TBC and stocks revamp

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TBC and stocks revamp

Postby Chrumps » Sat May 12, 2018 11:37 am

Given how one-sided the TBC mechanics is now, I'd like to suggest following changes to it:

1. Create a new arena in providence. The properties of the new arena have to be different from the existing Dock Club so it seems better to create a separate place.
- it should be well marked but not walled in. The number of open tiles should be high enough to discourage attempts to block it. (otherwise it would be possible to abuse it by denying access to the character under TBC)
- using stockbins, beds, and similar things to block access to the arena or parts of it should be bannable. The surface of the arena should not allow dropping structures on it, like deep water.
- blocking with high affluence chars is ok as long as one can muster 90+ alts/friends in endgame aff gear
- it should be impossible to lasso anyone in or out, shot with guns from inside out or from outside in, etc, some sparse barriers might be placed to protect watchers from being accidentally shot or pulled into the fight
- a player leaving the arena while in combat will be immediately stocked (optionally, it might be restricted to the criminal being under TBC)
- there is an automatic system message when a player under TBC enters the arena, when he is killed and when TBC ends.
- revenge scents do not drop in the arena, all other scents drop normally
- it is possible to attack people like in the Dock Club but there is no murder protection.
- it is possible that different criminals will be tried on the arena at the same time. It's OK.

2. Remove current way of putting people to stocks, while preserving all other mechanics, like whipping, throwing food, pardons, etc.
Increase cost of pardons, and minimum time in stock. Being stocked and pardonned still should mean narrowly escaping death. Being stocked and not pardonned should mean almost sure death. Minimum stock time for murder should be 4 hours at least. Being stocked once should be a better alternative than fight, but being stocked multiple times should be much worse option.
Remove ability to avoid being stocked by staying logged in. If one wants to avoid being stocked the only way is to win a TBC.

3. Repurpose TBC. make it way cheaper, in the range of 300-500 silver.
Remove ability to summon a character under TBC. Instead the character is required to show up within 24 hours for combat in the arena mentioned in (1) and to stay there for 2 hours. If the character survives these 2 hours the particular scent used to create the TBC is removed and all evidence is destroyed. Note, the character still might need to drop the combat before he leaves.
If the accused criminal does not show up or escapes the arena before TBC ends he is immediately stocked. In that case the scent is not destroyed and TBC may be placed again as soon as the player is removed from stocks. The current stocks cooldown timer will be replaced by TBC timer.
The character under TBC should receive messages about the time left to enter the arena once per hour, at the moment of login and half an hour before the timer expires.
The TBC itself is not destructible but it dissolves after 24 hours with the criminal being stocked, when accused criminal is dead, or when he manages to survive 2 hours in the arena.
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Re: TBC and stocks revamp

Postby Taipion » Sat May 12, 2018 2:25 pm

I proposed something similar some time ago, regarding the TbC, with the main differences being:

- arena should be completely walled in, not accessable or interfer-able from outside, but watch-able
- there should be several arenas to prevent certain problems with scheduling fights
- building a TbC and using a scent on it works to find a time where both are available, in a way like this:
=> accuser builds TbC
=> criminal has a window of starting at 12 h from now, ending 36 h from now where the criminal can pick any time in 15 minutes steps for the actual fight, setting the time once is final
=> if not set within the first 12h, the accuser can pick a time starting with just 6 more hours delay from that point of time
=> both have to be there (there = criminal at his HS, accuser at the TbC) to be then ported to the arena in provi, fight is terminated as a draw after 15 minutes if no one KOed
=> if the criminal KOed, both are ported to the TbC with the criminal still being KOed and at the mercy of the accuser
=> if the accuser KOed, both are ported to the criminals HS with the accuser being at the criminals mercy
=> if the criminal does not show up on time, but the accuser does, the criminal is ported to the TbC as is, other way round if criminal is there and accuser is not
=> if both are not on time, the fight is cancelled
=> a new npc or board in provi displays all scheduled fights, so people have a chance to know when things are happening, and watch

Now to the fun part. ^^
- after the time for the fight is set, both can click their location (criminal HS for criminal, TbC for accuser) to get a flower menu option "create voucher"
- this voucher can be given to any other player, who can rightclick and accept it to fight for the respective side
- any volunteer who has accepted to fight for either side, has to be anywhere on the provi claim at the moment of the fights start
- if the volunteer is not there, things happen as if this volunteer did exist
- if the criminal has a volunteer, and loses, both the volunteer and the criminal will be KOed and ported to the TbC
- if the accuser has a volunteer, and loses, both the volunteer and the accuser will be KOed and ported to the criminals HS
- if a volunteer wins, the volunteer stays in provi, being ported somewhere outside the arena (definitely not being ported to the winning sides location, as that could be exploited for cheap teleporting)

It's not 100% worked out yet, but should give a good idea of how this could be.
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Re: TBC and stocks revamp

Postby Chrumps » Sat May 12, 2018 2:53 pm

Well, my intentions were more along these lines:
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Re: TBC and stocks revamp

Postby Rifmaster » Sat May 12, 2018 3:38 pm

Would be better if it just locked a char to its homestead, then with improved raiding mechanics justice could be dealt with revenge, instead of some lame ass arena where anyone with a scent laying around is going to get summoned to it 15 times a day.
If a criminal gets away with a crime, his only penalty for the crime should be that he can get killed while offline, via scent summoning.
Also stocks are a stupid mechanic that serves no good purpose in the game and they either need a complete rework or they need to be removed entirely.
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Re: TBC and stocks revamp

Postby Taipion » Sat May 12, 2018 5:53 pm

Chrumps wrote:Well, my intentions were more along these lines:

Well, my intentions were more in the direction of actual trial by combat. ^^

But a simple fix for a good bit, would be to increase the time between using a scent and summoning someone,
and giving more info about this, like, on the leanto for the soon-to-be-summoned-char.
Requiring players to babysit their crime chars 24/7 with at most a handful of hours sleep in between and definitely no other obligations than salem (no work, no family)
or simply suiciding the char, that is something that could be easily fixed this way and make TbC at least a bit more balanced for now.
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Re: TBC and stocks revamp

Postby Chrumps » Sat May 12, 2018 9:13 pm

See, I was once on the receiving side of TBC and I even managed to ko the accuser in the first round. The problem is at this point I was locked in within walls, while the guy respawned to nearby homestead and he was regening while I was not.
You can guess the result.

The problem is any structure can be walled in given enough resources. There is no good way to prevent accuser from walling in the tbc and locking the criminal without resources.
The idea with moving combat to a fixed arena in providence is to prevent the attacking side from shifting odds to their favour, also bringing friends to the combat is much easier that way.

The other problem is if someone decides to summon me at 4 a.m. my time I am going to sleep well and ignore the attack. That leads to either changing the game or accepting the game of alts and 95% death rate in criminal alts or to ignoring pvp.
That's why the proposal was to let accused side to choose the time of fight. I believe there is enough players here who would happily pick a fight with a criminal waiting in the arena, no matter if they were involved in setting the TBC or not.

@Riffmaster: I wrote that winning the arena will destroy that particular scent. I also wrote about 24 hour timer to summon. It should be also not possible to run 2 TBC on the same criminal at once. Anyway I do not see how one would be summoned 15 times a day. I agree with being summoned once per 24 hours on the condition that there was more than one scent dropped.
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Re: TBC and stocks revamp

Postby Rifmaster » Sat May 12, 2018 10:30 pm

Chrumps wrote:
@Riffmaster: I wrote that winning the arena will destroy that particular scent. I also wrote about 24 hour timer to summon. It should be also not possible to run 2 TBC on the same criminal at once. Anyway I do not see how one would be summoned 15 times a day. I agree with being summoned once per 24 hours on the condition that there was more than one scent dropped.

It's still a lame system and it wouldn't feel right if it was implemented. It would be gimmicky, probably abusable, and would take more time to implement than just making it lock a leanto.
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Re: TBC and stocks revamp

Postby Taipion » Sat May 12, 2018 11:56 pm

Chrumps wrote:It should be also not possible to run 2 TBC on the same criminal at once.

That would allow you to TbC yourself and block others from doing so. :P
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Re: TBC and stocks revamp

Postby gorniksam » Sun May 13, 2018 12:33 am

lol wtf xd
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Re: TBC and stocks revamp

Postby nosfirebird » Sun May 13, 2018 8:21 am

would never be put in dev wants ppl to waste time on exp and just pve on prov doing tedious chores over and over. jc alrdy stated to me that prov is pve and expeditions are pvp its why majority of people have left the game its gone from hardcore pvp to pve
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