Patch 2.2.4 Witch way? This Way!

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Re: Patch 2.2.4 Witch way? This Way!

Postby JohnCarver » Tue Jan 30, 2018 10:14 am

You will not hunt witches by raiding. You will prosecute them in town. The goal is to keep the WitchCraft mechanic and Combat mechanics in Salem as separate as possible.
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Re: Patch 2.2.4 Witch way? This Way!

Postby Nsuidara » Tue Jan 30, 2018 10:21 am

JohnCarver wrote:You will prosecute them in town.

Can you explain more details? What you mean? mean about basic "concept" ? i will glad hear
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Re: Patch 2.2.4 Witch way? This Way!

Postby Chrumps » Tue Jan 30, 2018 10:44 am

JohnCarver wrote: Either way I think its reasonable that pilgrims can do 'some' stuff to cause a chance for a witch to fizzle her curse.

This, though I would like more the word 'backfire'.

JohnCarver wrote:Witches can peer into their bases with a magic mirror, and an eyeball. So hanging out in your base is a sure way to get cursed.

I do not know details of the mechanics but maybe that will work as 'lurk around bases and wait for an opportunity'
What about a base where most of things happens in locked buildings or underground. The window of opportunity becomes small.
What if a witch has no knowledge about existence of particular characters and places.

JohnCarver wrote: But again this is going the wrong way because I want players to focus on finding out who is doing it to them, and prosecuting them, more than they focus on the prevention side of it.

You need to offer a huge carrot with some stick, to ensure people will want to travel all their chars to Providence. That would also introduce some cost of having multiple alts which is good.

Make it so everyone has to see the priest once in a while or else he can become a victim of a targetless curse, which randomly chooses a target from everyone online.
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Re: Patch 2.2.4 Witch way? This Way!

Postby MaxPlanck » Tue Jan 30, 2018 10:46 am

I assume it will be "somewhat" like the stocks where you get scents of witchcraft after being cursed but...if the witches can curse you via eyeballs/magic mirrors trance state or w/e then you won't even know who was cursing you to begin with and if you need to accuse a specific person that is not even on the actual "kins" and not just memorized then I don't see it even being possible to accuse a witch that does such things.

Tough to say with how it will actually play out mechanic-wise with such minimal detail on the subject.


Edit: I only ask this cause Chrumps mentioned hiding in the base to avoid being cursed but if a player can be cursed just because a witch peered in the base but the witch has no basis to curse with against that player if the alt was never heard from or seen by players beforehand as but a shadow unknown to all before the witch saw it.
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Re: Patch 2.2.4 Witch way? This Way!

Postby Chrumps » Tue Jan 30, 2018 11:18 am

MaxPlanck wrote:...

JohnCarver wrote: Numen is a thing on the test server

I believe the witches will get profits from cursing random players. No feud required.

And yeah, good point, stealth cursing does not generate the required conflict. We need some clues about who did the curse. False ones are welcomed too.
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Re: Patch 2.2.4 Witch way? This Way!

Postby goblin_babe » Tue Jan 30, 2018 11:43 am

how would one protect them selves? they would just delete there kin list i suppose :shock:
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Re: Patch 2.2.4 Witch way? This Way!

Postby Taipion » Tue Jan 30, 2018 12:39 pm

goblin_babe wrote:how would one protect them selves? they would just delete there kin list i suppose :shock:

[*main bases*] <== unicorn farts² ==> [trade/social baseses]

[main bases³]:
- contain only your own "work" chars, mains and such
- none of these chars has ever seen or kinned or whatever anyone outside these bases
- each base sports a generous perimeter to prevent anyone from looking inside by normal means
- no items move out of these bases (only in between them, if you have more than one such base)
- no items move into these bases (without processing them into other items first, or getting them yourself in the first place)

[trade/social baseses]:
- contains trade alts
- contains alts for "social" interaction of all kinds

*circle of witch-immunity

²does explicitly exclude travel/transport via Providence
³you will likely need to make those bases and chars from scratch to achieve these requirements

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Re: Patch 2.2.4 Witch way? This Way!

Postby matan002 » Tue Jan 30, 2018 1:01 pm

If im not mistaken, you don't have to have a homestead secret. Wouldn't this become the meta way to protect witches?
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Re: Patch 2.2.4 Witch way? This Way!

Postby gaxaro » Tue Jan 30, 2018 1:36 pm

Thank you devs for this great patch! :D
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Re: Patch 2.2.4 Witch way? This Way!

Postby Hose » Tue Jan 30, 2018 2:01 pm

Please implement diapers for the new ugly running animation
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