Decreasing madness on extreme earlier game

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Decreasing madness on extreme earlier game

Postby frait » Sat May 05, 2018 11:16 pm

Am playing about two weeks and two of my mains was died. No problem, I had fun from it. Now, I have created new char and new village in a hope to have fun solo on early game. I am readed wiki article about madness.
And I tried to keep madness on 0. No lick, no squirrel's necks, no frogs legs and etc. Am studied something periodically and collected flowers. I got 5 level on next day. More because am played many hours.

ok, its nice mechanic to feel survival. But what's a way I have now? Teddybear or tobacco as I found. Something more, maybe?
Am created new char and collected rabbits skins to buy teddybear. Main char slept two days with bear in left hand with no effect. I suspect, he should sleep at least 8 hours without a break. And I am sure, he did it, but madness the same. I am logging main only for food and study once per day.

I see unshredded tobacco leafs on market. Its cheap enough. If I will ask somebody in city, he can shred it for me? I found no info on wiki, how it can be done and how many leafs is required.
shredded tobacco is too costly to buy it on market.

What is the ways I have on early game to decrease madness? And why teddybear has no effect for me?
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Re: Decreasing madness on extreme earlier game

Postby grapefruitv » Sat May 05, 2018 11:27 pm

There are two most likely reasons for your madness to be raising too fast:
1. your teddy is cursed
2. there is a hanged man exploration event near your place, you are being exposed to insanity every time it is loaded

To craft shreded tobacco you need 12 leaves, but you get 3 pieces of the stuff. Not sure by which skill it is unlocked, but I assume it's tobacco planting, which is pretty advanced skill for a beginer. If you will ask around, players will likely help you to craft it.

Milk is another thing useful against madness. While is does not decrease madness levels, drinking it can remove or atleast slow down passive insanity gain. You would still accumulate insanity from undesirable actions or sights.
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Re: Decreasing madness on extreme earlier game

Postby frait » Sat May 05, 2018 11:43 pm

1. madness still the same. As I found, cursed teddy should increase it.
Not sure about 2, how close it should be to my home? I walked too much around to find something for salvage. Nobody live near me.

Unshredded tobacco leaf is 20 silver. It mean 80s per puff of high quality. My cotton will be ready soon and will buy it. Thanks for info, because leafs will be better, than 125s per puff of ready.
I didn't knew about milk even.
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Re: Decreasing madness on extreme earlier game

Postby Memento » Sun May 06, 2018 12:00 am

There is always the possibility that the developers raised your madness. They have been known to increase a players madness every now and again.
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Re: Decreasing madness on extreme earlier game

Postby frait » Sun May 06, 2018 12:47 am

Nice, if so. It can be funny, if developers do cheats and jokes.
I forgot about a smoking in city. But this way is not so accessible on early game too. I have suit with only +120 to affluence yet. As I found on youtube, 225 is needed.
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Re: Decreasing madness on extreme earlier game

Postby Taipion » Sun May 06, 2018 2:29 am

frait wrote:Nice, if so. It can be funny, if developers do cheats and jokes.
I forgot about a smoking in city. But this way is not so accessible on early game too. I have suit with only +120 to affluence yet. As I found on youtube, 225 is needed.

A set with enough affluence to enter the den is dirt cheap, you only need some sterling geodes and cheap cloths, few hundred silver total at most.

Or you could try to get some trade orders done and get IOUs for a lvl 2 necklace, but the affluence set is definitely cheaper and faster to get.
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Re: Decreasing madness on extreme earlier game

Postby frait » Sun May 06, 2018 2:43 am

Yes, thanks. I have only two of geodes right now. More because my alt focusing on agriculture, do only smelting operations and miners main is sleeping. No sifting mean not so many stones for chip and not so many geodes.
Ok, this is possible way on early game.

I want to ask more about 'How well it balanced'. Too sorrow will be know, if you need something from late game to decrease madness, what you are getting on first day. In conclusion, a way is exists. On first day, while I had no village and did only long walking+foraging, I had about 600s from necklaces. This is enough to buy teddybear and tobacco even for new player. For first week on your new village this is possible too.
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Re: Decreasing madness on extreme earlier game

Postby rodneymillerpca » Sun May 06, 2018 3:27 am

If I have read this correctly all the way through. I do believe you are getting madness from "Butchering and skinning Animals with your bare hands adds insanity" Get a hunting knife if this is the case. I have been here only a few months. Although have not died yet. I have been knocked out a few times. Salem is a learning curve, however the wiki, forum, and personal experience are great teachers. There are also a few here as you see that are very helpful when you ask a question on the forum. Also in the forum here is a trader/pawn shop/ crafter that helps. I have not personally dealt with him/her, However it may be something to look into for you.
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Re: Decreasing madness on extreme earlier game

Postby frait » Sun May 06, 2018 7:00 am

Thanks. You are right about bare hands. I had no knife on first day and butchered few beavers and rabbits. Madness was increased later and I had no thinks about it. Am read it on wiki, but 'nothing will happen from few corpses only'. I have read wiki/forum and understand game mechanic, rules of interactions and base things. Wiki not so full yet. For example, I found today, worms only copy purity from cabbage leafs. Like swords from wetstone. On first look, I waited purity will increased a bit from each plant, what they consume in box.
Thanks, I will try to use trade service. Want to barter few steel from pig bars.

Yeah, nice to known. Its sorrow, if developers come to your game not for jokes or fun. But I am not surprised. Small team, their own world with existing donate. Its not a blizzard or CCP, what we should even wait?
Imagine, you are write me: 'pss, I want to have sword with +5 more dps and yellow regeneration bonus, I can transfer $300 to you directly right now". It mean, I can do something real for myself from nothing. How long I should think about?
In standalone client, anybody can check items database. But on this web based client, even text come from server. No problem to make this sword, what will converted to common if dropped.
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Re: Decreasing madness on extreme earlier game

Postby WeebKiller » Sun May 06, 2018 7:40 am

frait wrote:Hello.
Am playing about two weeks and two of my mains was died. No problem, I had fun from it. Now, I have created new char and new village in a hope to have fun solo on early game. I am readed wiki article about madness.
And I tried to keep madness on 0. No lick, no squirrel's necks, no frogs legs and etc. Am studied something periodically and collected flowers. I got 5 level on next day. More because am played many hours.

ok, its nice mechanic to feel survival. But what's a way I have now? Teddybear or tobacco as I found. Something more, maybe?
Am created new char and collected rabbits skins to buy teddybear. Main char slept two days with bear in left hand with no effect. I suspect, he should sleep at least 8 hours without a break. And I am sure, he did it, but madness the same. I am logging main only for food and study once per day.

I see unshredded tobacco leafs on market. Its cheap enough. If I will ask somebody in city, he can shred it for me? I found no info on wiki, how it can be done and how many leafs is required.
shredded tobacco is too costly to buy it on market.

What is the ways I have on early game to decrease madness? And why teddybear has no effect for me?

Probably your Teddy Bear is cursed by a witch. Also try to find Orange Easter Eggs and sew it to oe of your clothes. Then you will be able to enter to the Puffing Place (ask to someone for its location). If you enter it puff one of the Puffing things for 7 SECONDS and u will get 1-madness.
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