Congratulations to the KKKash warriors | Concord Statue N° 2

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Re: Congratulations to the KKKash warriors | Concord Statue

Postby gustavohvg » Mon Jan 08, 2018 10:28 am

So what this statue do?
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Re: Congratulations to the KKKash warriors | Concord Statue

Postby Nikixos » Mon Jan 08, 2018 10:36 am

gustavohvg wrote:So what this statue do?
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Re: Congratulations to the KKKash warriors | Concord Statue

Postby Champie » Mon Jan 08, 2018 10:37 am

gustavohvg wrote:So what this statue do?

Taken from the Popham Sneak Peek Thread
JohnCarver wrote:Greetings Salemites,
The time approaches for the brave and daring to embark upon the first expedition of Salem (June 19th)! This thread will serve as a guide for those who wish to gather a glimpse into the chaotic times ahead. The first Pilgrims have already reported back and have discovered an odd array of statues littered across the map which seem to offer an enticing set of benefits to those who would partake in prayer around them. A statue may be prayed to once per week, per pilgrim. However, it will be up to the Pilgrims themselves to regulate just who visits these statues, when, and how often. For rumors have it that the first 3rd Circle Witch who is able to pray to all the statues will bring forth an apocalypse unlike any other.

Without further ado:

The tenet of Frugality.

All things in nature are gifts from the Lord, intended for us to use if at all possible. Let nothing go to waste let you yourself be seen as wasteful! Waste not and want not, as it is as much as anything else a request of destiny to find yourself in want should you begin to trim gristle, to toss woodchips, to discard bones and the rest of the oft discarded bits. Savor the leavings, for one day they may constitute your supper if you squander yourself in excess.


Praying to the Statue of Frugality will reduce your Full & Fed Up buff by 1 week..

The tenet of Family.

Our closest connection and embodiment is those with whom we share house and home. Children are extensions of their parents, using the lessons taught them to influence the world around them. Parents are responsible for setting forth the appropriate lessons for their house to follow. It is in the home which these tenets spring, and to the home which them will eternally be reinforced if our way of life is to be had..


Praying to the Statue of Family will raise the inheritance bonus of your Pilgrim's Heir back to Providence by 5% Per Praying..

The tenet of Community.

We are judged most closely by those with whom we regularly associate, and divine judgement is no different. Keep careful watch on your neighbors, that they perform deeds and express beliefs that you yourself hold dear. Beware the outsider and forever keep close, current, and vocal those beliefs which your community should dedicate itself to. For it is the reflected light of the many unto itself that allows the eternal ray of righteousness to exist on and on, forever.


Praying to the Statue of Community will lower the Pilgrims Insanity and Madness to 0..

The tenet of Piety.

Godliness is next to nothing, for it stands alone, incomparable and unwavering. Truth in word and action, obeyance to the commandments set forth by the Lord, all matters of faith are to be obeyed without question. For in hesitation we find sin and hubris. We find a measure of thinking beyond us in questioning the divine, and are thus only safe behind the shield granted us by the church..


Praying to the Statue of Piety will grant a Pilgrim 10,000 Inspiration for each point of Faith and Wisdom they have..

The tenet of Diligence.

What are we if not vessels to work and be worked? Idle hands lead only to sin, and so it is the busy worker who is most devout. It is he who cannot spare a passing moment to thoughts of dark things, lustful things, heinous and blasphemous things, who finds himself in grace. Reap the wheat, shuck the corn, tend the fields, mend the cloth, carve the wood, but whatever you do, do not fail to do.


Praying to the Statue of Diligence will make you more efficient at working, permanently adding +3 to ALL proficiencies..

The tenet of Sobriety.

The temptations of this world we live in are so that a man unprepared, unsteeled against them, is regularly at the mercy of his baser self. All things in moderation allows us the opportunity to appreciate the moderate life. Pleasure on occasion. Pleasure as a rarity. Pleasure so seldom it is soon forgotten in place of the diligence of hearth, home, sweat, toil, and the embrace of the Lord!


Praying to the Statue of Sobriety will entirely remove the Quaffed & Quench buff.

Last edited by Champie on Mon Jan 08, 2018 12:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Congratulations to the KKKash warriors | Concord Statue

Postby RobertoKarlos » Mon Jan 08, 2018 12:25 pm

Mexicans cant keep secrets and are attention *****, always sharing offtopic pics.
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Re: Congratulations to the KKKash warriors | Concord Statue

Postby toddesloan » Mon Jan 08, 2018 3:22 pm

You can claim land over the statues? If so, that's pretty retarded.
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Re: Congratulations to the KKKash warriors | Concord Statue

Postby grapefruitv » Mon Jan 08, 2018 3:29 pm

toddesloan wrote:You can claim land over the statues? If so, that's pretty retarded.

You can't claim over the statue itself. Only area around it, but there always will be a few tiles gap surrounding a statue.
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Re: Congratulations to the KKKash warriors | Concord Statue

Postby Hose » Thu Jan 11, 2018 11:59 pm

White discord DISGUSTS me
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