims storing stolen items.

Previous raiding nerfs should be rolled back alongside this change, ie Raid Teas being reintroduced and Crime! debuff being shortened. Stocks are removed entirely.

New Skill: Vigilante Justice. Low requirements on this skill, and allows for for a player to deal extra damage to walls, steal back stolen items without leaving scents, and have the reduced crime debuff when raiding pclaim harboring stolen items.

New Skill: Unlawful Transplant. High C&D and Law & Lore to unlock.
Selecting Wheat and right-clicking it on object in your inventory allows your to sew the wheat into that item. This action is a crime which leaves a scent for 6 months.

When an object has wheat sewn into it, it creates a scent that can be clicked on and tracked for 2 weeks. At the time of creation this scent can be named like a New World Survey. While these items can be tracked they do not behave like stolen items and do not need to stored on pclaim, nor offer any additional benefits to raiders.

*I believe the general idea here is to buff raiding but push raiders towards building vaults which can generally be more easily raided. While at the same time, like how devs hoped a TBF would give criminals a better time frame to work around, criminals would know that they were more susceptible to raiding for 7 days, allowing them to actively defend. These two mechanics would hopefully lead to both more and more dynamic raiding. This also makes theft more of a risk with real consequences available to players at all stages of the game.*
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Re: Posting Game Suggestions Everyday Til JC Acknowledges Sa

Postby Paradoxyc » Sat Oct 17, 2020 3:38 am

Very well written, thanks for putting this into cohesive sentences :lol:

I would like to add that the wheat idea is specifically wheat flour (or could be any similar item) to represent a "breadcrumb trail". Similar to blowdart scents, creating trackable items would be a crime that leaves a longlasting scent
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Re: Posting Game Suggestions Everyday Til JC Acknowledges Sa

Postby Taipion » Sat Oct 17, 2020 9:59 pm

Too easy to counter, sorry.

A stolen item is first and foremost in the inventory of the character that took it, and as long as that char is logged off, in that chars leanto.
Now, how would that behave? Does it flag the containing pclaim as "raider vault" with all the nerf to its defense?
If no, that already breaks that mechanic entirely, if yes, it would open up a whole lot more of exploits, but later more to that...

Even considering that'd be solved in some way, you can just:
- donut the leanto or an entire "raider vault"-pclaim with a town
- on the edge of the town, build 4 pclaims as close to each other as possible to mimic the typical one-huge-pclaim
- use many farmers houses well placed on the gaps between those claims to make it impossible to use these gaps without (waste crime!) destroying the houses first, and also use TbF if the houses are additionally secured with a tclaim

But wait, there's more exploiting!
- place a leanto on a foreign pclaim (it's a crime, but who cares using a cheap alt) and claim it
- then steal something with that alt, and depending on how the rules are, either by having it in the leanto or storing it on the pclaim (crime again, but who cares?!)
=> foreign pclaim flagged as "raider vault" with all the weakening effects
=> go easy raid it

The general idea of this may be nice, but it needs a lot more thought to it to make it not easily exploitable in one direction or the other,
and a whole lot more thought to make it (and raiding in general) balanced.
Like, simply taking back the changes JC did, would make it way, way too easy.
You can have that slaughter on an expedition for sure, but it makes not that much sense on provi.
I already wrote down a fix that allows for progressive raiding, it would not need much more balance than that.
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Re: Posting Game Suggestions Everyday Til JC Acknowledges Sa

Postby pistolshrimp » Sun Oct 18, 2020 4:56 am

We actually talked about some of those scenarios and we had hoped posting it might help generate ways to fix them so its cool you brought them up as well.

Even if the heart of the mechanics are too easily exploitable (I still think we might be able to find some solutions tho) I like a lot about this suggestion. I think it could be cool to make items remember if they were stolen but move the ability to silently track items with bread crumbs. It makes trading "feel" safer for new players while not removing the current mechanic. Also up until the point when we talked about I thought the destructive aspect of raiding should be nerfed while theft and combat buffed to keep things dynamic, but i'm starting to see that if we push raiding to vaults rather than main bases there can still be a fair bit of room for destruction while still protecting player investment.
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Postby pistolshrimp » Sun Oct 18, 2020 5:00 am

Day 77: Vampires

*It doesn't get talked about much but vampires were just as big of a fear, if not more so, than witches in colonial New England. But rather than being primarily the blood suckers of modern entertainment they were primarily carriers of disease. *

During a Blood Moon any Unmarked Grave has a chance to become a Vampiric Grave. Vampiric Graves have a large radius, but still have the same Field Stone foragable overworld graphic. Any activity or event that drains or damages blood is amplified within this radius. Additionally every time a pilgrim ports to Providence within this radius they have a chance of getting a random disease.
Pilgrims porting from inside a house with a Simple Crucifix or Garlic Bread on the door have a lower chance of getting a disease.

*It works this way so you may not immediately recognize you got the disease from a Vampire, or someone in Providence.*

Animals within the radius of a Vampiric Grave have a chance to become enraged when combat is initiated, and Domesticated Animals within this radius have a higher chance to become sick and give birth to stillborns.

To deal with a Vampiric Grave one must first find the grave, which will be difficult due to a foragble being the graphic. With a shovel equipped, once the grave is found, they must select a wooden stake and right-click it on the field stone graphic. This will destroy the grave and give the player a Vampire's Heart. A 3 use inspirational that can be drained for .2 liters of Vampire Blood.

Vampire's Blood counts as a poison and when used to Spike someone's drink will give that player a random disease.
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Tulip Changes

Postby pistolshrimp » Tue Oct 20, 2020 4:13 am

Day 78: Tulip Changes

Instead of a few types of Tulips there are now 50. Although they all act the same in recipes and when used as a perfume ingredient, they are not all worth the same.

Tulips can no longer be planted. Mason's Tulip Salesman now sells Tulip Bulbs instead of Tulip Flowers.

What Tulip grows is pure chance, how many grow is based on current factors. Some Tulips will be worth next to nothing when sold to the Tulips Salesman, some should be worth thousands of silver. This should make growing Tulips more speculative and risky but worth more when it does pay off.

Warm Grassland event: Tulip Tree. Can be picked for 12x random Tulips and 4x Tulip Bulbs. Once picked a Tulip Tree reverts back into a regular tree.
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Re: Posting Game Suggestions Everyday Til JC Acknowledges Sa

Postby pistolshrimp » Tue Oct 20, 2020 4:15 am

Day 79: Haircraft

*Haircraft was an obscure art form that was briefly popular in New England where hair was saved from dead relatives and made into jewelry or art work. Felt like it was perfectly weird enough to adapt to Salem.*

New skill: Haircraft, unlocked from Simple Sewing, Literacy, and Burial Rights. Once Haircraft is learned, with any scissors equipped, right-clicking on any player allows you "Cut Hair" so long as they have both less Status, and are wearing less Affluence than you are. Cut Hair has a 8 second animation but doesn't leave scents if interrupted. If Cut Hair is interrupted it puts that action on a 10 minute cool down to prevent spamming.

Successfully Cutting someone's hair will cause them to be bald for 1 week. This is mostly a cosmetic change although you will get a slightly lower Status bonus when Checking In without hair. Additionally the person who cut the hair will receive a Tuft of PLAYER's Hair.

New Crafts:
Hair Work Brooch: 2x Tuft of Hair. Weaving Artifact with weaving bonus scaling from the average Status of the Player's the hair was cut from at the time when the hair was cut.
Hair Work Wreath: 4x Tuft of Hair. Arts and Crafts, Faith and Wisdom, and Natural Philosophy Inspirational which scales off the Status of the Player's the hair was cut from at the time when the hair was cut.
Peruke (term for a powdered wig): Hat. 16x Tuft of Hair, White Dye, 4x clay, 1x apple. 5 slots.
Periwig: 2x Dried Goat, Sheep, or Cow Hide. White Dye, 4x clay, 1x apple. 3 slots.

Also because it feel related, the Gold Shop should sell Hairdresser tickets which can be used to change your hair at any time and the Providence Hairdresser offers more unique Hairstyles than the one in London.
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Re: Counter Criminality

Postby Goodman12 » Tue Oct 20, 2020 9:10 am

pistolshrimp wrote:Pclaims with stolen items act differently when crime is committed on them, Crime! debuff stacking is reduced by 50%, and damage to all walls increased by 33%, and minimum humours required to deal with wall soak is reduced by 50%. Waste, Trespassing and theft (only of previously stolen items) do not drop scents so long as you have the Vigilante Justice unlocked.
TBF timer reduced by 50% when placed over pclaims storing stolen items.

Previous raiding nerfs should be rolled back alongside this change, ie Raid Teas being reintroduced and Crime! debuff being shortened. Stocks are removed entirely.

Problem #1
If these side effects are applied when a stolen item is within the bounds of a p claim then it would be abused by raiders.
Stolen items should be stored ON the p claim itself rather than within its bounds. (maybe you were implying this already but just incase)
Interacting with a p claim should instantiate slots that can be used to store the stolen items, however this introduces its own problems.
How much stolen items can be stored on a pclaim?
- Unlimited? Players abuse it as storage
- Limited Amount? Prob would get abused as storage anyway since it'd have to be a significant amount regardless.
Raiders would be forced to spam p claims all around their base to hold all of their stolen lewt.

Problem #2
Raiders would dedicate specific plots in their base to store stolen items and surround it with their town bell which means none of the side effects you mentioned would apply.

Problem #3
I find it weird that you did not mention the removal of Trial By Combat.
Unless the current version of TbCs are removed from this game then the raiding aspect of Salem will never be in an acceptable position.
Riolic wrote:The only reason raids still happen is because Goodman is a stubborn *******.
The rest are just vets pk'ing newbs
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